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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
All the faithful men and women of old put everything they had into enduring to the finish. This is the story of Messiah's life on earth, as well. He was here for a reason. He was running a race, and He was determined to finish well. He is our example.
Therefore let us also, seeing we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking to YESHUA, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising its shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of ELOHIM! Hebrews 12:1-2
He has given you everything you need to win the race that matters - the race for your eternal future. Many treat that like it is a given, no matter what they do. But that attitude is a mistake that Messiah warned us against. He told us "he who endures to the end will be saved." He told us that our course will be rigorous, and our commitment to overcome must be more than equal to those rigors.
That is why I'm so excited about our Tsiyon meeting online tonight! We will be focusing on His words in detail. Words meant to help us endure to the end to secure the prize. Be there. You will be glad you did!
That's at Tsiyon.Net, at 8 PM CST. This is about your eternal future!
Eliyahu ben David
Shalom Remnant People!
here. First, a word about Tsiyon Academy. Already this is turning in to a
great success, with participation from members from around the globe. Tsiyon
Academy is training up our leaders and ambassadors for work in the Kingdom.
It is such a joy to see our brothers and sisters from all over the globe
participating, being an example to others and stretching themselves to serve
YHWH in whatever way they can.
We ask for your prayers to uplift our Tsiyon Academy participant's efforts with their assignments.
Still not a member yet?
Don’t wait!
Join us today in the Tsiyon Academy!
On another note, I thought you might enjoy seeing the progress being made on our new building. Yes, we've started, as you can see in the pics below.
Here you can see Jacob digging in the trench for one
side of the retaining wall.
and Jude worked together on the excavations, and a lot more.
Jacob and Shelia received our initial load of building supplies,
which came on
a very large truck!
After all the trenches were completed, Jake and Jude laid the cinder blocks for the retaining wall. That was quite a job! Soon you will see the retaining wall in place with concrete and top pieces in place. We just had to take a bit of a delay in the work due to rain.
We really appreciate those of you who have responded to our call for help for making this first big payment. Still need help though so if you are so inclined, please send your designated donation to Tsiyon.
Would you like to share in the joy of this building project? Please make offering checks to "Tsiyon" at: Tsiyon A130-425, 5701 W Slaughter LN, Austin, TX, USA, 78749
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You get a lot for free on Tsiyon Road!