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Listener Q + A
Listener Comment -
mark of the beast? Tsiyon Answer - mark of the beast?
Thanks for your
question about the "mark of the beast" of Revelation 13:16-17.
Here is what those verses actually say:
He causes all, the small and the great, the rich and
the poor, and the free and the slave, to be given marks on their
right hands, or on their foreheads; and that no one would be able to buy or to sell,
unless he has that mark, the name of the beast or the number of
his name. Rev 13:16-17 It is commonly believed by many that "the mark" will be
in the form of an electronic chip implanted under the skin, in
one's forehead or hand, which will function something like an
RFID smartcard or barcode. In this scenario the chip will
indicate the allegiance of the person to the "beast" - the
anti-messiah himself. Having the "name" and/or "number" of the
beast is analogous in this scenario to having the certification
of the "beast" imprinted as data within the electronic "mark,"
identifying the party who has accepted the "mark" as belonging
to the "beast." This mark will be required to buy or sell within
the global "beast" system that will then be in force. To receive
the mark equates with worship of the "beast" so must involve
some act of worship as a condition of receiving the mark (Rev
16:2, 19:20). This will likely be in the form of a pledge of
allegiance or oath of allegiance to the "beast" as one's god, as
a condition of receiving the mark. All those who bow to the
pressure to receive the mark will be eternally damned (Rev
19:20). The Overcomers will NOT take the mark, and will be
blessed as rulers of the Millennial Kingdom (Rev 20:4). Listener Comment -
Tsiyon Answer -
Paul, a Pharisee? But when Paul perceived that the one part were Sadducees and the
other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, “Men and brothers,
I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees. Concerning the hope and
resurrection of the dead I am being judged!” Act 23:6 Paul saw that the only way out of this rapidly deteriorating
situation was to divide the court against itself. This was a
brilliant strategy, given the circumstances. In this context
Paul observed that the Council was composed of Sadducees and
Pharisees. A defining difference between the two was that the
Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection of the dead, while
the Pharisees did. Here, Paul puts on his Pharisee hat and
declares that he is being judged as a Pharisee over the issue of
the resurrection of the dead! The strategy worked, so that the
Pharisees defended Paul on this issue against the Sadducees,
effectively causing gridlock of the court. (Acts 23) The son of a Pharisee - What was the name of his father is not
known. But the meaning is, simply, that he was entitled to all
the immunities and privileges of a Pharisee. He had, from his
birth, belonged to that sect, nor had he ever departed from the
great cardinal doctrine which distinguished that sect - the
doctrine of the resurrection of the dead. Compare Phi_3:5.
From Eliyahu
As the Four Horsemen of Revelation advance their ride
toward Tribulation such as the world has never seen, anxiety
and fear grip the hearts of many. The bondslaves of Messiah
need not be among those who are fearful of the future! They
need not fear the "mark of the beast" since, well before
that mark is offered, they have something else inscribed
upon their foreheads, sealing them as belonging to YHWH.
They have His NAME upon their foreheads! That name means He
accepts responsibility for them as His own possession. Here
at Tsiyon, as in this week's program, we speak of those
things prophesied to soon occur. We speak of those things,
not to cause anyone to fear, but to help you prepare for the
future. We all need to prepare, practically so far as is
possible, but more importantly, we need to prepare
spiritually. Now is the time to take the mind of Messiah as
our own, and to put His Kingdom first in our lives. So long
as we do this, anti-messiah and his cursed mark not
withstanding, we shall have all we need. Stand firm then, in
the strength of His might, and you shall see the
magnificence of His Glory, manifested in this world through
Shalom, |
70 Nations #277 Tsiyon Paradigm Shift #261~ Latest Book! ~
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