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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
I write, tonight begins the last Sabbath of the 6th Torah month, at the dark of
the moon. In either two or three days the first sliver of the new moon will
appear, signaling the start of month 7. We never know for sure whether it will
be two, or three days, because it depends on an actual sighting in Israel by the
naked eye. Varying atmospheric conditions make an absolute prediction
impossible. We just have to wait and see.
The first day of the month is normally not a feast day. Some people mistakenly think the first day of each Torah month is the New Moon feast, but they are mistaken. The New Moon feast is the period during the dark of the moon when we are waiting for the new moon to appear. My book, Holy Time, explains all about this.
Only in the 7th month is the 1st day of the month a feast day. It is called Yom Teruah. We also call it the Day of Shouting, and the Day of Trumpets, or just Trumpets for short. There are also some other names. Since it is the only feast day to fall on the 1st day of the month it is unique as being "that day nobody knows." It is a day of celebration, yet we don't know for sure until it arrives on which day it will be.
Yom Teruah points forward to the coming of Messiah! It is That Day Nobody Knows!
It is the 1st day of the month because the coming of Messiah is the start of everything for us. It is "That Day"!
Our Tsiyon Sabbath meeting tonight perfectly dovetails with Yom Teruah. We didn't plan it that way. YHWH did. We have been going through Matthew in our Sabbath meetings, and we have arrived at the 2nd part of Matthew 24 for this meeting. This is the portion of Matthew in which Messiah talks about That Day Nobody Knows.
We want everyone to view this program, so we are posting the recording of it on our homepage, for everyone, including free members, to enjoy. In fact, we are offering special presentations all month which we will be posting on the homepage throughout the 7th month. Enjoy these special programs yourself, and invite your friends to sign up for a free membership so they can enjoy these programs too.
Anyone can register free right here:
When you log in, view the special 7th month programs on the homepage at the place that looks like this:
If you have any technical problems signing up or viewing the presentations contact us via livehelp at the bottom of the page or email . If you are receiving this email you probably are already a Tsiyon member. If you haven't logged in for a while, and need help, just let us know. We will be glad to help. We want you to celebrate with us this 7th month!
We have some other special things for you for this 7th month. Tsiyon Road is our free 24/7/365 radio station that you can access anytime. See complete details at http://Tsiyon.Org where you can listen online. We will have special free programming all month. See Abby's post below for more about that.
Also this 7th month, we are releasing a new 3 DVD set that is very timely. Here are the details on that:
The 7th month is a very special time, and it all starts with tonight's online Tsiyon Meeting. Tsiyon Partners can join us at 8 PM CST at Tsiyon.Net for our live meeting. After that, this special presentation will be posted on the homepage for Yom Teruah. Come and join us, won't you?
Eliyahu ben David
Shalom Remnant Family,
Abby here. We have a great program lineup for you on Tsiyon Road, this seventh-month!
During this special time I’m often reminded of the many things YHWH has done for us as a nation, and the important duty we have to Him throughout these end days. The seventh month is a time that looks forward to the return of Messiah, and future last days events, while also looking back; reminding us of the birth of Messiah, the Israelites dwelling in tents as YHWH brought them out of Egypt, the sin of both our forefathers and ourselves, and the great price Messiah paid to redeem us.
It’s also a good time to remember the Covenant and how He’s been faithful to preserve a righteous remnant who would obey the Torah even as our nation failed to keep it. Remembering the covenant is exactly what we’ll be doing as we air our Leviticus Midrash Marathon from start to finish throughout this upcoming month.
We’ll also have other special programming for each of the feasts, so be sure to listen!
Also, you’ve probably noticed we’ve got some new music playing on the station. The group "Fragrance of Heaven" made up by Renalee, Matthew East, and Rich Friedman, submitted their album “Fragrance of Heaven” for airing on Tsiyon Road. Renalee also sent in her albums “Forever Love” and “Run to the Torah”. These songs are a beautiful praise to YHWH, so enjoy! Of course, we are adding these to our many other wonderful music artists you are already enjoying on Tsiyon Road, this 7th month.
All in all, I'm really excited about our program lineup for this 7th month, that will be both inspiring and entertaining, so I know you’ll certainly want to tune in!
Blessings and Shalom,
This Remnant Exodus seminar is still free to view online!
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