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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
a stark contrast there is between the chaos and darkness of this world, and the
shalom and joy of following Messiah!
Followers of Messiah are undeterred by the world, and have no use for dead religion, fake religion, or religion at all. Why would we need any of that when we have HIM?
Really, what we need is more of Him, all the time, every day.
Only Messiah is "the Way, and the Truth and the Life!"
Isn't that pretty much all there is that matters?
That makes this day, the first day of Sukkot/Tabernacles on the Torah Calendar, a wondrous day, for every follower of Messiah. This is Messiah's birthday! This is the day He came into the world to Tabernacle with us!
purpose in coming into this fallen world was not only to redeem us (something no
one else could do) but also to model life as it should be lived, as it was meant
to be lived - and to give us the capacity to live such an awesome life as that.
Yes, to live out His life in our life. There is no other way to experience such
an awesome life but to follow Him - to learn from Him - to come to know Him more
and more each day.
For us, the term "Messianic" means to follow the Messiah in every aspect of our lives. As we do we find that we are changed, transformed, to become more like Him in our own unique way throughout the journey of our own individual life. Through this, He is glorified in us - and in us, He is manifested to the world. This is our high and holy calling - to manifest Him in this world, to the glory of Elohim, our Father.
All of this happens through following Messiah.
of that is why we are inviting you to join us for the next eight nights,
starting tonight, for about an hour or so each night, as we focus on what He
did, and what He said during His amazing life on earth with us. This profound
account has been preserved for us in writing by the man who repented of being a
tax-collector and a swindler by giving back all of his ill-gotten gains.
Matthew's encounter with the Messiah totally changed him, as he followed the
greatest treasure he had ever seen - as he followed Messiah. The Book of Matthew
reveals Messiah, and we (Tsiyon and our Tsiyon Partners) have been walking,
along with Matthew, following Messiah in what Mathew reveals, through the last
year. Believers from around the world have participated and shared treasures of
truth with one another. This has been a living experience that has changed
lives! Now, for Sukkot, we want to share many of these wonderful nuggets shared
by fellow-believers around the world, with all of you!
This is free for all who wish to sign-up and take in this bounty of life-giving truth.
Please, come and invite others to come as well.
Anyone can register free right here:
When you log in, view the special 7th month programs right on the homepage at the place that looks like this:
Join us each of these eight nights, starting tonight, at 8 PM CST at Tsiyon.Net, or view the video recording a little later, as soon as we can get it posted after the live meeting. Following Messiah is a privilege and a joy, and we know that you will be blessed by these presentations.
Eliyahu ben David
PS -If you have any technical problems signing up or viewing the presentations contact us via livehelp at the bottom of the page or email Also, Tsiyon Road is our free 24/7/365 radio station that you can access anytime. See complete details at http://Tsiyon.Org where you can listen online to special free programming all month.
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