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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
Matthew 12 we find Messiah and His men making a lot of people mad; very
angry, in fact. What were they doing that was so offensive, you ask?
Were they in public in need of a bath? No.
Were they telling disgusting jokes? Of course not.
Were they calling people names? No.
Just what were they doing that was so infuriating?
Actually, they were hungry, so they were picking and eating a few heads of grain. The nerve, right?
The problem was, it was the Sabbath, and according to the religious rules of the day it was not allowed to "reap" on the Sabbath. According to the pea-brain bureaucratic mentality of the doctors of the Law, picking a few single heads of grain to eat, because you are hungry, is "reaping" - and is therefore not allowed. Apparently, you are just supposed to starve on the Sabbath. That's what God wants, right?
I can easily get carried away on a tangent. How do bureaucratic fools always
end up in charge? If you have ever dealt with any government agency, any
overseeing religious body, any administration of any public institution -
then you know what I mean. Such agencies, bodies or bureaus always seem to
be staffed with "public servants" that are more interested in multiplying
red tape than in actually serving the public. Why are these people like
this? Apparently control freak types are drawn to these positions where they
can feel powerful by inflicting endless frustrations on the public. It is
such a relief when you have to interface with some such authority and you
are served by an actual helpful human being! HalleluYah!
This fallen tendency of people in charge to multiply rules and red tape is the reason the Torah, and especially the Sabbath, is seen by many as such a burden. What YHWH gave us was always intended to help us and bless us. However, after centuries of bureaucratic embellishments, religious authorities managed to turn a blessing from above into a nightmare of impossible rules and mindless traditions.
and His men chose to keep the blessing of Torah observance, in this case the
Sabbath, while dispensing with all of the religious insanity and mindless
rules made up by men. They simply chose to do what the Scripture actually
says, while ignoring all of the religious rules and red tape added on by the
"experts." Obey God. Ignore fools. There is absolutely no reason why you
can't do exactly the same thing.
We call that: "FREEDOM!" Ah, what a wonderful word!
In Matthew 12, Messiah comes forward with a powerful life-changing, liberating message. It is about the Sabbath, but so much more.
This message is close to my heart, and I am looking forward to personally sharing it with you, tonight at our online meeting, at Tsiyon.Net, at 8 PM CST.
Please, come and be blessed!
Eliyahu ben David
PS - This is the last Sabbath of this Hebrew year. At our live meeting tonight we will be including a special presentation, reviewing what Tsiyon has been doing over this year, and where we are headed in this new year to come. YHWH's plan is marching on!
Shalom Remnant Family,
here! I wanted to let all Firefox users know that you can now get Tsiyon created
themes from Mozilla Add-ons. These themes are light-weight themes that consist
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Most of these themes feature uplifting Scripture verses or Tsiyon-related logos. More themes will be released at different points in time, so a collection has been made on the Firefox Themes page that users can follow to stay up-to-date on newly released themes!
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