Tsiyon Messianic Radio Newsletter - Vol 11.29 - 04/14/6016 TAM
- 07/18/16 AD
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Have you ever wondered how popular movies seem to anticipate real life events?
How could Marvels "Captain America Civil War" anticipate the issue behind the chaos in the streets of America and around the world this summer?
..More Below
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“Arise, shine; for your light has
come, and the glory of YHWH is risen on you.
For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the peoples;
but YHWH will arise on you, and his glory shall be seen on you." Isaiah 60:1, 2
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From Eliyahu
Hello Friends,
Here are the stats on the movie, Captain America: Civil War.
Political pressure mounts to install a system of accountability when the
actions of the Avengers lead to collateral damage. The new status quo deeply
divides members of the team. Captain America believes superheroes should
remain free to defend humanity without government interference.
Iron Man sharply disagrees and supports [United Nations] oversight. As the
debate escalates into an all-out feud, [other team members] must pick a
Release date:
May 6, 2016 (USA
Box office:
1.132 billion USD
250 million USD
It tops the list for Marvel’s highest-grossing film
domestically ($623.3 million), the highest-grossing film distributed by
Disney, the highest-grossing superhero movie and the highest-grossing movie
based on comics.
This movie is still playing in theaters and will be released
on DVD in September.
I first saw this movie I was amazed that the central issue of the movie is
United Nations control of the super heroes - and therefore by extension - of
anyone who could ever be considered a danger to others - which means UN control
Granted, this point is subtle in its larger scope, but it is
definitely there if you follow the plot through to its logical conclusion. In
the movie, the Avengers, a team of super heroes, tends to tear things up around
the world in the course of saving the world from alien invaders and other
dastardly villains. Let's face it, if you are a super hero you can't fight super
villains who are super-destructive without making a bit of a mess yourself.
Hence, the Avengers, although the good guys, are involved in destroying stuff
around the world.
The UN tells the Avengers they can't keep avenging without
UN supervision - even if they are the good guys. Amazingly, some of the Avengers
sign up for this while others say "No Way!" Suddenly, because they don't sign on
with the UN, the later group are branded as outlaws by the world community!
I'll leave the plot there so I don't spoil it for you, if you
haven't seen the movie. However, what I'm interested in sharing with you about
this is how the story seems to anticipate the real-life situation developing in
America and around the world right now. Clearly, this has been a summer of
chaos, with outrageous terrorist acts of violence at home and abroad, with what
appears to be racially-motivated strife and even a war on police in the streets
of America, which the police themselves appear to be unable to control.
Could this be a parallel to the movie?
Could all of this chaos in the streets be a pretext for United
Nations control?
I'm going to have more to say about that in our live meeting,
tonight at 8 PM CST, at Tsiyon.Net,
but I think this hugely successful movie looks like propaganda created in
advance of the elite-provoked chaos to condition the minds of the public to the
question of UN control.
I must say, once again Tsiyon is ahead of the curve on world
events. Kikki, a member of our Tsiyon Team, has been writing screen plays since
before last Passover for our Tsiyon Team to produce. These deal in a very
interesting way with a number of important issues, including the issue of UN
control. The Tsiyon Team has completed its first production from this series.
This dramatic production can be seen as providing some commentary on the latest
Captain America movie, but focusing on the bigger issues, especially spiritual
issues, that all of us need to think about. I'm excited about this video for a
number of reasons; firstly, because I'm not in it at all! This is produced
entirely by some of our Tsiyon young people, and I know as you watch it you will
feel as proud of them as I am.
We are going to air Team Captain America v Team Iron Man
exclusively for our Tsiyon Partners at our live meeting tonight! Don't miss this important presentation tonight, at 8 PM CST, at
Tsiyon.Net. You are going to
love this!
