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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
Status quo, the existing state of affairs, can easily lull a person into a false sense of well-being. In fact, the assumption that the state of things today is a reliable measure of the state of things tomorrow, or yesterday, seems to be the common state of mind. People rely on the standard pattern they have experienced to plan their lives, and to anticipate how they will live their lives moving forward. It seems that it is difficult for most people to imagine how things could be any different than they are right now. This assumption of sameness is actually a force toward preserving the status quo - except when it isn't.
The Scriptures take note of this assumption of sameness, predicting that it would be a dominant attitude of "mockers" in the "last days." They say:
“Where is the promise of his coming? For, from the day that the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.” 2 Peter 3:4
It's interesting that Darwinian "science" makes this unfounded assumption, that all things have been the same from creation forward. They tell us with smug certainty that our earth and the life upon it is billions of years old. But on what do they base that assertion? They use dating methods that assume certain natural processes have been constant from the beginning forward, even though they really don't know that. Changes in those processes likely have occurred, that they simply don't know about, invalidating their dating methods. The short life-span of humans precludes any grounds for their smug assumptions. Yet, fallen human nature being what it is, many people today accept this flawed logic as an excuse to mock the unchangeable Word of God.
writing is on the wall. The truth is, no generation of the world in almost two
thousand years, has undergone, and will yet undergo, more significant change
than this Last Days generation. Much of this has to do with the explosive
proliferation of world-changing technology. This is accompanied by sweeping
economic, social and political changes with profound consequences for every
person. Many people see all of this change as a good thing, and there is a good
side to some of it, such as this newsletter, for example. However, the real
facts of our world, and the sure Word of Bible prophecy, assure us that these
changes are ultimately moving the world toward a very dark place. All the while,
most people continue to cling to an idea of how the world works that simply
doesn't exist anymore. Many are completely in the dark about the changes that
will soon blindside them, and potentially turn their lives upside down. These
changes should not surprise them, because the signs of change are everywhere.
Nevertheless, the majority will be caught completely unaware, until it is far
too late to take effective action.
Let us not be among them when that happens.
Arguably, the biggest change that ever happened occurred nearly 2,000 years ago, when the Son of God gave His life for us. And yet, as that great change was about to occur, most were unaware of it. Even those closest to Him were lulled into complacency by reliance upon the status quo. At the very time they should have been preparing themselves for what was about to happen, and for the trials that would soon fall upon them, they were sleeping.
Know this: Great changes are always accompanied by great trials. Are you ready?
We can learn both positive and negative lessons that can help us be ready for what is ahead, by considering the impending trials of Messiah and His disciples, and how they approached those trials.
Join us tonight, at 8 PM CST at Tsiyon.Net for our online meeting. Trials are coming. Be ready!
Eliyahu ben David
September 23, 2017, we were told, would be the date of The Great Sign of Revelation 12. Dire end-of-the-world predictions were made. Yet, after that day of "The Great Sign" came and went, and the predictions failed to materialize, we heard little if anything explaining the failure. This was not the first time this has happened, and won't be the last. Why? Signs in the sky are foretold in Scripture for the last days. True to that prophecy, unusual heavenly signs do occur. In fact, signs in the sky often cause a clamor, with predictions of rapture and the end of the world. Yet, these signs come and go, and the predicted events fail to happen. This, of course, provides an opportunity for scoffers to gloat. Why does this keep happening? Could it be that these signs are significant, but they mean something different than YouTube preachers have guessed? There is, in fact, a unified message in these sky signs. This video, "The Heavens Speak" reveals what that message is.
Click on the title graphic below to view this full length video presentation!
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