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This final Sabbath of the first month of the new Hebrew year is a great time to reflect on how this year has started, and what we see ahead for Tsiyon. This Passover, with its blood moon eclipse, being the first of a tetrad of blood moons stretching well into 2015, was certainly notable. We hope that your Passover experience this year was truly blessed. The highlight for us here at Tsiyon was the wonderful help we received on our building project from partners this month. Thanks to everyone who has been lifting the project up in prayer and/or sending funding to help with the project. Please keep doing more of that! And what about our partners and friends visiting this month? Tony, Gary, Janet, Emily and Katie all traveled hundreds of miles to come and work on the project! Thank you all so much for all you did! Together with our local crew, work on the project was advanced tremendously.
we still have more to do, with the help of our
traveling volunteers, we have finished the inside of
the building to the point where we are now meeting
regularly in the new sanctuary! Here Jacob, from the
sanctuary stage, blows the shofar introducing our
Sabbath meeting. To the right, on the music stage,
Dave prepares to begin playing some fabulous worship
Meeting here, for us, is like a dream come true. We pray that all of you will be able to join us here for worship soon also, whether by live streaming over the internet, or in person. Indeed, that is the goal we are steadily working toward every day.
While that work moves on, we also must keep Tsiyon Road radio up and running 24/7/365 on the internet and on satellite, as well as keeping the ministry moving forward on every front. Lately, I've been preparing for the next big emphasis of our EBD Bet Midrash Torah Study. Yes, next Sabbath we will release our first teaching from Vayikra/Leviticus. I've been preparing for our studies in this amazing book, and you should too.
Here's what I've prepared for your use for this study:
Eliyahu ben David Bet Midrash Torah Schedule -
Updated 4-27-14
Tsiyon Messianic Scriptures - Vayikra/Leviticus - New 4-27-14
Tsiyon Messianic Scriptures - Tehillim/Psalms - Book 3 - New
I also made further refinements on our translation of Exodus, consistent with our studies of that material in the Midrash. This is the listing for that:
Tsiyon Messianic Scriptures - Shemot/Exodus - Updated 4-27-14
You can download all of these files online from this page:
We offer all of this free of charge to you from the internet, including the resources listed here, and the Midrash itself on our radio station AND our radio station also! This is what we believe to be the best Torah series available for any amount of money - ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE TO YOU. We do not want economic problems to keep any of the remnant from having access to this material. So we offer it free.
Now when I say free, I really mean free to you, because we all know that nothing is free, right? There are hundreds of hours and a mountain of resources that goes into making this vital information available for free. We can all thank our Tsiyon Partners for each one shouldering a small part of the costs involved to keep this message going out around the globe. For helping us with those costs they deserve something - which is why those who share in the support of the ministry get some special features at our membership site at Partners, we appreciate what you do, and we are working on doing more for you from our new facilities. That's coming - and I think you'll love it!
But I digress. Back to our new upcoming study in Vayikra/Leviticus. This is one of the most misunderstood books in Scripture. Frankly, a lot of people just skip over this book because it deals with a number of very uncomfortable subjects. Churches generally pick a few choice verses out of this book and skip the rest - if they consider this book at all. In fact, even Jewish rabbis start getting defensive when Leviticus gets brought up. Yet, Leviticus stands right in the middle of the Torah. In a very real way it is the heart of the Torah revealing the heart of Elohim. I'm asking you now: Please download all of the materials and resolve to be with us for each lesson in Leviticus. We will not skip any verses! Your preconceived ideas will be challenged. From week to week you may not always like what you hear, but you will get to know the heart of Elohim on subjects as diverse as sexuality to what to do about mold. Our nation needs this, so don't miss it!
Blessings and Shalom!
Eliyahu ben David