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Passover, Blood Moons, and Big Changes at Tsiyon! The graphic above is from our Tsiyon video dealing with important sky-signs, including the tetrad blood moons. Just click the picture above to get to the free video. Right now you are seeing news about these blood moons everywhere, even in the popular media. A brief Google search of the subject just brought up these links, CNN, Weather Channel, Space.Com and many more. Tsiyon has been talking about the "Tetrad" events and what they mean for at least the last seven years - even if the mainstream is just catching up now. Here are some of the Tsiyon programs that deal with various aspects of this prophetic topic: This brings us to present realities. The first of the Tetrad moons will occur on the upcoming Passover, which begins on the evening of April 14, this year. As I have been saying for years, these Tetrad moons likely mark a change of Biblical proportions for Israel, probably a war that will spell disaster for Israel's enemies and a new era of strength and prosperity for Israel. The event heralded by the Tetrads could occur at any time during the Tetrads or shortly following thereafter. This change of circumstances for the State of Israel could bring about a new geo-political climate to make way for the return of the scattered remnant of Israel from all of the nations of the world to which they have been scattered - this event is prophesied in Scripture for the last days, often called the Greater Exodus or the Second Exodus (Jeremiah 23:7+8). Preparing for the Mission Here at Tsiyon we have been battling the enemy to get into strategic position before these upcoming events and, frankly, we have had setbacks to overcome. Not the least of these was the fire that burned up the Tsiyon Headquarters in 2011. At that time we were just about to bring a new building online that would have been a platform for greatly expanded service to the Remnant, including interactive live streaming video. All of that was lost to the enemy in the fire, as we then found ourselves under pressure to make up for lost time. We countered that punch with the Tsiyon Road radio station in 2012 and this has been a great success. [For more about the fire and what came out of it, listen to the free programs provided at the bottom of this page.]
Yet, our need for an adequate platform for our mission to the Remnant has not relaxed, but only increased as the significant years of 2014/2015 approached. In 2013 the Tsiyon Team, once again, started work on our Tsiyon Headquarters. As the new Hebrew Year of 2014 began, we were working like beavers on the property. We've been joined by some of our Tsiyon Partners for Passover, who are also helping with the project. Here are some pictures to give you an idea of what is going on here at Tsiyon, right now. To the left, we have this picture of Brother Tony from Tennessee installing carpeting in our new Tsiyon Tabernacle here in Greater Austin Texas. Thank you Tony - the carpeting looks awesome! This picture gives you some sense of what the Tsiyon Tabernacle sanctuary will look like when completed. We all worked at prepping this area for finish work, including setting the pillars you see in the picture. Most of the wallpaper was done by Kathy and Abby, and there is still a bit of that left to be done. It looks good in the picture, but way better in real life! Why all the work on this? The building provides space for the local assembly, but will also be set up for live video streaming of meetings so that members from all over the world can participate too! We believe this building is an essential platform for the Tsiyon message, especially for gathering and organizing the Remnant, in the momentous days just ahead.
As work moves ahead on the inside of the building, a lot is going on outside as well. Brother Gary and his family came down from Missouri with a load of furnishings to donate to the Tsiyon Tabernacle, and Gary also brought something else - his skid steer. You might wonder, what is a skid steer? Well, for those who don't know, it is a piece of heavy equipment that is capable of doing all of the landscaping you are seeing underway in this picture. Yes, Gary did all of that, and a lot more. That's Gary in the cab of his skid steer near the top right of the photo. As you can see in the photo, we now have a road coming into the Tsiyon property to give you access to our spacious parking lot, when you come to join us for Passover, Sukkot, or other special events here at Tsiyon! Brother Gary takes his Scriptures very seriously, especially this one:
Yes, I'm kidding, but only a little. When Gary gets behind the controls of his machine the earth moves, and that's no joke!
In the foreground of the picture you see my son Jacob working with one of the sisters to set a support for the deck. I'm not quite sure from the picture if that is Heather or Emily working with Jacob. Anyway, there is quite a large crew working on building the deck, including Shelia, Heather, Emily, Katy, and some of my kids, including Jacob, Judah and Abigail. The deck is an important part of the structure, providing outdoor space, and access to the Tsiyon Tabernacle by both stairs and ramp. The crew is doing an awesome job on getting this deck built! Friends, as Israel approached the first Passover there was a great sense of anticipation and practical preparations for the great changes that were just ahead. Similarly, here at Tsiyon we are approaching this Passover hard at work to be ready for the changes that will soon be upon us all. We've done a lot, but as the end is now in sight we find ourselves needing a substantial offering from the willing-hearted to enable us to complete this project. We've got some great help here. Now what we need are the necessary funds to bring this project all the way home. This is for all of us, to facilitate the gathering of Yah's remnant nation in these last days. Can you make a substantial contribution in the thousands of dollars? Now is the time. Can you send just a little, along with your prayers for the project? That will be equally welcome. To help us right now, when it is needed, please send your check to: Tsiyon [Please make offering checks to: "Tsiyon"] A130-425 5701 W Slaughter LN Austin, TX, USA, 78749
Passover, with the first of the four blood moons, is
just two days away. Perhaps you will have an
opportunity to see that Passover eclipse and to
contemplate on Yah's prophetic word for these days.
Perhaps you don't need that to know that these are
momentous times and great change is just ahead. It
is a time to draw close to the Elohim of Israel. To
recognize that He is in control, and to identify
with Him and with His nation, Israel. I pray that as
you draw close to Him this Passover, that He will
make Himself known to you and your family in a
mighty way. Blessings and Shalom! Eliyahu ben David ________________________________________________________ Tsiyon Road on Glorystar Satellite! - Channel 1013 Tsiyon Road Radio 24/7/365 Satellite coverage for all of North America, Canada and much of South America. Glorystar has made an equipment package available just for Tsiyon Road listeners. To find out more visit our special Tsiyon Road page at:
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©2014 Tsiyon A130-425,
5701 W Slaughter LN, Austin, TX, USA, 78749 You may leave feedback, prayer requests and donations online here. |