Reprint: Friday, November 03, 2017 | Israel Today
From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
week I was reminded of a fact I almost never think about.
It's about Dawn. She knows more millionaires than anyone else I know.
Perhaps I should say "knew."
She has been in my life for decades now, and she seldom speaks of the wealth she grew up with, or the wealthy people she once was surrounded by, including her family. However, I am aware of her story. You know how the wealthy are. Dawn's family, unfortunately hostile toward God, thought they could control Dawn with money. They threatened her with the loss of a substantial inheritance if she chose to break free from their control to follow Messiah. Unlike the rich young ruler who refused to part with his money for the wealth of following Messiah, Dawn gave it all up to follow Him without a second thought. As a result, they disowned her, as she knew they would, and they disinherited her as well. Dawn belongs to Him - they never had a chance of changing her mind.
This week Dawn was on Facebook. Neither one of us has time for social sites, so this was unusual. She went on Facebook to obtain some information she was looking for that was not available elsewhere. While on there, she decided to visit the pages of some of the people she went to school with years ago, and some of her relatives, just to see how they have been doing over the years. She gave me a rundown of her findings last night. This is when I was reminded of the world of wealth she came from - a world very different from the one I grew up in. It seemed like every person she told me about is a millionaire. That part of the story was an afterthought to her, but it stood out to me. They all had vast sums of money, yet, with possibly an exception or two, they all were living empty, dare I say meaningless, lives. Some were worse than meaningless, if you get my drift. Dawn felt bad for those people she once knew, sad for where their selfish choices and skewed priorities had taken them. Everything they did over the years had been for themselves, and ultimately made them miserable and empty human beings.
reminded by this that there are only two ways. The broad way that leads to
destruction - the way most people choose. And the narrow way. The way of
self-sacrifice. The Way of Yeshua Messiah. The only way to Life. In the contrast
that was so clear between the path Dawn had chosen, and the path of her wealthy
friends and relatives, and the outcome of each, I saw real-life proof of the
superiority of choosing the narrow Way.
Friends, everyone comes into this world with some resources, with money being the least important. The wicked give little or no thought to anything but how they can use what they've got to please themselves. Thank God if He has set you free from that! Those of us who are His need to realize how rich we really are in the things that matter. Truly, we owe everything we are and have to Him. Therefore, we need to manage the Kingdom Resources He has given us to produce more good fruit for His Kingdom. This is the way to a fulfilled and happy life as one of His own! Service is the answer. Serving Him and others as He leads. Don't just let life happen. Give thought to what you've got to work with. Then put that to use for Him. Manage your Kingdom Resources well.
Have you ever given close personal attention to Messiah's Parable of the Talents, found in Matthew 25? This parable addresses some of what I've been talking about here, and a whole lot more. This parable is so gripping because it is so personal, bringing each person to that point where they must give an accounting for their choices to Messiah, at His Return. It is prudent to understand what He will be looking for from each of us on that day, and how seriously He views how we use the resources that have been placed into our individual hands. The impact of the truths revealed could literally change your life forever.
Join me tonight, at 8 PM CST at Tsiyon.Net for our online meeting. We will be considering Messiah's Parable of the Talents, with input from our Remnant family around the world.
Eliyahu ben David
Israeli Hit by Syrian Gunfire; IDF Prepares to Enter Bloody Civil War
Israel has in recent years carried out numerous targeted strikes against Hezbollah targets in the context of Syria's ongoing civil war.
But the Jewish state has been careful to avoid actually being pulled into the conflagration.
Until now.
Israeli military leaders on Friday vowed to intervene in defense of the Syrian Druze village of Hader, which lies a short distance over the border in the Golan Heights.
Hader has been aligned with the regime of Syrian dictator Bashar Assad (the Druze are typically loyal to whichever party is in power), making it a target for all of the various rebel and Islamist groups participating in Syria's civil war.
Earlier in the day, Hader was attacked by a suicide bomber from the jihadist group Al Nusra. Nine people were killed and another 23 injured.
IDF Brigadier General Ronen Manelis announced that the Israeli army was prepared to "prevent Hader from being harmed or occupied as part of our commitment to the Druze population."
Such a commitment could very quickly bring Israeli forces into direct conflict with Al Nusra and other rebel groups.
The decision came just hours after a Druze resident of northern Israel was hit by stray gunfire from Syria. The victim is in stable condition.
The Druze residents of Israel consider themselves blood-brothers of the Jewish majority.
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