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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
We've all seen it. Invitations to weddings elicit varying responses. Some people love them, and look forward to the socializing and romance of the event.
Other people - not so much. For them social obligations such as weddings are seen as an imposition on their time that takes them away from what they really want to do. Often times those folks just make an excuse and don't attend. Other times they end up dragged along by a spouse or friend, which in itself is rather unpleasant for all involved.
There is a third group. These are the bad actors. Don't you hate it when you go to a wedding and there is some drunk loudmouth there who is making everybody miserable and single-handedly ruining the whole event? What a relief when they throw that guy out!
It is really rather amazing that Messiah could take these elements of common experience and turn them into a parable explaining matters of eternal importance! This is the parable of the wedding feast in Matthew 22. You are invited to the very feast He is talking about there! Are you too busy to care? Or do you have such high regard for Him that you would not fail to show up? (A little tip I learned a long time ago: showing up is 90+% of the battle.)
You are invited to come and hear His invitation tonight, at our live online Tsiyon meeting. Will you come? I hope so, because if you do, you will not be disappointed with what you see and hear. Join us at 8 PM CST at Tsiyon.Net. All is prepared and ready, and we are hoping to share this important event with you.
Eliyahu ben David
Hello Remnant family!
Dawn here with a few words about the technology we use here at Tsiyon.
just keeps changing!
Here at Tsiyon we’ve seen a lot of changes in technology—from when Eliyahu began, to the podcasting days, on through to Tsiyon Road radio, the mobile apps, and live-streamed meetings.
From the beginning, Eliyahu had a vision to use the technology available to
reach out to folks with the message YHWH gave him, as well as to provide a
place for people to meet one another, fellowship, and grow in our faith as
we prepare our hearts and minds for the upcoming Remnant Exodus.
are two Tsiyon websites, each serving a different purpose.
- is our 24/7/365 Messianic Radio station website. Anytime of day or night you can enjoy Messiah-centered teachings, awesome music, discover our broadcast schedule, keep Holy Time, and find out more information about the great music artists featured in our praise and worship times.
- hosts the Tsiyon Tabernacle membership website where people can interact with others from around the globe and from their local area, get prayer support or join other interest groups, access various teaching and video archives, or join us for live-streamed meetings regularly scheduled for the Leviticus 23 appointments/moedim (Sabbath, Passover, ULB, Shavuot, Trumpets, Atonement, Sukkot).
Video Changes:
Recently, changes in browser technology, as well as an increased use of
mobile devices of all sorts, have changed the way video content is
streamed online. Many different software and browser developers have
announced plans to discontinue the older video player, which Tsiyon
Tabernacle has been using, in favor of a new type of video player which
is more user-friendly to a wide variety of devices. For the techies out
there, we were using a Flash player and now we’ve converted to an HTML5
player. However, this change also meant re-rendering video footage,
moving a very large database of video content to a new host, re-coding
every video within the Tabernacle archive, as well as testing them to be
certain they are working properly.
the change also means that for many of you, your experience when
visiting the Tabernacle to view video content will be enhanced. Some of
these changes include less buffering (the dreaded and frustrating wait
for the video playback to resume), more devices and browsers served, as
well as the content being locally available through our new host's
multiple servers in the "cloud." We’ve tested the player and the vast
majority of people—from China to the US—who tested it on a great number
of devices and browser types, most have no difficulties at all. For a
few it takes a little longer for the video to load at the start, but
after that it plays a lot better than before, so just give it a little
extra time at the beginning to load. If you do experience any tech
issues—no worries! We have volunteers on live-help who are standing by
to help, as well as a full FAQ help page outlining various
troubleshooting solutions.
Subscribers to the Tsiyon News all have a login at the Tabernacle. If you haven’t logged in for a while—please drop by and visit us to check it out. We've got a lot of great content for you there! Also, we would enjoy hearing from you!
Blessings and Shalom, Dawn
See our latest YouTube Video!
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or another radio stream outlet, or directly from our
You get a lot for free on Tsiyon Road!