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New Tsiyon Video
How Emily Changed Her Life! - A few short months ago Emily, while still a teen, was so shy she was afraid to speak with anyone she didn't already know. This made life difficult and unhappy for Emily. Amazingly, that's all over now. How did such an amazing change occur so quickly? Not therapy. No doctors or therapists were involved. No hypnosis. No self-help books. No transcendental meditation or yoga either. Emily says that
Messiah intervened to make this remarkable change in her life. Meet Emily in this video and consider her story. If Emily changed her life so can you!
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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
morning I was in my car, getting a few things done before Sabbath. On my way
home I turned on the radio. Since it is Sunday morning there was a lot of
religious programming playing across the dial. I seldom listen to such programs,
but every now and then I will listen in my car just to see which way the wind is
currently blowing in the religious system.
I happened to come across a program where the radio preacher promised to be "preaching on" Ecclesiastes. I am very familiar with Ecclesiastes, with a fairly complete outline of the book in my head. Solomon, and others after him in his office, wrote the book. Solomon started out well, but later he was tempted by his great wealth and position, and devoted himself to his own riches and pleasures. Ecclesiastes chronicles Solomon's personal journey in which he, being among the great and the super-wealthy of the earth, indulged his every whim and desire, going after and attaining every earthly thing his heart desired. Ecclesiastes does not recommend that you and I do the same. You see, Solomon learned his lesson and repented of his gargantuan me-binge. His underlying discovery, chronicled in Ecclesiastes, is this:
Whatever my eyes desired, I didn’t keep from them. I didn’t withhold my heart from any joy, for my heart rejoiced because of all my labor, and this was my portion from all my labor. Then I looked at all the works that my hands had worked, and at the labor that I had labored to do; and behold, all was vanity and a chasing after wind, and there was no profit under the sun. Ecc 2:10-11
Yes, Solomon came to see that chasing after fame and fortune is a vain thing, of no real value at all. In the end, he came to see that there is only one pursuit of life that is of real value. Solomon put it this way:
This is the end of the matter. All has been heard. Fear Elohim, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man. Eccl 12:13
Yes, what life is all about is pleasing our Creator, rather than ourselves.
Well, the message of Ecclesiastes being what it is, when the radio preacher said he would be teaching from that book I had reason to be hopeful that I would hear a message eschewing worldly pursuits and lifting up the value of serving YHWH. Unfortunately, that did not turn out to be the message that was preached.
Soon, a few verses of Ecclesiastes, taken out of context, were used to support the idea that the "Christian" should have it all. Fame, fortune and pleasure in this life and eternal life with "Christ" when this life is over. It turns out, according to this guy, that it is not all about us pleasing God after all - it's actually all about Him pleasing us!
Isn't that special? Isn't that what people want to hear, offered up on a silver platter.
Unfortunately, though the claim was made that this was the message of Ecclesiastes, it was in fact exactly the opposite of what that book really says!
My little adventure with the wayward radio preacher and his deceptive message was a reminder to me of the tide this Tsiyon ministry is bucking. There are so many voices out there with a message more attractive to the flesh than you will ever hear at Tsiyon. Most will choose the deception over the truth every time. Most of the support will continue to go to the deceivers who are holding up the glitzy sign promising prosperity, but actually leading to oblivion. Messiah warned of this:
Enter in by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter in by it. How narrow is the gate, and restricted is the way that leads to life! Few are those who find it. Matt 7:13+14
The "broad way" - the popular way - leads to destruction. The vast numbers are headed there, not where we are pointing.
Messiah has told us that we need to be concerned with following Him, saying what He is saying - not about having a popular message. We are here for the few - the people who are looking for the narrow way that actually leads to life!
YHWH has sent us people like that. We are often amazed at the spiritual blessings that are displayed in their lives when they act on the things that we are teaching here at Tsiyon. The truth produces good fruit. We have real-life testimonies from some of these people that demonstrate lives changed for the better through serving Him. In fact, our latest program, being aired this Sabbath, highlights the testimonies of three different individuals who have humbly chosen to serve Him and have been blessed in doing it. These include a "senior" like me and a couple inspiring young people - people of all ages can do this. No marketing, no hype, no deception - just the simple truth of lives changed by obedience to the Divine Will. This simple honesty is refreshing and encouraging, in the midst of a world that never stops selling dreams that soon become nightmares. Listen to these examples of people who have acted on the truth and you will be uplifted and inspired by it.
Shalom, Eliyahu ben David