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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
find a meaningful progression and escalation, moving from Matthew 10 into
Matthew 11. In Matthew 10 we found Messiah warning us of the hatred from the
world, and the trials that would bring upon His disciples. Messiah
admonished us that we must give everything - all that we are and have - if
we would run the race to the finish.
Brother Roy, who spoke on this in our online meeting, told us of his own
experiences with this. He was a part of a group of believers in Africa who
wanted only to share love and truth with their neighbors. Yet, the ultimate
result was destruction of that group of believers by locals who, apparently,
hated them. A number of dear ones were murdered, in fact. This was a tragic
confirmation of the truth of Messiah's warning, and exhortation to us all to
As we move from Matthew 10 into Matthew 11 we hear of John/Yohanan the Immerser in prison. Here we have a man who was already experiencing the hatred of the world that Messiah had just been teaching about. As Messiah said, John was not "a reed shaken by the wind."
Before that happened John wanted to receive a report from his own disciples on what the Messiah had been doing. When they asked Y'shua about it He said;
One can only imagine how encouraging this report must have been to John, which further included Messiah's endorsement of John as who he truly was, the Elijah of Messiah's appearance on the world stage. The forerunner of that great event. Hearing that Y'shua was doing the foretold works of the Messiah, John could now go to his death knowing he had accomplished the purpose for which he had been called and sent out to Israel.
Y'shua was the Messiah, because He did the works of Messiah.
John was the forerunner because he did the works of the forerunner.
In the Kingdom, it is what a person does that tells us who they are.
This is just as true of every disciple as it is of these Bible figures. It is up to you to define your role in the Kingdom by giving your all, to be who you are meant to be in Messiah. Eternity is a long time. Do you want to spend it wishing you had applied yourself more diligently when you had the chance - or being glad that you did?
What you do is who you are.
More on this tonight at our online meeting, at Tsiyon.Net, at 8 PM CST.
This is about eternal things, so be there.
Eliyahu ben David
Time Change Reminder!
Hi friends,
Dawn here. Earlier this morning in the United States, the time changed for day-light-savings time. As a reminder our live-stream meeting begins this evening for Tsiyon Partners at 8 PM CST. If you want to verify the time difference for your area you can visit this website and simply enter the name of your city to see what time 8 PM CST is equivalent to within your local area's time zone.
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1) Click here to visit the Time Zone Converter-Time Difference Calculator shown above. As you can see, the link already has Austin, TX (Texas) USA and 8 PM this evening entered in for you.
2) Click on the blue "Add Another City of Time Zone" button and type your local city or time zone.
3) A new box will appear, letting you know when 8 PM CST compares to your local time zone.
We look forward to seeing you this evening!
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