Tsiyon Messianic Radio Newsletter - Vol 11.23 - 02/28/6016 TAM
- 06/03/16 AD
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"Losing to win" is one of the
most powerful secrets of the Kingdom.
Consider the life of Samson.
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“Arise, shine; for your light has
come, and the glory of YHWH is risen on you.
For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the peoples;
but YHWH will arise on you, and his glory shall be seen on you." Isaiah 60:1, 2
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From Eliyahu
Greetings Friends,
Other than freakish strength and outrageous hair there was little
if anything to suggest that Samson was something special. From all appearances,
he would have made a much better carnival attraction than a judge of Israel.
didn't seem to have: humility, piety or any depth of commitment to YHWH or his
nation - all essential qualities in a righteous leader. Oh, there is another
one; righteousness - he didn't seem to have that AT ALL!
Possibly worse than the lack of godly qualities, Samson abounded
in vices. Arrogance topped the list followed by unconcern for his
responsibilities and even for his special relationship with YHWH. He was also
seen as a womanizer and a braggart, to name a couple more. The list goes on, but
you get my drift.
So how did this misfit come into a place of importance in Israel?
That's probably what a lot of his friends and all of his enemies
were wondering.
The truth is, he had been called as a nazirite from birth,
dedicated to YHWH, and the sign of that special relationship was to be that he
was not to cut his hair. YHWH demonstrated His participation in this special
relationship by giving Samson great physical power. His strength was so great it
was beyond human, obviously a gift from God.
Samson was one of those cases where wise men would look and
wonder over what seemed to be such an unlikely home for such a great gift and
would say; "The ways of the Almighty are inscrutable. Who knows why YHWH chose HIM?!"
Samson didn't meditate much upon such esoteric questions. He grew
up like this. He just took it all for granted. He was stronger and faster than
everybody, every time. He always won, so always expected to win. Development of
character was not necessary for him to win, so he never focused on developing
Samson was "special", so "special" is how he behaved.
What a big jerk! No "man of God" was ever more flawed.
So, had YHWH been wrong in choosing this man from birth?
That's a stupid question, isn't it? YHWH is never wrong.
YHWH saw past all of those outward flaws of Samson's character to
a much deeper place in the man - a place so deep that even Samson himself could
not see it or bring it out - the very place deep within Samson that YHWH loved.
Not only did YHWH, the Great Potter, see that hidden treasure in
Samson - He also knew how to mold this man's life to bring out the GOLD ...the
character of God hidden deep within. It would take a lot to get there.
It would take the hardest route.
Samson would have to lose everything so that he could win a
treasure of eternal worth.
So be it. It was the only way.
YHWH pulled back His hand just enough to allow Samson's flaws of
character to run their course and to bring back their just consequences upon
Samson's own head. Samson's physical strength proved to be no stronghold against
the wiles of a beautiful woman, especially given Samson's own weakness of character.
Samson's disregard for the things that really matter led him to the loss of his
hair and the special relationship that went with it. With that loss went also
the loss of his great strength, followed by the loss of his eyes and his
freedom, and certainly the loss of his dignity.
This may be the first time that Samson ever lost at anything -
but this one loss was completely devastating. Everything that mattered was gone.
Samson was now a slave of his enemies, little more than a beast
of burden. Being blind, his greatest usefulness was as a trophy of war and the
butt of Philistine jokes. Samson was getting a crash course in humility, and in
all of the rest of the character virtues which he had been so sorely lacking.
Only now that he was blind did he start to see how foolish he had
been, how he had squandered so much. Samson was undergoing an attitude
adjustment of Biblical proportions. Probably he still did not see how much he
himself was changing. How the humiliation and the pain of his own failures were
making him a better man. In Samson's repentance the gold of the Divine
character, largely dormant in his heart from before his birth, was now being
brought forth by the hand of God! Samson was becoming the man YHWH always knew
he could be!
When the clay had been fully molded and fired, and the work was
done, Samson came forth as a new man. A righteous man of YHWH. A hero of faith,
for Israel to be proud of.
When the Great Potter had completed His work He was ready to put
Samson on display.
The story of Samson is well known, how the Philistines led him
out before their false god, dagon, to ridicule Samson and Samson's God.
You know how the blind Samson took his place between the two great pillars that
held up the entire temple, where the enemies of Israel were gathered. You know
how Samson cried out to YHWH for his strength to be given him again and how YHWH
sent forth that strength, a visible token of forgiveness and restoration, as Sampson leaned into the two great pillars. Here is the end of what
Samson said, “Let me die with the Philistines!” He bowed
himself with all his might; and the house fell on the lords, and on all the
people who were therein. So the dead that he killed at his death were more
than those who he killed in his life. Judges 16:30
Samson won by losing. He had become completely willing to lose his life
for YHWH and His people. Samson really was a winner, after all.
Samson shows us, above all it is about commitment. Samson found his, and
it turned out to have no limits. Samson, the new Samson, was committed enough to
give it all. Samson had discovered the great secret treasure that YHWH had
buried in his heart. Hundreds of years later Messiah revealed the secret in
these words:
"He who loves his life will lose it. He who hates his life in
this world will keep it to eternal life." Yochanan/John 12:25
Oh, one other thing. All that matters is the final product.
Samson's flaws are only recorded to help us - they are not recorded to condemn
him. Hebrews 11 records Samson as one of our heroes of faith, and that is how he
is rightly regarded.
YHWH is molding your life. Who will you be when you go to meet your
Maker? The answer to
that question will determine who you will be for eternity.
The Great Potter has plans for you. Lets discuss that, at
tonight's live Sabbath meeting.
Shalom, Eliyahu
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