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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
Peter was amazing, walking on the water. Then faith turned to fear and it was over. Y'shua said "why did you doubt?" That question, that statement, is pregnant with meaning. Its as if doubt itself is ridiculous - as if there is no good reason for it and it is stupid to doubt.
Messiah was right, of course. With YHWH in charge of the universe, doubt is a complete waste of time. Worse still, it is a faith-killer that interrupts the flow of our relationship with Him. Why would we do that? Why would we doubt?
And yet, sometimes we do.
We doubt because of the flesh, the world, and the devil.
Yes, the problem starts with our fallen flesh. Fear, insecurity, woundedness, pride, and self-absorption are just a few of the flaws of humanity that hinder faith. This is why we must live in the Word, go to the school of the Spirit, and walk with Messiah. We must be transformed in our inner-man if we would overcome the flesh and learn how to really believe! When we believe miracles happen on a daily basis.
Before you even get to dealing with your flesh you will probably have to deal with the world first. The world is in rebellion against God and hates God. That's why the world is constantly creating an anti-God narrative that we find everywhere. Many of us send our kids to school where they are taught daily that God did not create the universe - the mindless big-bang is the creator! This amazing earth, our intricately fashioned bodies and intelligent minds are nothing but a product of chance processes with no intelligence, power or purpose involved. Just as chance itself is meaningless, so are we, and all traces of mankind will one day dissolve into the great nothing at the hand of the same blind forces that the great scientists of the world say started everything rolling to begin with. Or so they tell us.
Oh please! What a steaming pile of horse fertilizer that is. These same people work with math, physics and other awesome and predictable forces and functions of the universe that make the creative mind behind it all more than obvious. There is no excuse for the blind arrogance of the over-educated fools who themselves seek to be god. Don't let the fanciful stories and "creative" math of the atheists destroy your faith.
Finally, we must deal with the devil. Yeah, I've heard it all before. The devil is simply a metaphor for evil itself. Modern, intelligent people don't believe the devil is real. Well, I don't believe in the horned cartoon character with a pitchfork and a tail either. That's not the devil, that's disinformation. "Devil" means adversary, an enemy. This is the powerful spirit being who rebelled against YHWH and means to take over His universe. Long ago he began to create a following, and he now has a formidable army of followers in the spirit world as well as the physical world. They are intelligent, unspeakably evil and highly organized. They mean to turn you and every other person away from YHWH. How do you think they are doing so far? Be aware of the devil, fight against this enemy, and don't let his evil organization undermine your faith.
The good news is, that despite the flesh, the world, and the devil, you can learn to really believe, to do great works of faith. That is, if it matters enough to you. When He was walking the earth as a man, Messiah picked out a handful of men who cared enough, who wanted to really believe. That's why Peter stepped out of the boat and attempted to do what he saw his Messiah doing - walking on water! Not only that, but he actually did it! True, he wasn't able to maintain it, and that is why Peter, and you and I, need lessons from the Master, so we can learn to believe - and to keep believing.
Tonight at our Tsiyon meeting we are going to be taking in these lesson in faith from the Messiah. Join us online at 8 PM CST at Tsiyon.Net, as we build up our faith together.
Eliyahu ben David
Hi Remnant People!
Shelia here. In the last Tsiyon News I told you we would be laying the sub-floor, and starting the framing of the walls. That's exactly what we've been doing on our Tsiyon building project. Check out these pictures from this last week.
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Time to build the subfloor. |
We can make this fit. |
Lookin good! |
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Wow! We've started framing up the walls! |
Thank you for your prayers and your support, helping us to get this far. By faith, both yours and ours, we will continue on to complete this project that is before us, to the benefit and blessing of His people.
As always, if you would like to help with the project you can send your offering to:
Tsiyon A130-425 [Checks can be made to "Tsiyon"]
5701 W Slaughter LN
Austin TX 78749
Video! - The Saturday Sabbath Story
The fourth commandment says we are to keep the Sabbath, but when is that Sabbath to be kept?
What proof is there that Saturday has always been the same day of the week, going all the way back to Creation week?
On the other hand, is there any proof that the days of the week were changed, even by the Jews, bringing Saturday Sabbath into doubt?
Lastly, if Saturday is disqualified by hard evidence, then what?
Is it still possible to determine the correct day to keep the Sabbath, meaning the day that God Himself has set?
Hard facts are offered in this video to answer each of these vital questions. Just click the picture below to view the video on YouTube. Please leave a comment and a Thumbs-Up!
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