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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
is here! We have some wonderful exclusive content for our Tsiyon Partners as
part of our Remnant Expectations Prophecy Seminar, live, over the
next few days of Succot.
Exclusive Live Remnant Expectations Prophecy Presentations for Tsiyon Partners!
Each of these begins at 8 PM CST. Here is the Schedule:
Oct 16, 2016 (1st day of Succot begins) - Tribulation Trigger
The final struggle between "The King of the North and the King of the South" is detailed for us in Daniel chapters 10-12. A study of this prophetic information will help us know what to expect as we get close to, and enter, the Tribulation.Oct 18, 2016 - The King of the South at the Time of the End
Most teachings discussing this portion of Daniel focus on the King of the North and offer very little on the King of the South. Not here! I'm going to give you a fuller picture of what to expect by showing you what happens on both sides of this North/South struggle.Oct 21, 2016 - The King of the North on the Rise - Right Now!
So much is going on these days it can be hard to know what it all means. Yet, when you understand prophecy, you can see the pieces on the board and the moves being made!Oct 23, 2016 (Last Great Day) - The Time of Jacob's Trouble - Jeremiah chapter 30 is the source of this amazing prophecy. These events will have a direct effect on the remnant, on all Israel, and upon the whole world. Trust me. You won't want to miss this vital revelation!
We have made some changes in our approach to this special seventh month this year. Last year we had some partners who felt they didn't have adequate time to think over and pray through the last presentation before another meaty presentation was before them, which, I admit, was a lot to absorb. We heard you! You will notice that, this year, we are spacing out our presentations, rather than giving you a string of these meaty presentations day after day. Hopefully this approach will give us all time to absorb the full impact of this prophetic material - especially since much of this has never been properly understood or explained before. Praise YHWH for these days of truth restoration!
Tonight's live presentation will help you understand the King of the North and the King of the South of Daniel 10+11 with clarity. This is crucial information, here, deep into the time of the end. See you tonight!
Shalom, Eliyahu
PS - Share this Newsletter with a friend.
Russia & Turkey carve anti-US enclaves in Syria
Turkey agrees to be the first NATO member to house a Russian air defense missile system, which is to be coupled with a Russian air defense missile shield located in Syria.
Reprint: DEBKAfile
Exclusive Report,
October 15, 2016
President Barack Obama told Pentagon and military chiefs he met Friday, on Oct.
14, that instead of arming anti-Assad rebel groups in Syria, Washington was
going back to negotiations with Moscow for cooperation in achieving a cessation
of hostilities in the Syrian war.
US Secretary of State John Kerry therefore scheduled his umpteenth meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov for Saturday in Lausanne. This time, the foreign ministers of Turkey, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia and possibly Qatar, tagged along.
Beyond the high words, recriminations and the unspeakable horrors attending the battle for Aleppo, Obama never seriously considered providing the anti-Syrian rebels holed up in Aleppo with the anti-air weapons they need to shoot down the Russian and Syrian warplanes blitzing them – any more than UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson’s statement that it was time for British military involvement in the Syrian war was for real. Above all, Britain is short of the military heft for backing up hypothetical intentions.
The options for serious Western intervention in the Syrian war are constantly diminishing for the reasons outlined here by debkafile’s military sources:
1. American missiles have no way of reaching Syrian rebel groups, certainly not those still fighting in eastern Aleppo. Neither Russia, nor Turkey, whose army now controls 5,000 sq. km of northern Syria, would let them through to that destination.
2. Had Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan chosen to do so, he could have simply ordered his army to open up a route for the supply of missiles to the rebels who are hemmed in in Aleppo by Russia, Syrian, Iranian and Hizballah forces. He is withholding that order because the military deals he concluded with President Vladimir Putin last week in Istanbul override any concerns he may have for the fate of those rebels or Aleppo’s population.
3. Those deals in a word sanctify the Turkish “security zone” in northern Syria which is covered by a no-fly zone for all but Russian and Turkish flights. They also provide for the Syrian rebels retreating from the various Syrian war zones, including Aleppo, to be taken in and absorbed in the Turkish enclave. Erdogan would thus become the senior patron of the Syrian opposition rebel movement, barring only the Al-Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front and other Islamic extremist groups. This would enable him to steal from the United States, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Qatar their sponsorship roles and their influence in the anti-Assad movement.
4. Ankara’s military alliance with Moscow is steadily eroding Turkey’s ties with the United States as well as NATO. Matters have gone so far that the two capitals are in advanced discussion of the supply of Russian air defense missiles to the Turkish army.
debkafile’s intelligence sources reveal that under discussion is the installation in Turkey of a system of advanced Russian missiles linked to the Russian anti-air missile shield under construction in Syria.
Turkey would thus become the first member of NATO to arm itself with a Russian anti-air missile shield.
