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It's very easy to keep track of the passing of months (Originally: "moonths") by the moon. Every moon cycle (moonth) is divided into four quarters of seven days each, with either one or two dark days at the end of the cycle before the next moon cycle begins. Usually the quarters are distinctively marked out in the appearance of the moon itself, so that, simply by looking at it, you can tell where you are in the month. This is how people, from farmers and illiterate laborers to priests and kings, tracked the passage of time for thousands of years. In fact, YHWH created the moon in the way He did to mark out the passage of time in the heavens, exactly as men used it from earliest times. This simple lunar time-keeping system for fixing days and months, based on observation of Yah's creation, is the time-keeping method given to Israel by YHWH, as found in the Torah. YHWH likes that lunar system because it keeps people connected to His cycles in His Creation, constantly reminding them of Him as the Creator. The Sabbath is an intricate part of that system, marking out the seven day quarters of the month, bringing us into unity with His time-cycles, always pointing us back to our Creator: "for in six days YHWH made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day; therefore YHWH blessed the Sabbath day, and made it holy." (Exodus 20:11) At this point you may be thinking; "Wait a minute here! I don't have a clue what the moon is doing ...and why should I care? I have a calendar on my wall to tell me what day it is! All this ancient history about lunar time is vaguely interesting, but irrelevant to me." What would you say if I told you that your calendar on your wall is part of a satanic plot to separate you from your Creator ..and that is why you should care?! The very fact that you don't know what the moon is doing, and that you are disconnected from Yah's way of marking out the passage of time, should tell you that something important has been robbed from you. I say that because, as you know, YHWH does not change. He is still operating according to the same time system He gave to Israel in the Torah. In fact, He has made specific appointments to meet with His people USING THAT LUNAR TIME-KEEPING SYSTEM. Besides His appointments, all of the prophetic days in the time-prophecies of Scripture, including those that are to occur in these last days - all of them are set according to Yah's original lunar time-keeping system. Not a single date mentioned in all of Scripture is set according to the modern calendar, hanging on your wall! To be fully up to date with what Yah is doing according to His prophetic schedule of end days events YOU MUST BE ON HIS HOLY TIME, IN SYNC WITH HIM. Yet, satan has managed to virtually erase all memory of Holy Time - even from the minds of most believers. This change came to us via the Romans via the fixed Julian Calendar with "refinements" later added by Pope Gregory in the calendar used globally today - the Gregorian Calendar. (Do you really think YHWH has abandoned His Holy Time in favor of the calendar of the Romans?) I know what some of you may be thinking: We still have the Jewish calendar to mark out the days of the Bible. Wrong! Through the entire Biblical period, including "New Testament" times, the Jewish nation did follow the Biblical system, setting their time-keeping by actual observation of the new moon each month. However, after Jerusalem with the Temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD, and the remaining Jews later rebelled against Rome again and then were barred from the area of what had been Jerusalem, and then were further dispersed - after all of that and more they finally gave in to Roman pressure to adopt a calendar that was in tune with the Roman system. Note this:
Of course, this fixing of a calculated calendar was an abandonment of the Biblical system of moon observation fixing the start of the months, yielding a difference of up to thirty days or more per year from the Biblical system. Along with a fixed calendar, a fixed Sabbath was also required, to keep Jews everywhere celebrating everything on the same day. The new calculated calendar system fit neatly into the Roman system, and required a "Sabbath" that would likewise fit into the Roman seven day planetary-god week. Thus, Saturday (Saturn's day a/k/a satan's-day) became the "Sabbath" day, which still works very neatly with the Roman system today. Over hundreds of years further refinements were made to that Jewish calendar until it finally took on its present form. After many generations what was once a heretical innovation became regarded as the "sacred" Jewish calendar. Bottom line: Even Jewish scholars know the Jewish calendar is not the same as the time-keeping of the Bible, so that this information is replete throughout their scholarly sources. This is not a problem for them, since they believe their leaders had the authority to adopt a new system. Therefore, they have readily admitted their calendar has changed, and that even their Sabbath has been changed from a lunar-based date to a continuous rotating cycle. Strangely, this leaves Christian and Messianic Saturday Sabbatarians in a pickle; telling us that the Saturday "Sabbath" has been kept in an unbroken cycle going all the way back to Creation, while Jewish scholars themselves admit that they have changed the Sabbath from its lunar-based origin - meaning it doesn't go all the way back to Creation! Of course, many Saturday Sabbatarians don't even know about this history, and if they did they would investigate the facts. Others though, do know, but can't or won't make the paradigm shift required by the facts. Why are those Saturn's-day Sabbatarians so tenaciously sticking to an unbiblical and untenable position? We can probably sum up the reasons in three words:
So where does all of this leave you? Right here:
Here at Tsiyon we get a LOT of flack over this. Frankly, our ministry would grow a great deal more if we would "go along to get along" and abandon our teaching and practice of Holy Time. We have chosen the harder road on this for one reason: because our obligation is to YHWH to teach and practice His truth, whether it is popular or not. Who do you think is more likely to tell you the truth, someone with a vested interest in the traditional position, or someone willing to turn away a larger following for conscience sake? No, that alone does not prove my case, but surely it is enough to warrant a serious hearing of the facts. We can provide that to you by means of my book Holy Time, and via my latest Midrash on Leviticus 23. Tune in, won't you? Blessings and Shalom, Eliyahu Ben David
PS - Lost truth rediscovered is often thought to be an innovative fantasy by the willfully uninformed. Detractors often say this about the lunar-based Sabbath. This only betrays their ignorance of the facts, since the original lunar-based Sabbath of the Israelites has been known to scholars for many years. Below we've included a few of the many quotes from reputable sources illustrating this fact of history. ________________________________________________________ Tsiyon News Website Updates - We recently made major upgrades at Tsiyon.net for our Tsiyon Members. These upgrades include more than style changes, with major upgrades in functionality for mobile devices. We also are trying a new chat program, so let us know how you like it. Other changes are now unseen, but will come into play a little later. Our goal with the Member site is to have a robust platform from which we can conduct real time live interactive video meetings with our Tsiyon Members, that will work with as many different device types as possible. In other words, we want folks with mobiles and tablets to have live access to the meetings, along with those who use laptops and desktop computers. At the same time that we are working out the technical side on the internet, we are also installing the wiring, cameras, sound system and control room equipment in our Tsiyon building for broadcasting - and of course, once all of that is installed and working we will be faced with a daunting learning curve to harness the power of all of that technology in an effective way. Please continue to pray for the project. ________________________________________________________ Historical Quotes: Israel Practiced a Lunar-Based Sabbath
________________________________________________________ Need to talk to us? - In the USA and Canada just call us toll free at (888) 230-2440 for help. Internationally, email us and we will arrange a phone or Skype call for you. | ||||||
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