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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
“[I]t is no doubt true that our image of what a messiah might look like may keep us from recognizing the real thing when it stands before us. Could it be that we have embellished the long-awaited event with so many aggadic flourishes that we can no longer recognize the reality when it happens? Could our overly literal reading of our sages’ poetic descriptions have led us to overlook completely the miracle as it happened?
One of the dangers of taking the statements and speculations of our sages as literal truth—when they were not meant as such—is the distortion of our expectations.”
― Nathan Lopes Cardozo, Foreword to A Damaged Mirror: A story of memory and redemption: Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo discusses prophecy and memory
Rabbi Cardozo makes a profound observation here. The coming of the messiah could look very different than the picture that the multitude of embellishments of generations of Jewish sages has painted. The fact is, that is exactly what happened. Further, the historical narrative of the coming of Messiah is preserved for us in the book of Matthew.
In Matthew, Y'shua spoke of the Jewish rabbinic system as an old wineskin that had lost its flexibility, so could not hold the new wine of the Messiah. This strikes me as a very similar view to the observation of Rabbi Cardoza above. At this point some people might say that Messiah introduced the Christian Church as the new wineskin to hold the new wine He was bringing - but this is not true. The Christian Church did not begin to arise until the mid-second century, and began as a heresy away from the very wineskin Messiah was talking about. It was not the new wineskin Messiah was introducing. The new wineskin was/is renewed Israel under the administration of the Davidic Messiah. [Details supporting this can be found in the free video seminar at]
When Messiah came it was not in a manner that met the expectations of the rabbinical system. Messiah sought out the sick, the poor, the demon possessed, the tax collectors and the sinners. The Messiah would never associate with such a deplorable crowd - or so the religious leaders believed. This aspect alone was enough to cause them to totally reject Him out of hand. Yet, why did He seek out the dregs of society? He healed the sick, He comforted the poor, He delivered the demon-possessed, and He saved tax-collectors and sinners. He loved those people! He declared:
“Those who are healthy have no need for a physician, but those who are sick do. But you go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice,’ for I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Matthew 9:12-13
In Matthew 9, the text we are currently examining in our Tsiyon Academy presentations, we have Messiah being Messiah, and it looks nothing like the sages would expect. It looks nothing like anyone would expect. This is SO powerful see what He did see who He was understand what this is about. There is a bigger picture opening up here, and it is life-changing. It is life from the dead for every person in need. Rabbi Cardoza, I pray you will take a look at this with new eyes. If you can just see it, you will be astounded to find out that the Messiah has come!
Tsiyon Partners, please make time to consider this, tonight, at Tsiyon.Net, at 8 PM CST. If you are not a Tsiyon Partner yet, get signed up so you can join us, as we are astounded together by the words and deeds of our ever-surprising Messiah.
Eliyahu ben David
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