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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
tonight at sunset, we have the first regular Sabbath of this 7th month. In
keeping with our Remnant Expectations Prophecy Seminar, ongoing
through varied means throughout this month, we are offering something
special for you! Included with our live online meeting tonight will be the
exclusive debut of our new video presentation entitled: Defeat of Gog.
The Tsiyon Team has been working on this video for weeks, to have it ready in time for the Remnant Expectations Prophecy Seminar this month, and we are all very excited to finally be sharing it with you.
So what exactly is this video? Well, if you have been with Tsiyon for a while, you may recognize the title: Defeat of Gog. In 2008 we released a ground-breaking On the Road to Tsiyon radio program by that title in that year. We are very proud of that program, since, frankly, many have told us it is the best thing on the topic they have ever heard. That's got to be pretty hard to top, right? Well, the Defeat of Gog video tops it.
How is that possible, you ask?
Because the video retains the soundtrack of the original program, while supplying maps, charts, illustrations and dramatizations that make the soundtrack come alive visually. This enhances the original message, making it more informative and more impactful. I think our team did a great job with this, and I think you will enjoy it too.
I'm starting my prophecy seminar presentations with this video this month, because it lays a very solid prophetic foundation for events that will occur a relative few years from now, before and into the Great Tribulation. Over Sukkot I will be following up on this foundational video with a number of live prophecy seminar presentations that focus on prophetic events the Remnant can expect throughout that same general time period. We need to understand what will be happening, so we can begin now to prepare ourselves for the changes of literally Biblical proportions that will soon be coming upon the world. These things must and will happen whether we are ready or not, but we will get through them much better if we are prepared mentally and spiritually in advance.
Right now I can't tell you exactly how many presentations I will be doing over Sukkot. I know I will be doing at least three. However, Messiah is keeping me awake at night with prophetic insights which go way beyond what I already had planned. Just last night I woke at about 3 AM feeling ill over some of what I had seen. I prayed and asked YHWH to give me grace, that my physical limitations not stop me from receiving and sharing everything with the Remnant that He wants to reveal. Immediately He answered my prayer with insights into things that I hadn't even considered bringing into the seminar! Sleep was impossible after that, so in the middle of the night I set to work on what He was showing me. Frankly, I just hope I can get this prophetic download together in a way you all can follow it and be edified by it. Please pray for me, because my sleep is little and my work is a lot right now. This is not a complaint, but merely a prayer need. It is always a joy to serve our King and His people, and I want to give that my best.
One other thing.
long ago I presented a live message entitled: Jordan Is Not Safe. I
felt the need to get that warning out publicly, so we edited the video of
that message and posted the result to YouTube. That message includes quite a
lot of prophetic information that goes along with the rest of what I am
presenting this month, and I recommend that you see it sometime before
Sukkot. Click the picture to see the video on YouTube.
Friends, members and partners, we have a lot for you this month, as set out below. Do your best to keep up, because we have a major roller-coaster ride coming up at the end of this relative calm.
Shalom, Eliyahu
PS - The calendar for the month is here.
See below for more on what we are offering through this special month at Tsiyon.
This year the Hebrew 7th month coincides closely with the Roman month of October. We have planned special features throughout the month, all fitting in with the Remnant Expectations Prophecy Seminar. Here I will list free features first, and then special features just for our Tsiyon Partners.
Special Free Programming on Tsiyon Radio! -
Each Sabbath from now through October, we are airing our new series of Tsiyon radio programs on the Prophecies of Daniel. These are edited audio versions of some of our Beasts of Daniel Surfacing Seminar, presented as On the Road to Tsiyon radio messages. We will be airing these radio versions to reach new listeners with this vital information, while we give Tsiyon regulars a refresher on Daniel, setting the stage to take in even more new prophecy information from the Remnant Expectations Seminar this month.
Programming on regular days will include our Kingdom Series from now until Atonement Day. After Atonement Day we will be airing selected programs from our Revelation Series. These will be chosen to dove-tail with the new material in the Remnant Expectations Prophecy Seminar.
We will be starting our Exodus Midrash on the 1st Sabbath of month 8.
Special Programming for Free Tsiyon Members! -
The original video versions of the Beasts of Daniel Surfacing Seminar, in their entirety, are available to all of our free Tsiyon Members.
We will be offering some new prophecy video content as part of our Remnant Expectations Prophecy Seminar for our free members. You can view all of that and more by signing up as a free Tsiyon member at the Tsiyon Tabernacle online.
Exclusive Live Remnant Expectations Prophecy Presentations for Tsiyon Partners!
Every online Sabbath meeting of the month will be offering an installment of our Remnant Expectations Prophecy Seminar. There may be some other days as well, I don't know for sure because, frankly, I'm still preparing this. Just don't miss any of this, because we will be adding more prophecy from Daniel, and other prophetic material - information that will help the Remnant to be prepared for the days ahead.
If you would like to be a Tsiyon Partner just become a free member first, and then choose any membership button in the footer of our website. It's as simple as that!
Tell all your friends to join us now!
Learn more about this and all of the ways to connect to Tsiyon Radio here.
Become a Tsiyon Partner! -
Free Tsiyon members can become Tsiyon Partners by signing up at any level of
support, even the lowest level, to gain access to all of our live meetings and
video recordings of same. Choose your Tsiyon Partner level here: .
Also, you can choose
a Tsiyon Partner level
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button in the footer of any page.
Learn more about this and all of the ways to connect to Tsiyon Radio here.