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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
Here is news about the latest content that we have prepared for you:
Passover 2015 Recording
Passover of 2015 was especially noteworthy among Passovers here at Tsiyon. Not
only did we hold our Passover celebration at our new Tsiyon Tabernacle building,
back to back with the dedication of the building, but we also broadcast the
whole event live, as it occurred, on our Tsiyon Road radio station. This
was our first live broadcast ever. That alone is a triumph, even though the
broadcast was not as easy to hear for our listeners as we would have liked. For
this first time all we were shooting for was to broadcast a live raw audio
stream from our event, without any production enhancements whatsoever.
We did it this way because we didn't want anyone working in the control room and missing Passover, so we just made the necessary hookups and pretty much let the equipment broadcast whatever the open mic was picking up from the event. Granted, this turned out less than ideal for listeners, but it was a good start for live broadcasting and it did make a Passover connection with listeners.
Open Mic Pros and Cons
Now, an open mic is an iffy proposition, with advantages that outweigh the drawbacks. The big advantage is that any person present at the event who feels moved to do so is free to use the open mic to share what's on their mind. This encourages Messiah to flow through the body, with a spontaneous expression and move of the Ruach, the Spirit. This is what we want at most of our congregation meetings, since this is how Messiah can manifest Himself in a living way through His people. (I say "most" because there is also need for more structured meetings sometimes for appropriate purposes.) When those attending share according to how they are led by the Spirit for the edification of the body the net result is a tangible sense of how Messiah is present through His people in that event. It is alive in the moment.
The big drawback of an open mic is that someone may use the opportunity to get attention rather than actually having something uplifting for the group. In a more open kind of meeting this has always been a possibility, even in the first century, calling for discernment on the part of listeners. This is actually a good thing, helping the body to grow in using good discernment. (1 Cor 12-14, 1 Jn 4:1, etc)
Another drawback with an open mic is technical: not everyone speaks at the same volume or uses the mic the same. The audio stream from that can be a bit chaotic, with some parts too low to hear and other parts so loud it can be distorted. Then there are also background noises and other unexpected problems that can muddy the sound stream. While all of these problems intruded on our Passover sound stream, still it was well worth broadcasting and, even more so, recording.
Tsiyon Passover 2015 Recording
We were able to do some work on the recording to improve the audio quite a lot. It is still not studio-perfect, but it is much more pleasant to listen to than the raw audio was. The spiritual value of the content far outweighs the technical flaws in the audio that still remain, and we think you will enjoy listening to it - especially to the spontaneous testimonies of Tsiyon members who shared at the event. You will encounter a different way of doing Passover that we believe helps to make Passover much more accessible to the Israelite remnant returning from the nations. Give it a listen in the latest On the Road to Tsiyon program this Sabbath and see if something like this could work for you.
Another Tsiyon Tabernacle Dedication Video
We video recorded our entire Tsiyon Tabernacle Dedication event. With Passover, that's about 12 hours of videos! Our Tsiyon Team has been working everyday to get all of these videos ready for you. Our Tsiyon Partners can see one of the latest videos, an interview with one of our Tsiyon volunteers, at
I think you will enjoy seeing this interview with a Tsiyon volunteer who traveled all the way from China to be present for the Tsiyon Tabernacle Dedication. More videos will be released soon. If you are not a Tsiyon member we encourage you to signup as a free member here. If you are a free member, please consider stepping up to one of our partner levels, starting at just $12 per month. There are many benefits to being a Tsiyon Partner. If you need help with sign-up or have questions, feel free to call or email us (see the contact info below). We would love to make you a part of the team!
Friends, we are excited about the great new content that we are now able to provide from the Tsiyon Tabernacle. This is only the beginning! A lot more is coming, so check out these latest offerings to build up your faith, and stay tuned for much more from Tsiyon.
Love in Messiah.
Shalom, Eliyahu ben David