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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
We hope you have been having a wonderful Passover season. We have been having an amazing time here at Tsiyon.
about our Tsiyon Passover: We enjoyed our Passover in our new Tsiyon
Tabernacle building, which proved to be comfortable, functional and spiritual -
not to mention beautiful. To the left you can see tables set for Passover in our
Tsiyon Tabernacle sanctuary. People came from near and far to attend. One
brother came all the way from China!
Our actual Passover experience was very spontaneous, with lots of sharing on the part of many of our guests, making this a very personal and moving Passover for all of us.
We broadcast this spontaneous Tsiyon Passover live, over Tsiyon Road. The good news is: This was our first live Tsiyon radio broadcast! We are pretty jazzed about learning that we are now technically able to do live radio broadcasts and look forward to producing a lot more of them in the future. This first live Passover broadcast did present us with some challenges, which we are working to overcome in the future. Some of the audio levels were low, depending on the voice level of each spontaneous speaker, as well as how the individual handled the mic, which was passed around at the tables. This resulted in some difficulty for radio listeners, who probably missed some of the service when audio levels were too low. We are producing an edited version of the service with audio maximized, which is much easier to hear, though not perfect. We will be releasing this enhanced version of Tsiyon Passover 2015 to our Tsiyon Members soon. The edited version will be about 2 hours in length. I know you will enjoy hearing Messiah speak on Passover through members of His body gathered at Tsiyon Tabernacle.
TABERNACLE Dedication: We have worked very hard to complete the building of
the Tsiyon Tabernacle in time for this Shmita year. (To the left is a picture of
my son, Jacob, helping to install the new Tsiyon Tabernacle sign.) Now that the
building is completed, it needed to be dedicated to YHWH, and to the service of
Messiah's Kingdom. This involved a Tsiyon Tabernacle Dedication that was
presented over a period of three days. All of this was recorded as video. I
haven't added it all up yet, but we probably have eight to ten hours of video
from this event.
The kick-off for this event was presented the first evening of Unleavened Bread. This was the Hebrew day Israel actually departed Egypt, also the day the firstfruits of spring were waved before YHWH as a symbol of the resurrection of Messiah. This is a fitting time of new beginnings - truly a great time for Tsiyon Tabernacle to be dedicated and put into service. We started with a one-hour presentation called "Jerusalem, Shmita Years, and Shmita 2015." This first presentation gives us a time-context for this Shmita year 2015 from a prophetic perspective, offering insights on events that are ahead. I'm working on producing this for DVD right now and hope to have it ready soon. I know you will find this video presentation to be very timely, in the light of world events.
A unique part of this dedication event is a story told publicly for the first time. It is the story of The Tsiyon family in Texas, told by Eliyahu and Dawn, with over 80 slides. This is the back-story, if you will, that will give you new insights into what makes Tsiyon tick. The presentation gives you a chronological account of the Tsiyon story from 2001 to the present. The video recording of this segment alone is about three hours in length and will be released soon on DVD.
The rest of the program includes video recordings from ten more Tsiyon volunteers who offer moving testimonies of how YHWH touched their lives in the course of working on this Tsiyon Tabernacle project. Together, these tell an amazing story of how YHWH works through His people to accomplish His will in the world. I guarantee that these videos will connect with you in a unique way as you relate to the experience of each of these brothers and sisters, in the goodness and faithfulness of our loving Elohim.
These presentations, showing what led up to and went into Tsiyon Tabernacle, and the faithfulness of YHWH in bringing this to pass, were capped off by the Dedication of the Tabernacle itself. This was a deeply-felt moment in the lives of all who were present. We believe this was a historic moment for the Remnant, and we want you to be included in it. This was all video recorded so that we can share this entire event with you.
This is a lot of video for us to prepare and we are working on it. We will be posting the first hour video in the online Tsiyon Tabernacle today, and we will be posting more than that thereafter. However, the entire event involves too much bandwidth to post the whole thing on the internet in an adequate quality. This will take at least five, and maybe as many as eight DVDs for the entire event. We will be letting you know as soon as these are ready. If you wish to pre-order the Tsiyon Dedication DVD Set you may do so. Just send your appropriate offering and your address to the Tsiyon address at the bottom of this newsletter, and we will make up your DVDs and send them to you as soon as they are ready.
A crowning aspect of our Dedication event was putting our Tsiyon Tabernacle sign into place, indicating that Tsiyon Tabernacle of Greater Austin Texas is now open for Kingdom use! Here is a picture of how that looks, now, after the sign is in place.
We love you all.
Shalom, Eliyahu ben David