AGAIN THIS SABBATH! After an extended period of special programs we are
starting up our Midrash of Bamidbar/Numbers once again. We have created and
updated our Torah Reading Schedule so you can read the Torah Portion yourself
each week and be prepared for the Eliyahu ben David Bet Midrash on
Get the latest Torah Reading Schedule and other study aids at the website on this page:
Our new Tsiyon Truth Point Video: Why the Christian Church in America Cannot Survive Same-Sex Marriage
This new video documents the profound effect that same-sex marriage is having on the Christian Church system in America. We predict that the American Church system will completely collapse under the weight of the full assault that same-sex marriage is bringing in. This is huge. Please watch it and share the YouTube link with others.
An exclusive Tsiyon Members cut has been posted for donating Tsiyon members at
Click on the picture below to view the public version at YouTube.