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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
People problems. We've all had them, and dread them.
We expect these problems to come up with unbelievers, whether people at work, neighbors, relatives, or just driving down the road. It doesn't surprise us too much when unbelievers behave badly towards us, because the Scriptures say this would happen in the last days, and they tell us why:
"But know this, that in the last days, grievous times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, no lovers of good, traitors, headstrong, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God; holding a form of godliness, but having denied its power. Turn away from these." 2 Timothy 3:1-5
If you boil that down, it is about attitude. Indeed, the last days are a time of unprecedented selfishness, manifested in all the ways listed in the passage. The verses anticipate intransigence on the part of the worldly offenders, since the only recourse given here is to "turn away" from those who routinely practice the offending behaviors.
Yes, but the believing community is different! We have the example of the Son of God Himself, as well as His excellent instruction. We have the Word. We have the Spirit. Truly, we have everything we need to get along harmoniously with one another.
I hear that! Some of you are saying: "So why don't we?"
This is the tragedy and the heartbreak for so many of us. We have a right to expect a higher standard of behavior among believers. Yet, we have often been disappointed in that expectation. For some of us, other believers have disappointed us so much we have turned away from them. Its the sniping, the gossip, the slander, the back-biting, the murmuring, the complaining. Then there are the constant personal attacks, competitiveness and even outright warfare. It seems that, even with the coming of Messiah, our people have improved in their behavior only slightly since our sad days in the wilderness, when we made life miserable for Moses. Surely, as a people we can and must do better.
In these last days it falls to the remnant of Israel to lead the way. It is up to us to change this wretched pattern.
But how?
By actually DOING the Torah!
This is what it means to have the Torah 'written in our hearts.' To have a changed nature that is based on the heart of God as revealed in the Torah, both written and the Living Torah, Messiah Himself.
I believe that in the midst of this dark age the light of Messiah will finally be manifest to the world through His remnant people. It is time for us to rise up, to fully realize all that we are called to be, and actually ARE, in Y'shua Messiah.
means bursting past all of the old patterns of thinking and behavior that
have dogged us through the centuries. That is a very big goal, but we can do
it, as each of us applies ourselves to the task, putting to work all the we
have been given for this mission.
The nuts and bolts of the remnant mission have much to do with how we relate to one another. How will the remnant tribes of Israel find unity if individuals can't get along with each other? Clearly, this is a huge area for each of us to find victory, if we are to overcome as a people, to shine forth the light of YHWH into the dark world.
In Matthew 18 Messiah gave us a way of thinking and acting that, if put into common practice, will produce the unified people we need to be. This has been there all along, but it has seldom been followed. It is time that started to change. If we will just put these powerful and practical words of Messiah into effect the results will rocket our mission forward!
This is the very material we will be covering tonight at our live Tsiyon meeting.
this theme having to do with relationships, we will also be moving into the
first few verses of Matthew 19, having to do with divorce. Yes. It is a
painful topic for many of us. Yet, it is a very real part of life in our
world today, and this even among believers. Further, there is a lot of
confusion about what Messiah was really saying on the topic. Was Messiah
introducing some new teaching, or was He simply teaching the Torah as it
should have been taught all along? With marriage problems and divorce
rampant in the world today, none of us can afford to miss His important
teaching, included in our Tsiyon meeting tonight.
People problems. Although they can be both hurtful and difficult, they can be effectively dealt with, in Messiah. Be with us tonight at 8 PM CST at Tsiyon.Net, and consider this vital information.
Eliyahu ben David
Hi Remnant Brothers and Sisters!
Shelia here.
With Messiah's help, We've been making a lot of progress on the building project!
Walk though the project with Abby and Eliyahu in the pictures below.
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1. Eliyahu and Abby ascending the new ramp. |
2. Inside, and ascending to the 2nd floor. |
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3. Wow! The 2nd floor is now in place! |
4. Our crew has been doing a great job up here! |
5. Nice to see people enjoying fellowship at the new Tsiyon building already! |
We are really happy about the work we've gotten done, with framing and sub-floor up to the second floor. This is especially gratifying, since it is all done out of the love of Messiah, by our Tsiyon volunteers. Next, we are preparing to frame up the walls on the 2nd floor, for a second story. We need more materials now, to get this done. Could you help us with that part?
You can send your offering to:
Tsiyon A130-425 [Checks can be made to "Tsiyon"]
5701 W Slaughter LN
Austin TX 78749
We are extremely grateful for your support!
Be blessed in Messiah, Shalom!
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