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From Eliyahu
Greetings in Messiah, on this last great day of Succot!
This is just a quick word to say thank you to all of you who joined us for the
Daniel Seminar. All of us here at Tsiyon were blessed by your being with us for
this special event.
I know some of you missed parts of the seminar, but don't worry, we will be
making that available to you as soon as we get a chance to look at our recording
files to see what we've got and how we can best make this available to you.
Below is some of the feedback that has come in. I thought all of you might enjoy
hearing what others thought of the seminar.
Untill next time,
E, That 7th night was awesome. Thats all I can say. Great job with all
Wow, I am astounded by the Daniel Seminar! It was a lot of information, and a
lot of encouragement! I have seen my husband rise up this past week and become
more focused, more encouraged and more driven. I pray for all the men
everywhere! May they have ears to hear the Spirit. I also pray for all the
overcomers everywhere, may we continue on with our Ephesians 6 armour, just like
the awesome video at the start of the last two day's teachings. But mostly, I
pray we have the strength, drive and will to give our AWESOME Father YHWH
exactly what he wants in the coming years. Incredible!
Frankly, I'm needing a little break today, so I'm not writing a lot for this
newsletter. However, All of us have been very blessed by the messages you've
sent in about the seminar. I want you to know that we will be getting back to
you soon, and that we are praying for all of you.
Shalom, Eliyahu ben David
that. Praise be to Yahweh for revealing it to you.
For a long time I have sort of been in the background not doing a whole lot
in this work, but now over the past few nights I am starting to get a idea
of what Yah wants from me. I know that I must go back through Leviticus
again and soak up more of that teaching. Right now that is all I have thatI
strongly feel led to do.
I know now that I and my family are truly part of the remnant. My wife and I
even before the seminar have been really pressed to strengthen ourselves
spiutually and we have taken several steps to improve our spirtual walk.
Because of this I have seen our lives get better in many ways both
spiritually and physically. Now that we have these things in place and are
praying more and studying more we now want more and want to do more and be
stronger in Him. I guess what I am trying to say is that I wanted to know if you
had any details or ideas that we can implement into our lives to
grow stronger in Yah? We sincerely are looking to become great in His
nation and me being a man have an extra big obligation to be as close to Him as
possible so I can then strengthen my family. So if there are any things you
suggest I can do to build up in Him I would greatly welcome them.
Thank you E for your time and patience with me through the years we have
know each other. I am so happy to have met you and been given the chance to be
apart of your mission and to be apart of the remnant of Israel. Love to
you and your family.
Dear Eliyahu, every night it is more and more deeper, more eye opening, more
comprehensive. Some times it seems that our teeths will be kinked. You are good
predigestor (chewer?). We will need to listen to it again and again. Thank you
for your teaching. We sit here in the early morning astonished by the revelation
of Daniels prophecies.
I lost my breath. I am amazed from this night seminar.
Rejoice because you have the Torah on this last day of Sukkot.
New Partner: Yes! Thank You God! and Thank you Tsiyon for all this new hope and
clearer vision and opportunity to serve! and Thank you, our missionary couple
friends in Africa, for telling us in Maine, USA, about this site! :whistle: May
His praises be sung with joy before us! :cry: Ezek 9:4 Put me to work! I want to
visit! I can just visualize my daughter (single Mom) being baptized there? But
anywhere the Lord desires. ;-) so much Divine Convergence happening! :good:
Thumbs up. Look up. Thank You Jesus!
I’m on fire with heartfelt gratitude.
I’ve been able to catch a few days of the program this sukkot. There is a lot to
process and think about. Would you please pray in the Spirit over my family? For
guidance from YAH that I can lead my family and that I can overcome personal
battles. I don’t want to just believe in Messiah but to Live in him.
Hi E! I've really enjoyed your seminars and like you have shared, it does give a
sense of us all being together which is really a good feeling.