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Tsiyon Messianic Radio Newsletter  - Vol 11.22 - 02/21/6016 TAM  - 05/27/16 AD


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Eliyahu ben David Bet Midrash

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Every Sabbath


 United States of Sodom

Things have changed in America. This was once a country that honored the Creator in its Constitution and its laws. That was before the sodomites took over. How did this happen and what can the righteous do?

The time has come.

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“Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of YHWH is risen on you.
For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the peoples;
but YHWH will arise on you, and his glory shall be seen on you."
Isaiah 60:1, 2

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From Eliyahu

Greetings Friends,

A big holiday is coming up for satanists of "the satanic temple of Los Angeles" ("City of Angels") on 6/6/16. They will be doing a series of magic rituals that involve encompassing the entire city of Lancaster California in a giant magic pentagram. (Personally, if they can't prevent this spiritual assault, I would advise the good people of Lancaster that they might want to move out of the magic satanist pentagram.) The satanists say this magic is their way to "stand with the good people of the City of Lancaster and struggle for our constitutional right to individual liberty, freedom of expression and the separation of church and state in your community."

Yeah, right. That's what satanic magic is about - "our constitutional right" - that sounds better to Americans, but he really means human rights.

Don't laugh. So-called "human rights" have been the battle cry of satan and his minions since the devil "liberated" Eve in the Garden of Eden.

Every time he opens his lie-hole he claims to be liberating people from some oppression, enslaving them all the while. The devil has had a lot of success with that, but the sin, sickness and death - and all human suffering - that "liberation" has brought with it hasn't been very helpful for the rest of us.

You would think mankind would have this figured out by now, but no. Instead the humanists-occultists-satanists (all different names for the same philosophy), and everybody else under their spell, continue with this ploy in a big way.

When satanists talk about "individual liberty" and "freedom of expression" what do they mean? They mean their god, satan, should be held in equal esteem to your God, even if the God of Creation, YHWH Himself! While you have "individual liberty" and "freedom of expression" to worship your God according to His standards they should, of course, be free to worship satan according to his standards, even if his standards of worship include every imaginable immoral perversion - this is a simple matter of equality of human rights - or so they would have us all believe. Utter nonsense.

"Human rights" are just another lie of satan!

We've got God-given rights!

These are unalienable rights, because they come from the Creator - "all men are CREATED equal" - remember? Further, the Constitution recognizes our rights as originating in the Creator, not in the Constitution itself, or any human entity or organization. Nobody can change that, not even the Supreme Court of the United States. The Constitution thus elevates the Creator to His rightful place above all - in no way equal to the wanna-be "god" of this world worshiped by the satanists. That means the standards established by the Creator form the only proper boundaries of human behavior. To treat the standards and practices of satan as "equal" to those of the Creator is therefore unconstitutional!

The understanding of "Constitutional Rights" i.e. "God-given Rights" I've just explained can be seen in the history of the laws of the United Stated from its inception well into the 20th century. Many of the laws of the U.S. were based directly on Biblical Law, the law of the Creator. There is no contradiction here with the Constitution. Rather, civil law based on Biblical Law followed naturally from the fundamental foundations on which the Constitution was built. This is why, at one time, the Ten Commandments were posted in virtually every courthouse in America, since they were seen as the foundational laws of the Creator recognized by the Constitution.

Nothing illustrates this better than so-called "sodomy laws" as these existed in every state in the nation, and as they still exist in a dozen states. These laws were enacted to protect society from "unnatural sexual acts" - "sodomy" according to its general legal definition. These laws were enacted to uphold the written and natural laws of the Creator against sexual perversions and are necessary to protect the public, and especially children, from all forms of sexual abuse.

The Constitutionality of these laws was specifically upheld by the Supreme Court, only to be overturned later by the liberal Supreme Court of 2003. Of course, no human court can over-rule the Creator. Nevertheless, the doors were thrown open, beginning around the middle of the 20th century, to a massive program of social engineering that has all but wiped away the Bible-based sexual sanity of earlier generations. This sodomite program has transformed the United States from the only country in the world that honors the Supreme Creator in their Constitution and laws, to an entirely different country, a country more rightly called:

The United States of Sodom.

How did the sodomization of America happen and how shall we respond?

That's the topic I will be speaking on at tonight's live Sabbath meeting at Tsiyon.net at 8pm CST. I can't say I'm looking forward to talking about this, but its got to be taught, and its got to be heard.

Consider the subject matter and decide for yourself who in your family should hear this. You WILL be disgusted, but you will also understand what we are all dealing with.

Shalom, Eliyahu



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Satanists Plan to Celebrate 6/6/16 in L.A.

Satanists Plan to Celebrate 6/6/16 in L.A.

June is a time of celebration. Graduations take place. Father's Day is observed. And summer officially begins.

It's also when the Satanic Temple of Los Angeles has scheduled festivities for a revered day in the diabolic community — 6/6/16.

Yeah, you know what time it is, Black Sabbath fans.

The group, which has 12 members, says it's heading to Lancaster on June 6 to take part in a "satanic ritual," according to a statement. The schedule is secret, but the appearances will be designed to raise awareness of the religion, organizer Thuc Nguyen told us.

Co-organizers also include William Morrison and Ali Kellogg, Nguyen said.

Members of the sect also will be in Lancaster to support local Steve Hill, billed as the first satanic temple member to run for public office around these parts. He's vying for a state Senate seat.

"We will be hitting five different points around the city, performing various rituals," Nguyen said. "When we're finished it will all connect together for the magic hour around sundown."

A statement from the temple explains in more detail:

The Pentagram is a star with five points. Using GPS technology we will place the five points of the star so that the Pentagram will encompass your entire city. When all of the points are in place, the Pentagram is completed. Drawing this symbol around your city represents a solemn promise from us, the Satanic Temple of Los Angeles. We will stand with the good people of the City of Lancaster and struggle for our constitutional right to individual liberty, freedom of expression and the separation of church and state in your community.

Members also plan to deliver their Bible, so to speak, The Seven Tenets, to Lancaster city leaders...


Beasts of Daniel Surfacing 8 DVD Set Now Available!

We presented this Beasts of Daniel Surfacing Seminar live over 8 days of Succot 2015. It is a major video presentation which explains what is going on in the world around us right now from the standpoint of the Book of Daniel - and it forecasts where we are going. Viewers have called it "incredible" and "amazing".

The Beasts of Daniel Surfacing seminar is now available in this professional level production in a huge 8 DVD set. See the entire seminar, with extra content, optimized and enhanced for viewing using your DVD player, right on your TV! This will allow you to see many of the details you may have missed when watching the live presentation on your computer or mobile device. Present the seminar to friends and neighbors in your own home using this 8 DVD set!  

Receive your Beasts of Daniel Surfacing 8 DVD Set packaged in its own shrink-wrapped 8 DVD case with full color cover as shown. Suggested Donation for Beasts of Daniel Surfacing 8 DVD Set: $68 US or more, plus shipping and handling. Orders may be sent to address at bottom of this Newsletter. Get yours today!

Beasts of Daniel Surfacing 8 DVD Set!

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