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  Tsiyon News

Tsiyon Messianic Radio Newsletter  - Vol 7.41 -  07/29/6012 TAM  -  10/15/12 AD

The Blessed Man - Gen 2

Adam's woman - The blessed man - Gen 2

Gen 2:21 YHWH Elohim caused the man to fall into a deep sleep. As the man slept, he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. 22 YHWH Elohim made a woman from the rib which he had taken from the man, and brought her to the man. 23 The man said, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. She will be called ‘woman,’ because she was taken out of Man.” 24 Therefore a man will leave his father and his mother, and will join with his woman, and they will be one flesh. 25 The man and his woman were both naked, and they were not ashamed.

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"Out of Tsiyon,
the perfection of beauty,
God shines forth"
Psalm 50:2

Tsiyon News



YHWH's chariot is moving and Tsiyon is moving along with it, making changes, in step with Him. We'd like to share with you about these changes so you can join in and participate with us.

Tsiyon Tabernacle - We've created and soon will be opening Tsiyon Tabernacle for new members. In the Tabernacle you can meet others from your area, join in online fellowship with other believing men and women, as well as enjoy access to the great resources within the Tsiyon archives. There are volunteers in the Tabernacle to help each other over technical hurdles, as well as offer prayer support, and fellowship. We have plans to expand the Tabernacle in the near future to host events for the Remnant within the Tabernacle. The purpose of Tsiyon Tabernacle is to provide a place for us to prepare for the Second Exodus together.

Tsiyon Road - We recently began broadcasting messianic radio 24/7 on the new radio station, Tsiyon Road. You can listen in via your cell phone, from our website, or various other methods. Check out the How to Listen link for more details.

Eliyahu ben David bet Midrash Torah Study - You can join us for the new Eliyahu ben David bet Midrash each and every Sabbath on Tsiyon Road. There are coordinating midrash study materials available for download here.

Some folks wonder how we determine Sabbath, and why. You can find our calendar here. Please note Sabbath begins with sunset in Jerusalem on that particular roman-calendar date and travels westerly around the world with the sunsets in each new time zone announcing the start of Sabbath for that area. Our broadcast schedule for Sabbath begins with Jerusalem's time zone. You can find more in depth info about the Sabbath at the following links (or from within the Tabernacle archive, too):

Holy Time Book Sample

Counterfeit Calendar #350

Keeping Yah's Appointments #351

Rest and Restoration #352

We know that keeping up with changes can be difficult. Realize that a lot more changes will be coming as YHWH prepares us for our return to the Land, so we all must make an effort to keep up. Please let us know if we can be of assistance with that in any way.

You can contact us by emailing,

by phoning 888-230-2440,

or by postal mail at:

Tsiyon A130-425
5701 W Slaughter LN
Austin TX 78749

Eliyahu ben David Bet Midrash

This Midrash

The Blessed Man

Gen 2 - Psalm 1

Tsiyon Road

On the road to Tsiyon

Yah’s Appointments Counterfeit Calendar
Touring Tsiyon Road

Tsiyon Reading Room

Hidden in Plain Sight

Focus on Israel


Pass It On

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From Eliyahu

YHWH's wisdom is great. I see that so clearly in the new Eliyahu ben David Bet Midrash. Through this in-depth Torah Study YHWH is opening our eyes to areas where we have been deceived by the world, and through His Torah, He is changing our hearts and minds to conform to His own. This must be done to set us free from the lying mind of "Egypt" that we may be vessels of His truth, as His nation, fit to return together to His Land. Some have found our very first Midrash to be life-changing - and we are just getting started! Keep up every Shabbot. Make it a priority. If you are serious about returning with the Remnant in the Second Exodus, you will be blessed by these studies. Our latest midrash deals with Bereshit/Genesis 2 and focuses on receiving the blessing of YHWH. You want that, right? I know I do. In this midrash YHWH sets out from His Word important requirements we must meet to receive His highest blessing. Join us on Tsiyon Road for one of the eight free broadcasts of this message over the course of October 15 and 16 for this vital word.

Shabbot Shalom!   

Eliyahu ben David 


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