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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
these last days I try to pay attention to small details. For example, in my last
newsletter I mentioned the Nephilim, reported on in Numbers 13. In that
newsletter I wanted to give you a bit more history on the migration of the
post-Flood Nephilim, and even included a map showing the location of various
tribes of Nephilim, namely the Rephaim, Emim, and Zuzim, who were located on the
west side of the Jordan ranging from west of the Dead Sea all the way up into
modern-day Lebanon and Syria. In fact, I'm including that map again here, to the
In January of this year (2015) I copied a news article I came across revealing news of an underground nuclear facility built by Israel's enemies in Syria in a place called Qusayr, with operational control in Damascus. In view of Bible prophecy, this could turn out to be very significant. See the article below, with my map there, and draw your own conclusions about that.
However, here is the little detail I find intriguing: The name of the nuke facility is the “Zamzam” project. Is it just me, or does this name sound a lot like the name of the Nephilim tribe, the "Zuzim"? In Hebrew, and other ancient languages of that area, vowels were often not written, and were very fluid when spoken, so are often interchangeable when translated into modern languages, including English. Also, a sister tribe, the Emim, are represented in English with two letter 'm' consonants, making "Zamzam" a possible combination of the two words for these two Nephilim tribes. When you take all of this into consideration, these words [Zamzam, Emim and Zuzim] are more alike than different, and could even be various forms of the same word. And what about the Zamzummin, another Nephilim tribe, which has a preponderance of 'z' and 'm' consonants? Zamzam could easily be a shortened version of that word. When you realize that the Nephilim tribes here mentioned ranged west of the Jordan all the way up into Syria, this becomes a spooky confluence of enemy influence: one stream of influence ancient and the other present day.
What does all of this mean? Time will tell, but it is noteworthy how hasatan has continued to work against the Kingdom of YHWH from this same area, from the beginning of his ignoble career until the present day, and how this can be discerned through subtle details that keep popping up in the ancient contested area - even as this primal conflict continues to rage in the headlines in these modern times.
Friends, on another note, or maybe the same flow - we are talking about a Turning Point in our Midrash this week. It is the reaction to the news about the Nephilim in the Land, that terrified the children of Israel, and caused them to turn away from trusting YHWH to give them the victory, and the Land. These events in Bamidbar/Numbers 13 and 14 document a disastrous turning point for the Exodus generation of Israel. By making the wrong decision, motivated by fear and unbelief, they managed to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory. That is the kind of turning point that none of us want to copy! Tune into this pivotal program today, and prepare yourself for a turning point of victory, just ahead.
Blessings and Shalom,
Eliyahu ben David
Assad said seeking nuclear weapons
with Hezbollah aid
Underground facility under
construction near Lebanese border reportedly being protected by Nasrallah’s
January 10, 2015
suggests that Syrian President Bashar Assad is building a secret underground
plant with the aim of developing nuclear weapons, Germany’s Der Spiegel news
magazine reported Friday.
The Lebanese terror group Hezbollah, which supports Assad’s regime in the bloody conflict in Syria, is guarding the secret project, it added.
Citing information made available by unidentified intelligence sources, Der Spiegel said the plant was in an inaccessible mountain region in the west of the war-ravaged country, two kilometers (1.2 miles) from the Lebanese border.
is deep underground, near the town of Qusayr and has access to electricity and
water supplies, the magazine said in a pre-released version of the story made
available ahead of Saturday’s publication.
It said it had had access to “exclusive documents,” satellite photographs and intercepted conversations thanks to intelligence sources.
Western experts suspect, based on the documents, that a reactor or an enrichment plant could be the aim of the project, whose codename is “Zamzam,” Der Spiegel said.
Syrian regime has transferred 8,000 fuel rods to the plant that had been planned
for a facility at Al-Kibar, it added.
In 2007, a bombing raid on an undeclared Syrian nuclear facility at al-Kibar was widely understood to have been an Israeli strike, but it was never acknowledged by the Jewish state.
Der Spiegel said North Korean and Iranian experts are thought to be part of the “Zamzam” project.
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