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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
what this picture says to me: When you have little kids, they are the
priority. And they are such a joy. Often times though, young mothers don't
get out much, at least, to just do something she likes. So when those times
come around, she wants to make the most of them. And those times do happen,
going with her husband to a friend's wedding, for example. It's a chance to
express another side of herself, to dress up and look nice, to enjoy some
social time, and to reconnect with her husband. You can be sure when the
music starts, and everyone starts moving out onto the dance floor, that she
will be looking at her husband. Yes, not surprisingly, she wants to dance
too. That's when it happens. He just looks the other way.
Granted, some guys feel awkward in social situations like this, and she probably did know that when she married him. On the other hand, when he married her he said he loves her. Isn't love about the other person's needs, not your own? Isn't this the perfect opportunity for this man to tell his wife how much he loves her by meeting her emotional need, instead of insisting on maintaining his own comfort level? And what of the benefits? His relationship with his wife will be strengthened and built up by this little sacrifice of his own feelings to focus on her, which can only make his life better.
Everything should be telling this guy that its time for him to dance. He doesn't have to be John Travolta, he just has to hold his wife and move around a little. She will be happy. He will be happy. Everything will be good.
But no, he won't dance! He just will not do what the situation calls for. Period.
In Matthew 11 Messiah used not dancing when appropriate as a metaphor for not responding to His call, which He likened to dance music that should elicit a positive response - but doesn't get it. By the way, He really got mad at those people because of their doltish behavior. He cursed them, in fact. More correctly, He told them that they had cursed themselves.
This got me thinking about our generation.
The last days call is going out. Prophecies are being fulfilled on a daily basis. There is work to be done for the Kingdom. We have been given everything we need to step up to true discipleship - to put Him first instead of ourselves. It is time to dance to Messiah's tune.
Those who respond are greatly blessed.
yes, before you do it, it may seem like a chore. The old nature doesn't give
up without a fight. It can find all sorts of excuses to put off true
discipleship. Just thinking about giving up control and giving that over to
Messiah can bring inner turmoil, as the old nature fights against it. But
what happens when you actually choose to die to self and get into that yoke
with Messiah? Peace happens. Rest from your heavy burdens happens. The
shalom of Elohim that surpasses all understanding happens. You actually
feel like dancing to Messiah's tune. It's the best. There is nothing
else that even comes close.
But what of the many who have heard all of that and still won't dance?!
They are MIA. They are cursing themselves, according to Matthew 11. Like I said last week, in the Kingdom you are what you do - or in this case - you are what you don't do. Not doing the right thing can be just as bad, or worse, than doing the wrong thing.
Realizing that there are so many who just won't respond, we have reason to appreciate all the more those who do. There is a reason they are called "the remnant" and "the overcomers." In the end, these are the ones with enough love and enough commitment to set their own way aside to put His needs first. Surely, He deserves that.
More tonight at our online meeting, at Tsiyon.Net, at 8 PM CST.
Be there, and be blessed.
Eliyahu ben David
Hi Remnant People!
Shelia here. I thought you might like a report on how the building is coming along.
Finally the rain has let up and we were able to work steadily on the foundation. Eliyahu snapped the picture below of Sherry, Shelia, Jake and Judah, after we finished pouring and setting all of the piers. We also had help from Solomon and Aimee in getting this job done, even though they don't happen to be in this picture.
It was a happy day. Jake is sure he mixed 1000 80 pound bags of Quikcrete. Actually it was only 120 bags but that’s plenty to lift and pour into the cement mixer! Any way you look at it, it’s a BIG job!
Our next picture shows the completed foundation of cement piers and retaining wall and soon we will be moving on to the wood for the foundation and the lower floor.
YHWH has been so faithful to provide through HIS people. The funds have come through to make that first big payment and we are so blessed and grateful to those of you who felt led to help us make that happen. We’re just getting started though, so you have ample time to participate in this blessing by your donation to the building fund!
Also, don’t forget about signing up to be a part of the Tsiyon Academy, if you haven't yet. We would love to see you on the air too!
Shalom, Shelia
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