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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
Messiah loves children. We all have read how he rebuked those who would have kept the children from 'bothering Him' by commanding "Let the little children come to Me."
He commented on the priority we must give to our children, saying; "It is not appropriate to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs." This simple and natural principle of taking care of children's needs seems to be getting lost on some these days.
I can't believe the things I am hearing about how some people are treating children. Dawn was very upset about a news article just this week, and told me about it. It was reported that a woman in Utah locked her kids in the trunk of her car at the grocery store. They are ages two and five. Fortunately, bystanders in the parking lot heard the children screaming and managed to help them to get free. The police were called and the mother was arrested. Her excuse was that her babysitter didn't show up. This is a reason to lock your kids in the trunk?! When our 5 kids were little, which most of them were at the same time, Dawn often went to the grocery store, taking the toddlers with her, and they all did just fine under their mom's watchful care - which may be one reason why she felt so disturbed by this woman's behavior.
When I was looking up this news article I was saddened to find others where mothers had locked their little children in the trunk so as not to be bothered with them. One Pennsylvania woman went for a joy ride as a passenger in a corvette, and was determined not to let her kids ruin her fun - so she locked them in the trunk. A Florida woman was arrested by police for driving without a license. After she was stopped the officers discovered the woman's infant locked in the trunk. The woman said she didn't want to get discovered driving the baby without a car seat - so put the baby in the trunk. Another headline tells a similar story; "Woman Put Wet Nephew in Trunk to Preserve Leather Car Seats". All of these incidents and many more suggest an amazing lack of natural affection on the part of too many parents out there. "Lack of natural affection" is one of the signs of the last days. 2 Timothy 3:1-5
There is no end to the stories of neglect and abuse of children these days. Personally, I blame the social engineering over the last half century or so for a lot of this. Motherhood has been vastly devalued, which means children have been vastly devalued. Children have been largely institutionalized as a result of these social changes. This has been a disaster for children, because no institution can come close to replacing a loving mother's attention to her children on a daily basis. No wonder so many kids are in so much trouble.
And they ARE in trouble. A lot of that is coming from predators - adults who exploit children. This is exponentially worse than neglect. The sexual exploitation of children often ruins them for life. Notice this excerpt from a recent Houston Chronicle article:
300,000 American children are targeted by organized sex trafficking rings every year.Many communities have created specialized units to track and prosecute pedophiles luring victims online, but few understood how many children are forced into prostitution, said Linda Morrison with the nonprofit social service organization Traffic911. Quoting federal studies, she said as many as
The average age of child victims first sold for sex is 13, said Bob Sanborn, CEO of the Houston-based nonprofit Children at Risk. "Anywhere you have affluence you find people are buying children" [he said].
[http:// www.houstonchronicle. com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/In-Fort-Bend-panel-to-study-ways-to-help-victims-5990659.php]
De-prioritizing children has led to neglect. Neglect has led to abuse. Abuse has led to ruin - of children and of our society as a whole. How far our "advanced culture" has fallen from the simple and natural love of children exemplified by our Messiah.
In the Bible it is assumed that our beloved children are our priority. In that culture to be someone's child is to be someone special. To be loved. To be protected. In that context, when we are called "children of God" that really means something.
There is a trust, there is a covenant, that has been established to provide for the Children of God. That's what Messiah is talking about in Matthew 15, when he speaks of the children, meaning the Children of God.
Join us online tonight at 8 PM CST at Tsiyon.Net as we consider Messiah's words.
Eliyahu ben David
This year, Shavuot/Pentecost begins tomorrow, June 3, 2017, at sundown.
Listen to Tsiyon Road for special Shavuot programming.
May you be blessed on Shavuot!
In my letter above I mention the child sex trafficking disaster now going on.
Tsiyon has a video on that you may want to see. I am listing it here for you.
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