Tsiyon Messianic Radio Newsletter - Vol 11.27 - 03/28/6016 TAM
- 07/03/16 AD
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Every Sabbath
The corruption at the top is now getting so blatant it seems to be infecting everything.
Keep Tsiyon Road
on the air.
“Arise, shine; for your light has
come, and the glory of YHWH is risen on you.
For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the peoples;
but YHWH will arise on you, and his glory shall be seen on you." Isaiah 60:1, 2
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From Eliyahu
Hello Friends,
Even veterans of the normal corruption in Washington were
surprised, and even a bit shocked, by the tale. The head of the Department
of Justice, Loretta Lynch, landed on the tarmac of the airport in Phoenix,
were it turns out the private jet of Bill Clinton was already parked. This
looked like an unscheduled meeting to the FBI and Secret Service agents tasked
with security, according to reports. They say they knew nothing about it
in advance.
Yet, Bill Clinton was there, and soon he mounted the steps and
boarded Lynch's plane. Reportedly they spent about a half an hour making small
talk about grand children and Clinton's golf game, Lynch holding up her
scheduled activities to chat with Bill Clinton. As Clinton prepared to
deplane, FBI agents passed the word to everyone in the area that no video cameras
or cell phone pictures would be allowed. Soon Clinton departed and Lynch's
motorcade carried her off to her pre-arranged scheduled activities.
The problem here of course is that Hillary Clinton is currently
under criminal investigation by the FBI. The conflict of interest for Loretta
Lynch in this meeting is therefore obvious. Calls have been made for her to
recuse herself from the case and even to step down from her position, but so far
she has given no indication that she plans on giving up control over the outcome
of the case.
All of this became even more suspect a few days later when FBI
agents questioned Hillary Clinton for 3 1/2 hours. Had Loretta
Lynch met with Bill Clinton to prepare Hillary in advance for the questions that
would be asked? Did something even more nefarious happen involving a
conspiracy to obstruct justice at the highest level of the Democratic party?
Whatever had happened, it comes under the general category of corruption and
abuse of public office. It could hardly be more blatant.
This is just one more example of the elite having disdain for the
public. Yet the powers that be seem almost insulted by the growing level of
discontent their corruption has engendered.
The total disregard for the law, and even common decency, at the
highest levels of government, has infected people on the levels of the pyramid
far below. Commonly they feel that if those who are ruling over them do not obey
the law or even act with common decency, then why should they?
Consequently, society becomes more and more crude and rude, and sometimes even
barbaric. I have been noticing it in something as innocuous as the
behavior of people in traffic. It is not uncommon at all for drivers to ignore
traffic signs, lights, and to bully their way ahead of others. Manners and
language are getting ever more crude, all this fueled by a growing sense of
To be discontented is to be unhappy. When you have such
discontent all around you, which is being fueled by the lawless deeds of those
above us all, what hope is there of things getting better? So discontent
can give way to hopelessness, and hopelessness can give way to violence and
every vile thing. Truly these are the last days.
Believers have hope.
Our happiness does not depend on this world doing the right thing. Surely if it
did, we could never be happy. Our happiness comes to us from our sense of
fulfillment in serving the One who is always righteous, always true, always
faithful, who is our Lord. We can lift our heads up and be happy, because we
know He loves us and that He sees our pain exiled in the midst of the pagan
nations. It is His intention to make a place of safety for us and to bring
us home. Friends, do not be discontented because of the evils of this world and
the corruptions of the leaders. Be uplifted and encouraged because your
name is written in heaven and eternity is a very long time.
Shalom, Eliyahu
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Beasts of Daniel Surfacing8 DVD SetNow
presented this Beasts of Daniel SurfacingSeminarlive
over 8 days of Succot 2015. It is a major video presentation which explains what
is going on in the world around us right now from the standpoint of the Book of
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DVD set. See the entire seminar, with extra content, optimized and
enhanced for viewing using your DVD player, right on your TV! This will allow
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Suggested Donation for Beasts of Daniel Surfacing8 DVD Set:
$68 US or more, plus shipping and handling. Orders may be sent to address
at bottom of this Newsletter. Get yours today!
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