Shalom, Eliyahu
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The Palestinians And Jordan Declare
Religious War Against The Jews — It Is Dangerous
Reprint: Worldpost,
07/12/2016 12:16 pm 12:16:21
Dr. Josef Olmert,Middle East scholar, former peace
negotiator, journalist
The Unesco World Heritage Committee is
about to do what even in the annals of the UN is unprecedented. It is going to
vote on a Palestinian-Jordanian resolution bluntly stating that the Old City of
Jerusalem and Temple mount have no historic ties to the Jews, and calling for a
return to the old ‘’historic status quo’’ in the holy site. REALLY? The UN
decides on holy places of religions? Did the UN ever even contemplate about holy
places of Muslims, Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, Sikhs, Rastafarians? [and
pardon me if I forgot anyone...]. It is only against Jews that something like
that is in motion. This is what can be called anti-semitism, pure and simple. An
attempted cultural/religious genocide against Jews and their history and
religion. It is to be hoped, that the 21-member committee will evade this
atrocity, but the hope for this happening are slim at best. There is an
automatic majority against Israel in Unesco, and in the UN altogether. Some
background is needed here, something which will highlight the ‘’historic status
quo’’ they are talking about ?
First, history, but since when? It is an
historic fact, that the SECOND Jewish Temple was destroyed by the Romans in the
year 70 A.D., after an heroic Jewish struggle, and this happened 600 years
before the Islamic occupation of Jerusalem. The FIRST Jewish Temple was
destroyed by the Babylonians at 586 B.C, 1200 years before the occupation of
Jerusalem by the Muslims. You want history, well, here is a piece of it — what
happened between 1948 to 1967, the years of the illegal Jordanian occupation of
the Old City of Jerusalem, leading to an annexation of Jerusalem and the West
Bank by Jordan, on 24 April 1950, which was never recognized by any
international organ. Jews were the only ones forbidden by the Jordanian
occupiers from exercising their thousands years long right to pray at the
Wailing Wall and Temple Mount. Christians and Muslims were allowed to pray
there. Needless to say, under this ‘’historic’’ Jordanian status quo, there was
an ethnic cleansing of Jews from the Old City , and ALL the synagogues were
razed to the ground.
So, this is the status quo that the UN wants to return to. Wishful thinking on
their part, it will not happen.
Then there is another context, the
political one. For the Palestinians to negate any Jewish tie to Jerusalem is
obvious. Were they to acknowledge it, then the entire argument about them being
the indigenous population is nonsensical. The Muslim Mayor of Jerusalem, Yusuf
Al-Khalidi did acknowledge exactly that in 1891. Much has changed since then, so
the official position of the Palestinian Authority [PA] under Chairman Abbas is
that the original Jewish Temple was built by King Solomon, 3000 years ago, and
Solomon was a Muslim [1400 years before the Prophet Muhammad. Go figure]. But
Jordan? Some blunt truth should be addressed to the Hashimite Kingdom of Jordan;
For you to initiate this atrocious resolution is stupid politically,
short-sighted and eventually very dangerous.
The last thing that anyone needs these
days, that is to say, reasonable and far-sighted people, is to ignite a
religious fire over Temple Mount. The Hashimites should remember history, not
least the history of the tacit but so effective actual Israeli guarantee for
Jordan’s independence. They should also remember their disgraceful expulsion
from Mecca in 1924 by the Saudis. They should remember it all, because they may
arouse currently sleeping dogs.
Those who will remind them that Jordan
could become Palestine, those who will remind them that those who want to remove
one religious group from its holy places, can themselves be removed from these
very holy places.
All this is bad. Who needs this madness
right now? What useful purpose does it serve? Can we expect reason to prevail in
the excruciating heat of July in the Middle East?. Jerusalem is a powder keg,
and there are rights there to Muslims and Christians. Taking Jewish rights away
is therefore unacceptable.
This is the mildest way I can put it. Many
others will define it in much stronger terms and may act accordingly.
Beasts of Daniel Surfacing8 DVD SetNow
presented this Beasts of Daniel SurfacingSeminarlive
over 8 days of Succot 2015. It is a major video presentation which explains what
is going on in the world around us right now from the standpoint of the Book of
Daniel - and it forecasts where we are going. Viewers have called it
"incredible" and "amazing".
The Beasts of Daniel Surfacing
seminar is now available in this professional level production in a huge 8
DVD set. See the entire seminar, with extra content, optimized and
enhanced for viewing using your DVD player, right on your TV! This will allow
you to see many of the details you may have missed when watching the live
presentation on your computer or mobile device. Present the seminar to friends
and neighbors in your own home using this 8 DVD set!
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packaged in its own shrink-wrapped 8 DVD case with full color cover as shown.
Suggested Donation for Beasts of Daniel Surfacing8 DVD Set:
$68 US or more, plus shipping and handling. Orders may be sent to address
at bottom of this Newsletter. Get yours today!
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