Tsiyon News

Tsiyon Messianic Radio Newsletter  - Vol 12.08 - 11/28/6016 TAM  - 02/25/17 AD


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Eliyahu ben David Bet Midrash

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Every Sabbath


Sending out ambassadors

Messiah sent out 12 Emissaries of the Kingdom,
but that was just for starters.
He is still sending out emissaries today.
Consider His instructions
in Matthew 10.

..more below

The time has come.

Join us!

Timeless Truth at Tsiyon.Org


Keep Tsiyon Road
on the air.


�Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of YHWH is risen on you.
For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the peoples;
but YHWH will arise on you, and his glory shall be seen on you."
Isaiah 60:1, 2

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From Eliyahu

Hello friends,

He sent out ambassadors!

The Twelve Tribes of Israel were founded by twelve tribal heads. In perfect order, The Kingdom of Renewed Israel was founded by twelve emissaries of Messiah. We find them being instructed, empowered, and then sent out by twos in Matthew 10. They were given Kingdom authority to cast out demons and to heal every sort of disease, as Messiah Himself did. More importantly, they were given a message to share with everyone they met - the Good News of the Kingdom.

It is nearly two millennia now since Messiah sent out the first 12 talmidim to tell the world, and more especially, "the lost sheep of Israel" about Messiah's Kingdom. Remarkably, He is still sending out His talmidim to the most distant parts of the world to advance the interests of the Kingdom in the earth. In fact, here at Tsiyon we conduct a school online every Sabbath called Tsiyon Academy, where talmidim from around the world learn about Messiah and His Kingdom from one another, as we all increase our skills in sharing the Good News of the Kingdom. Our school is for believers of all ages and skill levels who are serious about their role as ambassadors of the Kingdom in the midst of this fallen world. Growing in our effectiveness is all the more urgent right now, as we are quickly advancing toward the Remnant Exodus and the end of the age that will soon follow.

So, who signs up for something like this? Ordinary people, like Messiah's first disciples were. All of them, though ordinary in one sense, are extraordinary in another. For them a religion is not enough. They have a personal relationship with Messiah that moves them to want to do the things He says, and that includes sharing the message with others whenever they can. They are serious about that, so they join Tsiyon Academy to practice and improve their skills as ambassadors in this world.

For example, here are some modern-day emissaries of the Kingdom we will be hearing from at tonight's online meeting at tsiyon.net.

Daniel David



Fred Bryan+Ginny



Tsiyon Academy is so awesome! What makes it so awesome is the uniqueness of remnant believers from far-flung circumstances and places, yet all sharing a profound love for Messiah and amazing insights into His Word. There is a supernatural unity among all these scattered remnant people that becomes apparent as you get to know your brothers and sisters from every point on the compass. There is, in fact, a miracle going on here. It is a personal miracle going on in the life of each remnant person. Taken all together, it is the miracle of the gathering of the remnant in progress, behind the scenes, unseen to the world, yet real, in flesh and blood.

Join Tsiyon Academy!If you are now a free Tsiyon Member that's great! However, why not become a Tsiyon Partner, by joining at any Tsiyon support level? In this way you will not only be blessed by supporting this unique ministry, you will be supporting your own spiritual growth, gaining access to resources that will take you to a new level in the Kingdom. You can then attend all of our online meetings, including Tsiyon Academy, and if you choose, you can even become one of the students, sharing in this amazing Tsiyon Academy experience. Think about the opportunity that is here being offered to you.

Tsiyon Partners, don't miss Tsiyon Academy at tonight's meeting, at Tsiyon.Net, at 8 PM CST. This is so cool to hear from brothers and sisters from around the world!


Eliyahu ben David


Shalom remnant family!

Abby ben David, Tsiyon Radio Program DirectorAbigail here, I�ve been appointed as the new Program Director for Tsiyon Radio. As a result, I�m always looking for great new content that uplifts our Messiah to share with you all here on Tsiyon Road. From time to time I�ll be writing to you here in the Tsiyon News to let you know about programming updates. Over the next few weeks we hope to add several new artists to our station.

This week, tune in to Tsiyon Road to hear our newest artist, Franceilia McDonald!

Her album �Trust � Proverbs 3:5� is inspired by (as you might have guessed) Proverbs 3:5: �Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.�

I think it�s interesting, the timing of this, that her album is about the same concept of trusting in HIM as we covered in our last Sabbath Meeting, focusing on Matthew 9. If you missed it, Tsiyon Partners can view it in the archive here.

Also, check out Franceilia�s artist page here.

That�s all for now.

If you have any comments or feedback you can contact us at help@tsiyon.org.

Blessings and Shalom,

Abby, Tsiyon Program Director


Hi Remnant People!

Shelia, Tsiyon Academy AdministratorShelia here. I was thrilled to learn that all the student participants in tonight�s Shabbat meeting are from all over the world � like Australia, Oregon and China. It�s very exciting to see His Remnant people stepping up to represent Him!

Proposed Tsiyon Building

I also wanted to share a blessing we experienced this week at Tsiyon headquarters. We needed to place our first order for the materials for the foundation of our new building. Jacob and Judah have been digging the trenches for our retaining wall and we are about ready to begin the actual foundation.

We had made a trip the night before last to Lowe�s to check out what we needed to order and were able to talk to the Manager of the departments for wood, etc. and he suggested we get a Lowes for Pros account because we can save a great deal on the prices. We decided to try that and before we went to order we prayed with Elijahu. He asked YHWH to lead us to the right person to help us save as much on our purchases as possible, to get every possible discount.

 When we went to Lowes, we found that person who helped us get our Lowes for Pros account set up and place our order. We were totally elated that we could save so much on our order and get $20.00 delivery on all the heavy items we needed! We literally got discounts on top of discounts from this person!

We were a bit disappointed though, to find that we couldn�t get the extended payment plans that Lowes was offering, and all of these discounts too, and will have to pay for the entire order in one payment or be charged interest. However, the savings we got ordering this way were so great, and realizing how YHWH had answered our prayers to the letter, we decided to trust Him to provide for that payment!

Would you like to share in his provision for that payment? Please make offering checks to "Tsiyon" here: Tsiyon A130-425, 5701 W Slaughter LN, Austin, TX, USA, 78749

How exciting to watch Him work! Thought you might like to hear how He totally blessed us as we get this project started!

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Need to talk to us? - In the USA and Canada just call us toll free at (888) 230-2440 for help. Internationally, email us and we will arrange a phone or Skype call for you.

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�2017 Tsiyon - Tsiyon A130-425, 5701 W Slaughter LN, Austin, TX, USA, 78749
Please make offering checks to: "Tsiyon."

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