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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
The graphic to the right (and larger version at top of page) doesn't look very inviting. In fact, it is terrible marketing, likely to drive people away. Normally, to attract people to service astute marketers will show something a lot more appealing than a crown of thorns and blood-stained nails. Who would sign up for that?
Here's an example of a much more appealing graphic to enlist volunteers:
Now, that's much more effective marketing. Really, a brilliant marketing concept. After all, who wouldn't want to be a "superhero?" Other people really like superheroes because they are so special. That message could really ring a bell with all of the special people out there.
Here is another approach:
picture on the left seems to be saying that volunteering makes a person feel
good, so to volunteer is to love yourself. This ad has the benefit of being
true, which is refreshing in the marketing world. Feeling good about
yourself really is a great personal benefit to serving others. Clearly, this
is a much more appealing visual than mine.
The ad on the right offers different real benefits: friends and being a part of something. This is very appealing for people interested in making good social contacts as well as people who enjoy working with others doing something good. This graphic is also clearly much more appealing than mine.
So there you have it. Three very positive and effective marketing approaches to service, all of them more appealing than my graphic. You may be wondering, why, since I am aware of these other more appealing approaches, did I go with something so unappealing, even repugnant, to the senses?
Here's why: I chose the graphic and message I'm using because it is a true representation of the message of Messiah regarding service in Matthew 20. For example, we have this passage:
"Whoever desires to be first among you shall be your bondservant, even as the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Matthew 20:27, 28
See what I mean? That message is completely contrary to what every "positive-thinking" marketing guru ever taught. Here Messiah is actually calling people to serve by following His example of death on the cross! Just imagine how many millions of people have turned aside from Messiah because of that "negative" message! Granted, the real impact of that call to selfless service has been blunted by mega-church pastors and their feel-good religion, but the verse itself cannot be undone in its impact.
That passage is a call to death to self, and that is not good marketing. It is however, a true requirement for every person who would be a true disciple of Y'shua - which is why He faithfully told us that truth. I like that. I want to know the truth, and I can always count on Him to tell me what it is, with no spin and no apologies. Further, I want to pass His message forward to His people as well as I am able in that same way, even if the world would prefer a more watered-down version. His people deserve to hear the truth.
All of that is not to say there is not a positive side to His message about service in Matthew 20. There is, in fact, a secret to service that surpasses all of the sound bites out there. Here at Tsiyon we understand that secret, and we are completely hooked on service in the footsteps of Messiah. Join us tonight at our Tsiyon meeting online and we will share this secret with you. That's tonight at 8 PM CST at Tsiyon.Net. We look forward to being with you!
Eliyahu ben David
Tsiyon 2017 Building Project Reflection
by Bryan Crigger
Hello Remnant Family,
My name is Bryan Crigger. I live in Guangzhou, China and have been a member of Tsiyon for several years now. I and my wife Ginny are expecting our first child in September, and that is the major reason for my most recent visit to the Tsiyon Headquarters. I needed to do some shopping for the baby, so why not combine that with some volunteer time; working on the new building project that is occurring right now.
It was only a short visit, two weeks, but it was an awesome experience I will not soon forget. I got to help with putting up walls for the second floor rooms. It was intense at times, but Yahweh got us through. At the time of my leaving, we hadn’t quite put up half of the walls for the second floor but I know they will have the rest of the walls up in no time.
My main take-way from the whole experience, however, was not new skills in the realm of construction but rather a renewed appreciation for those volunteers who have made the building possible. The people that I have witnessed work on this building are much like myself, just normal everyday people that are trying to do what Yahweh has asked of us. The people here are not the world’s best builders, but they are putting forth a tremendous effort and that effort shows in a huge way. Frequent readers of the newsletter may be familiar with the building and what it looks like, but the pictures do no justice, I promise you that. The building is very large and very impressive, considering it is being built by regular people like you and I.
With that being said, the building could be built quicker if we had more volunteers or volunteers with experience in the fields of construction, framing, wood working, dry walling, flooring, electricity, plumbing, and I am sure many other areas too. I am well aware that the remnant of Israel is filled with people that have these skills and more that can be used to help further Yahweh’s end times mission, but also Tsiyon’s mission to get this building up and running.
Why not volunteer and help out? I guarantee it will be appreciated no matter how long, or how much you may be able to contribute. I am not very knowledgeable about anything involving construction or manual labor, but they put me to good work anyway, and I know I helped make a difference. Many hands make light work, so come down with the other volunteers and lend a hand and help finish this project so we can all move on to the next item on Yahweh’s list. I know you will be blessed by your experience just as I was, and I hope to see you in an upcoming newsletter helping with Yahweh’s work.
Shalom and Blessings,
Here is how the Tsiyon project looks right now!
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