How was this allowed to happen?
According to our sources, Putin and Erdogan are moving fast to cash in on President Obama’s repugnance for military intervention in Syria and his waning powers at the tail end of his presidency.
Furthermore –
a) Neither is configuring Syrian President Bashar Assad into their calculations. They are going forward with their plans while ignoring him and his drastically diminished army as factors worth consideration.
b) Their objectives are similar and interlocking: Both are intent on developing their respective enclaves in northern Syria, Moscow for a long-term military presence in the country: likewise, Ankara.
Up until now, the Obama administration stood firm against the two goals, which is why Washington and Moscow were unable to achieve any real cooperation over a secession of hostilities in the war-torn country; even when Kerry and Lavrov struck a truce accord on Sept 9, it never held up beyond a few hours.
Most recently, Putin and Erdogan tried signaling the US president that their sole ambitions with regard to Syria’s future lie in the two military enclaves now under construction.
Obama saw this as a sufficient basis to continue withholding advanced arms from Syrian rebel groups and to go for another round of diplomacy with Russia – with Turkey hitching a ride this time on the opposite side of the table.
This year the Hebrew 7th month coincides closely with the Roman month of October. We have planned special features throughout the month, all fitting in with the Remnant Expectations Prophecy Seminar. Here I will list free features first, and then special features just for our Tsiyon Partners.
Special Free Programming on Tsiyon Radio! -
Each Sabbath from now through October, we are airing our new series of Tsiyon radio programs on the Prophecies of Daniel. These are edited audio versions of some of our Beasts of Daniel Surfacing Seminar, presented as On the Road to Tsiyon radio messages. We will be airing these radio versions to reach new listeners with this vital information, while we give Tsiyon regulars a refresher on Daniel, setting the stage to take in even more new prophecy information from the Remnant Expectations Seminar this month.
Programming on regular days will include our Kingdom Series from now until Atonement Day. After Atonement Day we will be airing selected programs from our Revelation Series. These will be chosen to dove-tail with the new material in the Remnant Expectations Prophecy Seminar.
We will be starting our Exodus Midrash on the 1st Sabbath of month 8.
Special Programming for Free Tsiyon Members! -
The original video versions of the Beasts of Daniel Surfacing Seminar, in their entirety, are available to all of our free Tsiyon Members.
We will be offering some new prophecy video content as part of our Remnant Expectations Prophecy Seminar for our free members. You can view all of that and more by signing up as a free Tsiyon member at the Tsiyon Tabernacle online.
Exclusive Live Remnant Expectations Prophecy Presentations for Tsiyon Partners!
Live meetings for Succot have been planned, each with a special presentation as part of our Remnant Expectations Prophecy Seminar.
Each of these begins at 8 PM CST. Here is the Schedule:
Oct 16, 2016 (1st day of Succot begins) - Tribulation Trigger
The final struggle between "The King of the North and the King of the South" is detailed for us in Daniel chapters 10-12. A study of this prophetic information will help us know what to expect as we get close to, and enter, the Tribulation.Oct 18, 2016 - The King of the South at the Time of the End
Most teachings discussing this portion of Daniel focus on the King of the North and offer very little on the King of the South. Not me! I'm going to give you a fuller picture of what to expect by showing you what happens on both sides of this North/South struggle.Oct 21, 2016 - The King of the North on the Rise - Right Now!
So much is going on these days it can be hard to know what it all means. Yet, when you understand prophecy, you can see the pieces on the board and the moves being made!Oct 23, 2016 (Last Great Day) - The Time of Jacob's Trouble - Jeremiah chapter 30 is the source of this amazing prophecy. These events will have a direct effect on the remnant, on all Israel, and upon the whole world. Trust me. You won't want to miss this vital revelation!
Don't miss any of this information that will help the Remnant to be prepared for the days ahead.
If you would like to be a Tsiyon Partner just become a free member first, and then choose any membership button in the footer of our website. It's as simple as that!
Tell all your friends to join us now!
long ago I presented a live message entitled: Jordan Is Not Safe. I
felt the need to get that warning out publicly, so we edited the video of
that message and posted the result to YouTube. That message includes quite a
lot of prophetic information that goes along with the rest of what I am
presenting this month, and I recommend that you see it sometime before
Sukkot. Click the picture to see the video on YouTube.
Learn more about this and all of the ways to connect to Tsiyon Radio here.
Become a Tsiyon Partner! -
Free Tsiyon members can become Tsiyon Partners by signing up at any level of
support, even the lowest level, to gain access to all of our live meetings and
video recordings of same. Choose your Tsiyon Partner level here: .
Also, you can choose
a Tsiyon Partner level
using a
button in the footer of any page.
Learn more about this and all of the ways to connect to Tsiyon Radio here.