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Leviticus 22:31-33 Listen FREE this Sabbath - Tsiyon Road Sabbath broadcasting begins Aug 17, 6 PM, Jerusalem time, and continues for 48 hours. The Midrash is broadcast 8 times over that period. | ||||||
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The holy angels are peering down from heaven, watching the unfolding spectacle. From their exalted vantage point and with a wider spectrum of vision than mankind they observe all the players, even those unseen to mankind, playing out the drama that is this final generation, the end of the age. The unseen world is well aware that this period is the focal point of all history, and both sides are determined to win and are working out the respective strategies of either side. The holy angels look at the earth and see something like the toxic smog that hangs over a large city - but actually filling the atmosphere of the entire globe. The power of the spirit of the air fills the atmosphere with an unholy vapor composed of unclean spirits through which the occupants of the physical word move and breath, literally inhaling and exhaling the loathsome demonic wraiths as they go. Like nicotine from tobacco smoke, the ignorant earthlings absorb the unclean essence of the unholy spirits: adultery, sexual immorality, uncleanness, lustfulness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, strife, jealousy, anger, rivalry, divisions, heresies, envying, murders, drunkenness, and all sorts of things like these are passed from the satanic mist into the human spirits of the unholy masses, shaping the thoughts, culture, and actions of the lost billions of living corpses - the damned and unholy masses of lost mankind. Like swamp-dwelling catfish who are so used to living in polluted swamp water that they don't even know it exists, the lost masses are fully and completely adapted to thinking, moving and acting within the foul unholy demonic soup they live in and move through. The truth is, they love it. You are either one of those deluded fools or you are holy - there is no middle ground. To be holy means to be set apart from that encompassing evil atmosphere by Divine power and by your personal choice. Personal choice alone can never make you holy. Although you may choose to separate yourself from some aspects of the hateful fog, other aspects are sure to pollute your soul. What you are up against is too powerful and too pervasive for you to ever hope to prevail on your own. Only by surrendering your entire being to a power that is greater than the unholy power that dominates this world can you be set apart from this world. YHWH has determined to have a holy people in the earth in these last days through whom He will show forth His almighty power. Only He could set apart a holy people in the midst of such an all-encompassing evil atmosphere, while protecting His people from its unholy influences. These He has determined to lead through the daunting challenges of holiness in an unholy world to a place of holiness and safety with Him. Y'shua Messiah defeated all of the unholy powers still dominating our world every day. Messiah alone can be your salvation from the pervasive influences of this world and its unseen masters, provided you choose to do EXACTLY what He says! Do you want to make it through to the end of this evil age without breathing in the poison that is constantly polluting the masses all around you? Then you must become a holy person, set apart to Y'shua Messiah, making the choices in your life that a holy person makes. A holy person must distinguish between that which is holy and that which is unholy and must treat each accordingly to remain set apart. A holy person must reverence holy things. "Holy Things" is the theme of our latest Midrash. Blessings and Shalom, Eliyahu Ben David
PS - Today there seems to be a major realignment taking place with the State of Israel in the Middle East. The article below has the latest details. Egypt, the Saudi block, PA President Abbas, and even Russia, seem to be standing together with Israel to lock down Hamas. This alignment is unprecedented and is aimed at shutting out Obama and the EU from protecting Hamas. Other considerations are involved. For Egypt and the Saudis, the purpose is clearly to bolster the position of the Sunnis over the Shiites in the ongoing Islamic power struggle. For Abbas, putting the brakes on Hamas opens the way for him to have greater influence in Gaza. Israel gets to stop the Hamas rockets while Putin gets another chance to stick his finger in the eye of Obama. In the short run this all looks good for the State of Israel, over which there seems to be some misplaced euphoria among Israeli leaders. This group is an unlikely alliance, however, and Israel may find that putting too much trust in the unholy group of players with whom they are aligning may eventually prove highly disappointing, if not outright dangerous. ________________________________________________________ Tsiyon News Website Updates - This last week we made major upgrades at Tsiyon.net for our Tsiyon Members. These upgrades include more than style changes, with major upgrades in functionality for mobile devices. We also are trying a new chat program, so let us know how you like it. Other changes are now unseen, but will come into play a little later. Our goal with the Member site is to have a robust platform from which we can conduct real time live interactive video meetings with our Tsiyon Members, that will work with as many different device types as possible. In other words, we want folks with mobiles and tablets to have live access to the meetings, along with those who use laptops and desktop computers. At the same time that we are working out the technical side on the internet, we are also installing the wiring, cameras, sound system and control room equipment in our Tsiyon building for broadcasting - and of course, once all of that is installed and working we will be faced with a daunting learning curve to harness the power of all of that technology in an effective way. Please continue to pray for the project. ________________________________________________________ A solid Netanyahu-Sisi-Abbas lineup confronts Hamas-Islamic Jihad at resumed negotiations in CairoReprint: DEBKAfile Exclusive Report August 17, 2014
A three-way bloc fronted the talks for a durable truce in Gaza when they resumed in Cairo Sunday, Aug. 17. debkafile’s intelligence sources report exclusively that Egyptian President Abdel Fatteh El-Sisi, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas have lined up in a solid phalanx against the Islamist Hamas-Islamic Jihad alliance.
1. To confront Hamas with a solid political-security front which is beyond its power to break. The foreign ministers of Britain, France, Germany and Italy meeting
in Brussels offered Friday to take charge of Gaza’s border crossings
and work to prevent illegal arms flows. The quiet shaping of this three-way alliance for resolving the Gaza conflict, by means of a sustainable cessation of hostilities, kept most of Israel’s and world media guessing, says debkafile. In the interests of tight secrecy, Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon chose to keep the rest of the cabinet in the dark as well, incurring loud complaints from ministers. The proposition the three partners have formulated puts Hamas and Jihad on the spot. The Arab world has abandoned them and their only source of funding is Tehran. So their choices are grim: Face an escalated war that Israel will fight until the bitter end, or swallow hard and accept the only proposition on the table which is tantamount to disarmament and capitulation. Their isolation is complete. The Egyptian, Israeli and Palestinian leaders have managed to cut Hamas away from any backing in Washington, Qatar and Turkey as well as blocking its path to Moscow. To encourage Hamas to choose the right path, the Israel Air Force is
cruising around-the-clock over Hamas bases and command centers in
the Gaza Strip, ready at a signal to switch to the offensive if the
Palestinian fundamentalists make the wrong choice in Cairo. ________________________________________________________ Need to talk to us? - In the USA and Canada just call us toll free at (888) 230-2440 for help. Internationally, email us and we will arrange a phone or Skype call for you. |
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