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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
Why is one man's news source another man's "fake news?"
Why are food products put on the market as more healthy for you - only to be exposed later as virtual poison?
Why are mistakes of the medical establishment the third largest cause of death in America - yet we are all told to show up at the doctors office for frequent unnecessary tests?
Why do government leaders constantly push some false narrative - or even outright lies?
Why does everyone who becomes a Congressman or Senator end up as a millionaire?
Why do famous Christian mega-church leaders smile and wave so much, never rock the boat with anybody, and live in million dollar mansions and fly around in their own private jets?
Why does the World Council of Churches denounce Israel in favor of the Palestinians?
Why do left-leaning feminists, transgenders and gays constantly seem to endorse the religion that represses women, and kills transgenders and gays?
Why is there so much hype, smoke, mirrors and lies - and so little simple truth?
Why do so many people blindly swallow all that nonsense and march like lemmings towards the edge of the cliff, just because the guy in front of them says so?
Why don't more people wake up while there is still time?
Blind people following blind guides.
Its a story as old as Eve following the snake in the Garden.
Matthew 15 - Don't be one of those people, and avoid disaster.
Join us online at 8 PM CST at Tsiyon.Net. Listen to Messiah, a guide we can trust.
Eliyahu ben David
PS - Sorry about the resend. We sent the wrong article out by mistake.
Hi Remnant People!
Shelia here. Our enthusiastic young crew got a lot of work done since our last Tsiyon News. The areas that you see framed up in these pictures will eventually include bunk rooms for visiting Tsiyon Partners, also for students and volunteers. This will greatly expand what we can do for all of you here at Tsiyon Headquarters.
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Raising a wall. |
Got that part framed. |
Wow! That's a lot! |
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Our enthusiastic young workers gettin' it done! |
You can see dark clouds in the pictures. We had several days that were supposed to rain, but instead the clouds just made cooler conditions for us to work in, so we got a lot done and had fun doing it. Thank you for your prayers! They really made a difference.
Next, we need to buy more materials to build the second floor.
If you would like to help us with that you can send your offering to:
Tsiyon A130-425 [Checks can be made to "Tsiyon"]
5701 W Slaughter LN
Austin TX 78749
Video! - The Saturday Sabbath Story
The fourth commandment says we are to keep the Sabbath, but when is that Sabbath to be kept?
What proof is there that Saturday has always been the same day of the week, going all the way back to Creation week?
On the other hand, is there any proof that the days of the week were changed, even by the Jews, bringing Saturday Sabbath into doubt?
Lastly, if Saturday is disqualified by hard evidence, then what?
Is it still possible to determine the correct day to keep the Sabbath, meaning the day that God Himself has set?
Hard facts are offered in this video to answer each of these vital questions. Just click the picture below to view the video on YouTube. Please leave a comment and a Thumbs-Up!
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