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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
#1 - Institutions and political entities all attempt to change history and
change the meaning of words. They call it "controlling the narrative." I call it
Currently there is an epic war over the narrative. On the political front the two sides are roughly, the globalists v the nationalists. The mainstream media are all doing major propaganda for the globalists, while the so-called "alt-right" are attempting to hang on to a more traditional way of life. The buzz term is "fake news" - fake news is whatever the other side is saying. I'm not picking a side, because my side is the Kingdom. However, its pretty clear at this point that the globalists are the best liars. That's probably one of the big reasons why they have succeeded in "changing the narrative" on a wide range of social and political issues over the last half century or so - and why they will eventually overcome the nationalists in the now raging war of words. For them, being liars like their father the devil is not a sin to be avoided - it is a winning strategy to embrace, and it will eventually win the day. That is a hard pill to swallow. You might even be mad at me for pointing out the obvious here. However, in this world the best liars always win - if winning is defined by winning over the most support from masses of brain-dead people. [Yochanan/John 8:44]
Back to Rule #1 - Institutions and political entities all attempt to change history and change the meaning of words. None of this is new. It has been going on ever since the devil succeeded at "changing the narrative" in the Garden of Eden 6000 years ago. By the way, the devil is a globalist, judging from the Tower of Babel. But I digress. What I'm getting at with this paragraph is nothing less than naming the devil's star pupil - the best liars in history. Are you ready for this?
OK, here it comes: The Church.
is the lie that the Church has succeeded in selling as truth to just about
everyone, even atheists and religious competitors. Namely, that the Church began
with "Christ and the Apostles" in the 1st century and that they are the historic
"Church of Jesus Christ." Scholars of Church history know this isn't true, and
talk about this among their peers, but they don't rock the boat with the public,
because if you unplug that particular hole in the bottom of the boat the whole
institution could sink like a rock.
The historic truth is that the Church is actually a schism away from the group that actually, historically, did begin with "Christ and the Apostles." The Church actually began with that schism in the 2nd century AD. That schism became more popular with the masses than the original group, hugely more popular. They achieved this by getting rid of the stuff people don't like. Namely, "all that Jewish stuff" including the Commandments. That was a stroke of criminal genius, since the Gentiles hated all of that "Jewish stuff" but liked the idea that the Son of God died for them. They also liked that they could bring their pagan practices into the Church by simply giving their idolatry different names. Wow! What a great religion! It accommodated everyone! It had great popular appeal. That popularity made it possible for the Church to "control the narrative" - which they did, substituting their more popular group [The Church] for the original group of believers [The Assembly], who were still walking in the Way.
The Church took root when the masses chose the "broad way" instead of the "narrow way." Imagine that.
Fast forward 18 centuries and what have you got? You've got a Church with all of those same lies as the original fraud. Many sincere believers are trapped in that system, believing it is required by the Lord, when in fact, it is not from Him at all. The sad thing is, while leaving the Church because they see the fraud, many are so soured that they are leaving God and His Word as well.
though, are learning the truth.
They are returning to the truth.
They are returning to the Messiah of Israel.
Our meeting tonight is about them.
Hopefully, about you.
Now here is something really amazing. In our day signs in the heavens are actually speaking about this very thing.
I've got a lot to share with you about that.
Come and join us at Tsiyon tonight to learn more!
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Join us tonight, at 8 PM CST at Tsiyon.Net, or view the video recording a little later, as soon as we can get it posted after the live meeting. Don't let others "control the narrative" for you. Hear these facts and decide for yourself.
Eliyahu ben David
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