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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
The first month of the Shmita year of 2015 is already over, and we are now well along in the counting of the seven Shavuot (Sabbath Cycles) with only four left after today. The very next day after those seven Shavuot have expired is also called Shavuot, and sometimes called Pentecost.
Traditionally these seven weeks mark the period from the Exodus from Egypt to the Covenant at Sinai. Agriculturally, this marks the period from the first fruits of the barley harvest to the first fruits of the wheat harvest. Messianicly, this marks the period from the resurrection of Messiah to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the remnant believers in Jerusalem. In fact, on the feast day of Shavuot two leavened loaves of the first fruits of fine wheat flour were offered before YHWH. These two loaves are a picture of the two houses of Israel presented before YHWH at Sinai, forming them into a nation under the Covenant - AND - also pictures the remnant of the two houses of Israel who had accepted Messiah and who were gathered together in Jerusalem to receive the outpouring of the Ruach, the Holy Spirit, on Shavuot, forming them into the chosen faithful nation of Israel under the Renewed Covenant. This particular cycle of sevens, in each case, was a time in which a nation was formed and was ultimately commissioned by the almighty hand of YHWH. Surely, this is a significant time of year for the remnant of Israel who anticipate being formed into His remnant nation in these last days. (Lev 23:9-21, Joshua 5:10+11, Acts 2)
So, what do we do during these seven Shavuot?
During this period, the apostles gathered in Jerusalem to pray and supplicate:
All these with one accord continued steadfastly in prayer and supplication, along with the women, and Miriam the mother of Yeshua, and with his brothers. Acts 1:14
They were in the midst of a significant formative time, and they knew it. Prayer was in order, seeking to be ready, and to be right, when they would emerge in power to literally take up a whole new higher life together. These would be the witnesses to proclaim the meaning of prophecy fulfilled, and to gather other remnant folk into the new nation, the Kingdom, with them. These would be the pioneering leaders in the new Messianic move of Elohim.
What has Tsiyon been doing during this Shavuot period of 2015?
TABERNACLE DEDICATION: We began this seven Shavuot period with the
dedication of the new Tsiyon Tabernacle. This place was designed for a
more expansive purpose than a simple local meeting place. It is designed to be
an international hub of spiritual nourishment and direction for the scattered
remnant throughout the world. This building is a witness in itself to the fact
that YHWH is raising up the tent of David as His instrument to form the
scattered remnant of Israel into a distinct nation for His glory.
How can I say that? Because of the faith and commitment of the people who built it. This building was not raised up in the normal way. It was a vision from heaven made real on earth through the faithful and boundless works of faith of those who share the vision. These are ordinary people just like you. What makes them special is that they believe what the Scriptures say for these days, they believe what the Spirit confirms in their hearts that they are called to be a part of His remnant nation, and they have committed everything they have and are to the realization of these promises. These are heroes of faith, no less so than the pioneers of faith we all look to, as listed in Hebrews 11. Had these folks been there when Noah built the Ark, they would have been working right beside him!
Yes, I am proud of them, and I know you will be too, once you hear their stories.
HEAR THEIR STORIES: Each Sabbath from now until Shavuot, four in all, we will be playing testimonies on Tsiyon Road from many of these faithful remnant believers who helped to make Tsiyon Tabernacle a reality. We are publicly broadcasting these testimonies before the world and spirit realm as evidence - evidence that YHWH is gathering His remnant right now - evidence that, through faith expressed in works, we are part of that mission - evidence that Yah's prophetic Word toward the remnant is coming true now, and will be fully realized in this generation.
OUR HEAVENLY COURT CASE: I, and those who stand with me in prayer, respectfully place these testimonies as evidence before the Heavenly Court - Evidence that there are remnant people in the earth who are bondslaves of Messiah, volunteers, who are actively and freely working toward the fulfillment of all the remnant promises according to the Covenant, and whom, on the basis of the Covenant, their testimonies of faith, and the Lamb's Blood, are deserving of a ruling of acceptance from on High as Messiah's remnant nation. Indeed, many of the remnant around the world are even now hard pressed on every side, accused by the deceiver, afflicted among the nations. We present this case on their behalf. We pray the Court will find in behalf of these faithful ones, that the afflicted remnant will be released in this Shmita Year from afflictions resulting from the empty accusations of the enemy. That the afflicted remnant may receive a fresh wind of the Ruach, to be raised up in power from their afflictions, as overcomers - to go forth in power as witnesses in this dying world to Your mighty Name.
Messiah, You are the heavenly Judge. The Scripture says this of YOU:
The Spirit of YHWH will rest on Him:
the spirit of wisdom and understanding,
the spirit of counsel and might,
the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of YHWH.
His delight will be in the fear of YHWH.
He will not judge by the sight of his eyes,
neither decide by the hearing of his ears;
but with righteousness he will judge the poor,
and decide with equity for the humble of the earth. Isaiah 11:2-4also
YHWH says to my Lord: "Sit at My right hand Until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet." YHWH will stretch forth Your strong scepter from Tsiyon, saying, "Rule in the midst of Your enemies."
Your people will volunteer freely in the day of Your power; In holy array, from the womb of the dawn, Your youth are to You as the dew. Psalm 110:1-3
You Messiah, are the RIGHTEOUS JUDGE. We pray and supplicate before Your Court for the relief and release of Your afflicted Remnant, this Shmita Year, to the honor and praise of Your Name and Your Kingdom, and Your Father's Name. We, Your humble servants, await the righteous ruling that only You can give.
of our Tsiyon Volunteers at the Tsiyon Tabernacle Dedication
Friends, if you are in agreement with all of the above then please, pray and supplicate with us on behalf of the Remnant from now until Shavuot - also, listen to and share these testimonies of faith on Tsiyon Road.
Love in Messiah.
Shalom, Eliyahu ben David