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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
Yom Teruah is here, at sunset tonight! Be sure to make some noise! :-)
Why? Because on one Yom Teruah in the not-too-distant future this is going to happen:
But we don’t want you to be ignorant, brothers, concerning those who have fallen asleep, so that you don’t grieve like the rest, who have no hope. For if we believe that Yeshua died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Yeshua. For this we tell you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left to the coming of the Lord, will in no way precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with God’s shofar. The dead in Messiah will rise first, then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air. So we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore comfort one another with these words.
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Imagine that!
For those who belong to Messiah, at His Return, death will be completely canceled out! When Messiah appears in the clouds as promised, and we hear the archangel's voice, and the sound of the last trump, those who have died in Him will be raised first! What a comfort this is as we endure the loss of believing loved ones. Yes, we still grieve such losses, but "not like the rest who have no hope." We know we will be reunited with them again, on that Day!
Those of us who live until the Day of His Return, on that Day, will be changed in an instant to receive our glorified body, like His body. Then we shall all be "caught up" together with the faithful resurrected dead, as we ascend upward into the clouds to "meet the Lord in the air." All of the enemies will be looking on in disbelief and horror as they behold the day of our glorification with Him! (1 Cor 15:51-58, 1 Jn 3:2, Acts 1:9-11)
Is this not a Day to be celebrating? So like I said, be sure to make some noise! Let Messiah know how excited you are over your precious hope, as you anticipate that amazing Day of His Return!
Shalom, Eliyahu
PS - The calendar for the month is here.
See below for more on what we are offering through this special month at Tsiyon.
Also below, is an important news article for you.
This year the Hebrew 7th month coincides closely with the Roman month of October. We have planned special features throughout the month, all fitting in with the Remnant Expectations Prophecy Seminar. Here I will list free features first, and then special features just for our Tsiyon Partners.
Special Free Programming on Tsiyon Radio! -
Each Sabbath from now through October, we are airing our new series of Tsiyon radio programs on the Prophecies of Daniel. These are edited audio versions of some of our Beasts of Daniel Surfacing Seminar, presented as On the Road to Tsiyon radio messages. We will be airing these radio versions to reach new listeners with this vital information, while we give Tsiyon regulars a refresher on Daniel, setting the stage to take in even more new prophecy information from the Remnant Expectations Seminar this month.
Programming on regular days will include our Kingdom Series from now until Atonement Day. After Atonement Day we will be airing selected programs from our Revelation Series. These will be chosen to dove-tail with the new material in the Remnant Expectations Prophecy Seminar.
We will be starting our Exodus Midrash on the 1st Sabbath of month 8.
Special Programming for Free Tsiyon Members! -
The original video versions of the Beasts of Daniel Surfacing Seminar, in their entirety, are available to all of our free Tsiyon Members.
We will be offering some new prophecy video content as part of our Remnant Expectations Prophecy Seminar for our free members. You can view all of that and more by signing up as a free Tsiyon member at the Tsiyon Tabernacle online.
Exclusive Live Remnant Expectations Prophecy Presentations for Tsiyon Partners!
Every online Sabbath meeting of the month will be offering an installment of our Remnant Expectations Prophecy Seminar. There may be some other days as well, I don't know for sure because, frankly, I'm still preparing this. Just don't miss any of this, because we will be adding more prophecy from Daniel, and other prophetic material - information that will help the Remnant to be prepared for the days ahead.
If you would like to be a Tsiyon Partner just become a free member first, and then choose any membership button in the footer of our website. It's as simple as that!
Tell all your friends to join us now!
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US, Russia on brink of
military showdown in Syria
Reprint: DEBKAfile
Exclusive Report
September 30, 2016
is a sense in Washington and Moscow alike that a military showdown between
the US and Russia is inevitable – direct this time, not through proxies,
like the downing of a Russian warplane by Turkish jets last year. When the
big powers are in direct confrontation, minor players step aside and run for
When President Barack Obama Friday, Sept. 30 attended the funeral in Jerusalem of the Israeli leader Shimon Peres, he must have realized he was only 514km as the crow flies from Aleppo, the raging crux of the escalating big-power conflict.
The moment after the ceremonies ended the president and his party, including Secretary of State John Kerry and his security adviser Susan Rice, made haste to head back to Washington to navigate the crisis. The first step toward a direct showdown was taken by the United States.
By now, it is no secret in Moscow, or indeed in any Middle East capital, that the American A-10 air strike of Sept. 17 against a Syrian military position at Jebel Tudar in the Deir ez-Zour region of eastern Syria was intentional, not accidental, as originally claimed. Scores of Syrian soldiers died in the attack.
The fact that President Obama instituted a secret inquiry to discover which link in the American chain of command ordered the attack pointed to his suspicion that a high-up in the Pentagon or possibly the CIA, had ordered the air strike, in order to sabotage the US-Russian military cooperation deal in Syria, which Secretary Kerry obtained after long and arduous toil.
The concessions he made to
Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov in those negotiations, especially his
consent for extensive sharing of intelligence, were found totally
unacceptable in the US Defense Department, its military and intelligence
The Russian-Syrian reprisal came two days after the A-10 strike. On Sept.
19, an emergency aid convoy was obliterated on its way to the desperate
population of Aleppo. Moscow and Damascus denied responsibility for the
deadly bombardment, but no other air force was present in the sky over the
embattled city.
On the ground, meanwhile, an unbridled onslaught on rebel-held eastern
Aleppo was launched Wednesday by the Russians, Syria, Hizballah and
pro-Iranian Shiite militias under the command of Iranian Revolutionary
Guards officers.
The fall of Aleppo, Syria’s second city after Damascus, would give Bashar Assad his most resounding victory in the nearly six-year civil war against his regime.
On Sept. 29, Kerry threatened Moscow that “the United States would suspend plans to coordinate anti-Islamic State counter-terrorism efforts if Moscow does not stop attacking Aleppo.”
Russia’s Deputy Foreign
Minister Sergey Ryabkov answered with a sneering: “Once again there was a
certain emotional breakdown yesterday against the backdrop of the Obama
administration’s unwillingness to fulfill its part of the agreements.”
This was a strong hint of the knowledge in the Kremlin that someone in the
US administration was holding out against the implementation in full of the
cooperation deal agreed upon and was therefore responsible for its
The United States is left with two options:
Either stand idly by in the face of the Russian-Syrian-Iranian onslaught on Aleppo, or shelve the coordination arrangements for US and Russian air operations in Syria, with the inevitable risk of a clash in the air space of Syria or over the eastern Mediterranean.
Learn more about this and all of the ways to connect to Tsiyon Radio here.