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  Tsiyon News

Tsiyon Messianic Radio Newsletter - Vol 6.51 - 9/28/6011 TAM - 12/23/11 AD

After "Go!"
Report on events since the "Go!" message.

Tsiyon report on events
since the prophetic words
given in program
#306, #307 and #308.

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"Out of Tsiyon,
the perfection of beauty,
God shines forth"
Psalm 50:2

Tsiyon News

Read - Announcing: Judgment Day

Listener Comments - Seeing the Kingdom
   I've been listening to you for about a year now and I'm convinced the Lord guided me to find you on the radio as I was traveling back from Louisiana to Alabama. It was maybe weeks after I just had, what I thought at the time, a strange desire to know what the Jewish people where saying about Jesus as Messiah in this day and age. Then, for another, what I thought, strange reason I found you speaking on "coming out of Babylon" and I knew only a Jewish person would use such terms. I've been growing in a better understanding of God's Word ever since.
   I'm in a bible study at a Baptist Church and the teacher keeps stating that the book of Matthew and everything in it is only for the Jews and that there is no spiritual Kingdom to be recognized by the church in the present age. He stated there will only be a physical Kingdom when Jesus returns to the earth.
   Based on what I believe the Spirit of God has shown me, I believe there is a spiritual kingdom in which I'm a citizen now. I just don't know how to get him to see it or explain it in class. Am i wrong for thinking his eyes are not open and that's why he cant see or understand that there is a kingdom now? Its frustrating, but it feels like I see something that others around me don't see or get.
   Please share your understanding based on what scripture teaches. Thank you for your time and faithfulness to God and bringing new broadcasts. I'm always waiting for what's coming next!

Tsiyon Answer - Seeing the Kingdom

When Y'shua was on the earth He established His Kingdom, and He has been ruling His people as King ever since.

See the following program, and those programs following it, on the Kingdom:

The Scriptures are clear about the Kingdom. Consider this:

"..thanks to the Father, who made us fit to be partakers of the inheritance of the holy ones in light; who delivered us out of the domain of darkness, and translated us into the Kingdom of the Son of his love" Col 1:12-13.

Notice that it is the Father who delivers the believer from the domain of darkness into the Kingdom - and that the Kingdom is a present reality. You cannot move someone who is still in darkness into the Kingdom. Only the Father can do that. If they don't see the Kingdom that is because the Kingdom is not their experience - which means they are still in darkness. My question to you would be: Why would you, a citizen of the Kingdom, receive teaching from someone still in darkness? I encourage you to speak to the King about that.

Listener Comments - Seeing the Kingdom
 Thank you for taking the time to respond to my email. Ive been praying about knowing the Lord's will as it concerns my purpose in that bible study. The Lord had told me exactly what you said about why the teacher couldn't see the Kingdom.
   I've been "in church" most of my life and my eyes were opened to The Kingdom about a year ago and The Word has come alive to me. I'm understanding more and more about Yahweh's love for me and the more i learn, the more I don't want anything to do with this world.
    I just have this feeling that the Lord is preparing me for something.
   I thank Yahweh for Tsiyon and I pray for He will continue to use you and Dawn to reach the remnant as well as share the Truth from a Hebraic point of view to give understanding and guidance as other members of the body of Christ prepare for His return.
  I can't wait to hear the new message every week.

Tsiyon Answer - Seeing the Kingdom

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.  Nobody sees the Kingdom who isn't specifically transferred into it, as you have been. Surely YHWH is preparing you for your unique and special place in His Kingdom.

Many blessings to you, as you continue following the King.

Listener Comments - Jacob or Abraham
 Why does it say in Genesis 33:19 that Jacob bought the field from the sons of Hamor but in Acts 7:16 it says that Abraham bought it?  And if I can ask another short question: What is Sh'khem today? 

Tsiyon Answer - Jacob and Abraham

Thanks for your question about Shechem. What the inspired record seems to be telling us is that the Shechem site was purchased twice, once by Abraham and later by Jacob. The Scriptures do not explain why the same site was purchased twice. Here is a speculation. There is evidence in Scripture of some bad blood between Jacob's family and the men of Shechem (Genesis 34). It is not inconceivable that Shechemites fraudulently reclaimed the property for themselves at some point after Abraham's generation, holding it hostage to get more money out of Jacob later. Property scams like this happen today, so something like this could easily have happened then. Other scenarios could be offered, but the point is, there is no reason that some circumstance could not have arisen to require Jacob to purchase the site a second time.

Some interesting modern-day history of Shechem can be found here:

From Eliyahu

Step into our living room, kick off your shoes, and relax with your Tsiyon family. Our latest program is an informal discussion between members of our local Tsiyon team sharing what we have been experiencing directly with you, our Tsiyon partners and friends. We have had many unusual things going on at Tsiyon since the "Go!" program was released, and that is what we are sharing with you. Really, some of this is truly amazing news!


Eliyahu ben David

On The Road To Tsiyon

In this issue
Recent Programs

  • After “Go!” #312
  • Death or Deliverance #311
  • Chariot at the Temple #310
  • Your High Places #309
  • Go! #308
  • Compass from the Ashes #307
  • Compass in the Ashes #306
  • More Kingdom Treasure #305
  • Kingdom Treasure #304
  • Eternal Kingdom of Messiah #303
  • Messiah’s Sukkot Birthday #302
  • Chariot on the Move! #301
  • The Chariot of YHWH #300
  • Jerusalem a Burdensome Stone #299
  • Remember Lot’s Wife! #298
  • Tsiyon Through The Fire! #297
  • Washington Shaken Not Stirred #296
  • Cracks in America #295
  • Come Out! #294
  • Afterthoughts on Revelation #293
  • Politics and Prophecy #292
  • God’s Great Clock #291
  • Sky Signs Interview #290
  • Israel & NWO in Prophecy #289
  • Tsiyon Double Hitter #288
  • New World Order Rising #287
  • Understanding Revelation #286
  • S. Denice Newton Interviews Eliyahu #285
  • Unrestricted Warfare Revisited #284
  • Flee from Idolatry! #283
  • Going Out #282
  • Seed of a Nation #281
  • Messiah’s Birth Year Chronology #280
  • From Adam to Abraham to You #279
  • War Against The Devil #278
  • Kosmokratoras Rule
       70 Nations #277
  • Messianic Triumph #276
  • The Babel Conspiracy #275
  • Mystery Priesthood Origin #274
  • Earthquakes a Sign #273
  • A Great Sword #272
  • Tsiyon Fellowship #271
  • Hell Followed With Him 270
  • Behold a Pale Horse! #269
  • Spiritual Portals #268
  • The Post-Diluvian Rebellion #267
  • The Rebel #266
  • From One Blood #265
  • Curse of Canaan #264
  • The Whole Creation Groans #263
  • After the Deluge #262
  • Tsiyon Paradigm Shift #261

  • Atlantis and the Deluge #260
  • Giants On The Earth! #259
  • Evidence of the Antediluvian World #258
  • The Nephilim Threat #257
  • The Antediluvian World #256
  • Two Mysteries #255
  • Iniquity in Paradise#254
  • Lucifer the Trader #253
  • Deceitful Injustice #252
  • The Restrainer #251
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    Good News Nugget - GREETINGS TRIBESMEN!!! This is "Wild Man" Dave from the Tsiyon Promo and Media Dept with exciting news for ALL of our partners and friends of Tsiyon. Eliyahu has given me this column in the weekly Tsiyon News to help equip you to share the Tsiyon message. Here you will find a Good News Nugget posted each week for you to put to work in Messiah’s service.

    The latest Good News Nugget follows:

    #10 Make a CD of your favorite On the Road to Tsiyon program and have it handy when you go to work or anywhere. It only costs a few cents and you can give the CD to anyone who expresses an interest.

    Email me at, so that we can work together in reaching the scattered remnant of Israel and/or for FREE Tsiyon cards. Shalom, "Wild Man" Dave


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