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From Eliyahu
Hello Friends,
When things are going fine most people don't think much about hope. Some, many today, take the attitude foretold for the last days:
In the last days mockers will come, walking after their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of his coming? For, from the day that the fathers fell asleep in death, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.” 2 Peter 3:3-4
In so many measurable ways our time is very different from the norms of the past, yet masses of people seem to think this world is as it always was, and that it will go on like this forever. They scorn the validity of prophesies foretelling the end of this world, and the coming of the Lord.
yes, but Peter warns them that the world has been destroyed before, suggesting
that it will be destroyed again:
For this they willfully forget, that there were heavens from of old, and an earth formed out of water and amid water, by the word of God; by which means the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished. 2 Peter 3:5-6
There was a world-wide flood - Noah's Flood as reported in the Bible. The evidence of that is everywhere, since that flood totally reshaped the surface of the earth. Yet, they "willfully forget" - in fact, they willfully misinterpret the overwhelming evidence as a host of local events, so they will not have to deal with the truth. The truth they hate is this: Judgment of the world by it's Creator is a reality. This is the very point Peter was making.
Despite the evidence, to them all of that is nothing more than childhood stories, like Santa and the Easter Bunny.
they have their own stories that shape their concept of the future. They foresee
a Star Trek future in which there is, not only global government, but government
on a galactic scale! This fiction is based on the fairy tale of man's upward
evolution, becoming as God, mankind dwelling above the stars. This is the sort
of future they can believe in, because, to them, it is "scientific."
Yet, reality is far more earth-bound. Granted, a few people have spent up to a few months living in a "space-station" that orbits a mere 250 miles above the earth. To put that in perspective, Pittsburgh to Philadelphia (both in the same state of Pennsylvania) are a straight line distance of 257.42 miles from each other. This is a greater distance than the space station from the earth's surface, and you can drive it in your car in one morning.
That infinitesimal distance is as far away in "space" as mankind has attempted to live. We have never colonized our own moon, let alone even the closest planet. The problems of living in space, even on the closest celestial bodies, have been insurmountable. Further, while the Star Trek universe is full of alien life, in the real universe the only life yet discovered by real science is on this beautiful earth. The fact is, we are all stuck on this earth together whether we like it or not, and we all face the same global problems. It turns out, the Star Trek future offers nothing that can really help us now. It is an entertaining story, but a false hope.
There are many false hopes in this world. They make people feel better, like they are "all set." The problem only shows itself when the crises comes. A false hope is like a gun without bullets. It looks impressive, until you actually need it. Then it is too late.
all the signs of the last days are upon us. Now we are going from one crises to
the next, at an ever-increasing pace. We need something to hang onto to get us
through. We need real hope for the future, a hope that will actually "work" when
you need it!
I have that kind of hope. It has served me well, even saved my life more than once. Tonight I want to share what I have learned about that hope with you. Yes, this is something you can hold on to!
Tsiyon Partners, Join me for this live presentation tonight at 8 PM CST at Tsiyon.Net. If you need a sure hope you can cling to, to get you through the days ahead, this is for you.
Shalom, Eliyahu
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Have you ever wondered how popular movies
seem to
anticipate real life events?
How could Marvels "Captain America Civil War"
the issue behind the chaos in the streets of America
and around the
world this summer?
The burning issue in the movie and in our streets
right now is:
The Tsiyon Team have produced a powerful video
that explores the truth behind all this.
See the video here: