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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
are entering into the last great day of our Sukkot celebration, with our meeting
tonight. This special day foreshadows the joy of Messiah's Kingdom reign. What a
wonderful time that will be ..and what a relief for all of this earth's
creatures! Before we can all enjoy that though, we are well aware we must first
endure through these End Times. Indeed, these are stressful and difficult days,
and we need Messiah's help to navigate our way through this world's darkest hour
with our faith in tact, all the way to the end.
Scripture reminds us of the difficulty of these days, saying:
But know this, that in the last days, grievous times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, not lovers of good, traitors, headstrong, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God; holding a form of godliness, but having denied its power. Turn away from these, also. 2 Timothy 3:1-5
When you reduce that passage to its common denominator it seems to be saying this: The biggest problem characterizing the last days is the utter selfishness and perversity of end time civilization. The problem is in the people, and we must not allow ourselves to become like them.
Following Messiah in the End Times is a special challenge because the world really is different than it ever has been in recorded history. 21st century technology, while having its benefits, also has a deadly side-effect - it multiplies the deadly consequences of sin exponentially. Here are a few examples:
Nations have always fought wars. Now, thanks to technology, they can push a button and destroy the world.
The end time science of genetics silently turns the greed of corporations into poisons that are killing millions.
One crazy person, empowered by the tech of a rapid-fire weapon, or even a truck, kills crowds of people. Since that's true, what can many crazy people do?
I could go on and on, but I'm sure you get the idea. The constant anxiety level in a crazy world like this is toxic to mental heath and well-being. The importance of every decision is heightened in this environment, with the simplest decisions having potentially disastrous outcomes. Life is like one of those crazy computer games with outrageous obstacles at every turn - with one difference. In a game you get multiple lives - in real life when you die you are dead without a do-over.
How is anyone expected to make it through a mine-field like this in tact?
is one way: follow Messiah through the mine-field. He already knows where the
land mines are and He has a plan to get you through. Step where He steps and you
will come through ok, as an overcomer. The signs of the end times in Matthew 24
are a good example of this. We see them happening everyday in the modern world.
They are plastered all over the news. So much so that even well-known atheists
see them and fear we may be at the end of the world. No doubt they are right
about that. But Messiah doesn't tell us these things in advance just to impress
us with how accurate His predictions are. He tells us as guidance, because He
loves us, to get us through the mine field of these last days. We need
this to make it through!
You might not think so. Perhaps you think you will make it through on your own just fine. You are perfectly free to try to make it through on your own without His guidance, but don't blame us when you are pelted by unnecessary slings and arrows that cleave you open and leave you damaged and hurting, all because of your overconfidence. His Word and His Spirit can guide you through without all that trauma, but only if you choose to know and follow what He is offering.
We and other fellow-believers from around the world joined with us, have been diligent about this, because, rather than being overcome by the End Times, we want to be overcomers! That is one important reason why we are diligently following Him, and why we want to share what we've received with others. So please:
Come and join us tonight to learn more about following Him in the End Times!
This is free for all who wish to sign-up and take in this life-giving message.
Please, come and invite others to come as well.
Anyone can register free right here:
When you log in, view the special 7th month programs right on the homepage at the place that looks like this:
Join us tonight, at 8 PM CST at Tsiyon.Net, or view the video recording a little later, as soon as we can get it posted after the live meeting. Following Messiah is the Way through these days, so come and enjoy tonight's presentation.
Eliyahu ben David
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