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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
this word is proven out:
"Let God be found true, though every man be found a liar."
Romans 3:4
By now we are all well aware that the September 23, 2017 pre-trib rapture prediction failed, just as I publicly said it would.
Of course, many of us are not surprised by that, because regular readers of this newsletter know the pre-trib rapture theory is based on a false paradigm. [For more details, visit RemnantExodus.Org]
In other words, there will not be a pre-trib rapture of the Church.
What is actually happening is a very different scenario from that one. If you think about what you have seen going on, you already have a sense that this is true: The Church system is in the process of metastasizing into a thoroughly corrupted and apostate body, and will merge with all of the "great religions of the world" into something the Scriptures call "Babylon the Great", which will eventually be destroyed near the end of the Great Tribulation. (Revelation 18)
So what about those sincere believers who are presently within that Church system?
The prophetic call goes out to them:
"Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues; for her sins have piled up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities." Revelation 18:4+5
Yes, all real disciples of Messiah will need to abandon the failing Church, to move on into what Messiah is doing now. In fact, the Great Sign of Revelation 12 actually has to do with that new paradigm Messiah is leading His faithful disciples into. At our Tsiyon Meeting tonight, in fact, we will be presenting a special presentation about the Great Sign of Revelation 12. This will include a video that explains what the Great Sign of Revelation 12 really means. This is absolutely free, and you don't want to miss it!
In fact, this is just the first of a series of special presentations we will be offering over the course of this 7th Hebrew month. Because of the confusion of many believers out there over these changing times, we are posting the recordings of all of these special 7th month presentations on our homepage immediately after they are aired live for our Tsiyon Partners, so that everyone, including free members and all new members, can be blessed by them. View these special programs yourself throughout this special month, and invite your friends to sign up for a free membership, so they can enjoy these programs too. There really is no obligation if you sign up free, just to view these special programs.
Anyone can register free right here:
When you log in, view the special 7th month programs right on the homepage at the place that looks like this:
The 7th month is a very special time, and it all starts with tonight's online Tsiyon Meeting. Tsiyon Partners can join us at 8 PM CST at Tsiyon.Net for our live meeting, or view the video recording a little later. Don't miss any of these special 7th Month presentations!
Eliyahu ben David
PS -If you have any technical problems signing up or viewing the presentations contact us via livehelp at the bottom of the page or email . If you are receiving this email you probably are already a Tsiyon member. If you haven't logged in for a while, and need help, just let us know. We will be glad to help. We want you to celebrate with us this 7th month! Also, Tsiyon Road is our free 24/7/365 radio station that you can access anytime. See complete details at http://Tsiyon.Org where you can listen online to special free programming all month.
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