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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
For this Atonement Day, which
starts at sundown 10/11/16, we will be offering a live presentation for all
of our Tsiyon Members. If you can log in at or before 8 PM CST, you can join
us for this live meeting presentation. This is free for all of our Tsiyon
Members - all you need to do is log in and show up. If you are not a member
sign up free right
We will be considering Joel 2; thought by many to be a difficult prophetic passage to understand. This oracle contains a dramatic call to repentance for all Israel - but why?
What will be the circumstances causing so much alarm? The message begins:
Blow the shofar in Tsiyon,
and sound an alarm in my holy mountain!
Let all the inhabitants of the Land tremble,
for the day of YHWH comes,
for it is close at hand. Joel 2:1
Friends, members and partners, the events of Joel 2 will be among the most dramatic and significant events ever to occur in the entire history of Yah's nation! This is important for the Remnant, because these very events are hastening towards us now, and will inevitably overtake us - all of us. These involve Remnant Expectations.
Join us, please, as we consider this amazing prophecy that is about to be fulfilled in a few short years from now. When it is, the world will never be the same, and neither will we.
Shalom, Eliyahu
PS - The calendar for the month is here.
Share this Newsletter with a friend. All persons of good will are welcome.
This year the Hebrew 7th month coincides closely with the Roman month of October. We have planned special features throughout the month, all fitting in with the Remnant Expectations Prophecy Seminar. Here I will list free features first, and then special features just for our Tsiyon Partners.
Special Free Programming on Tsiyon Radio! -
Each Sabbath from now through October, we are airing our new series of Tsiyon radio programs on the Prophecies of Daniel. These are edited audio versions of some of our Beasts of Daniel Surfacing Seminar, presented as On the Road to Tsiyon radio messages. We will be airing these radio versions to reach new listeners with this vital information, while we give Tsiyon regulars a refresher on Daniel, setting the stage to take in even more new prophecy information from the Remnant Expectations Seminar this month.
Programming on regular days will include our Kingdom Series from now until Atonement Day. After Atonement Day we will be airing selected programs from our Revelation Series. These will be chosen to dove-tail with the new material in the Remnant Expectations Prophecy Seminar.
We will be starting our Exodus Midrash on the 1st Sabbath of month 8.
Special Programming for Free Tsiyon Members! -
The original video versions of the Beasts of Daniel Surfacing Seminar, in their entirety, are available to all of our free Tsiyon Members.
We will be offering some new prophecy video content as part of our Remnant Expectations Prophecy Seminar for our free members. You can view all of that and more by signing up as a free Tsiyon member at the Tsiyon Tabernacle online.
Exclusive Live Remnant Expectations Prophecy Presentations for Tsiyon Partners!
Every online Sabbath meeting of the month will be offering an installment of our Remnant Expectations Prophecy Seminar. There may be some other days as well, I don't know for sure because, frankly, I'm still preparing this. Just don't miss any of this, because we will be adding more prophecy from Daniel, and other prophetic material - information that will help the Remnant to be prepared for the days ahead.
If you would like to be a Tsiyon Partner just become a free member first, and then choose any membership button in the footer of our website. It's as simple as that!
Tell all your friends to join us now!
long ago I presented a live message entitled: Jordan Is Not Safe. I
felt the need to get that warning out publicly, so we edited the video of
that message and posted the result to YouTube. That message includes quite a
lot of prophetic information that goes along with the rest of what I am
presenting this month, and I recommend that you see it sometime before
Sukkot. Click the picture to see the video on YouTube.
Learn more about this and all of the ways to connect to Tsiyon Radio here.
Become a Tsiyon Partner! -
Free Tsiyon members can become Tsiyon Partners by signing up at any level of
support, even the lowest level, to gain access to all of our live meetings and
video recordings of same. Choose your Tsiyon Partner level here: .
Also, you can choose
a Tsiyon Partner level
using a
button in the footer of any page.
Learn more about this and all of the ways to connect to Tsiyon Radio here.