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From Eliyahu
Hello friends,
a big world and there is a lot to do!
It's commonly called "The Great Commission" and the action word is "Go!"
It's what our risen Lord told us to do when He sent us out into the world with a comMISSION! Clearly, when we give our life to Him we are accepting the mission from Him as our own.
Before His ascension into heaven He said:
"All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go, and make disciples of all nations, immersing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I commanded you. Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:18-20
But wait a minute? What exactly are we supposed to do when we "go"? Many Christians and Christian organizations and churches say the mission is to "change the world." I've heard that a lot, so I decided to Google that phrase "Christians change the world". I was not surprised to find many Christian websites that encourage Christians to change the world. Below is a typical message from that search which presents that position:
Christians Can Change the World
If God can change you, then God can use you to change some part of this world.
That our fallen world needs changing is beyond question. When our newspapers and films glamourise immorality, undermine traditional family values and encourage selfishness, greed and lust; when criminals escape justice by legal technicalities; when half of the world suffers under totalitarian dictatorships and persecution; when pornography, perversion, abortions, terrorism and the occult are increasing - then we know that this world needs to be changed.
..In the past the church went out to conquer the world for Christ. Today, in too many churches, Christ is being sold for 30 pieces of silver, or less. Instead of the church changing the world, the world is changing the church.Source: http://
I don't mean to be picking on these folks in particular, since they are
simply representing the position of many Protestant churches. I also think
they represent that position accurately, which is why I chose this
particular statement as an example. It seems to be logical. In a nut shell,
they are saying the world is getting worse and "needs to be changed." They
seem to think changing the world is the historic mission of the church,
while lamenting that it is the church that is being changed - not the world.
It seems to me that they are right about at least a couple of things here. Changing the world has indeed been the focus of the historic organized church. In saying that, I am not endorsing that position, just acknowledging the facts of history. It also seems to be true, especially in recent years, that the organized church has been far more changed by the world than the other way around. Perhaps that result suggests that Christians trying to change the world is not such a great idea after all?
The truth is, the Great Commission is not about changing the world. It is about saving people - one person at a time - out of the world into the Kingdom of Messiah, which is an entirely different mission and mindset.
Yes, things are getting worse in the world. That's because we are living in the last days and the world is doomed. All the more reason to rescue as many people as possible out of the world before its final destruction!
Does that sound too negative? Well, how does this sound?
"Don’t love the world, neither the things that are in the world. If anyone loves the world, the Father’s love isn’t in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, isn’t the Father’s, but is the world’s. The world is passing away with its lusts, but he who does Elohim’s will remains forever." 1 John 2:15-17
Scriptures tell us this world is doomed, as in the verse above. The divine
perspective is that there is nothing of this world worth saving, with the
exception of those souls who are saved in Messiah, and who do the will of
"Change the world for Christ" is a misguided concept indeed. It is an entirely wasted effort, like polishing the brass on the Titanic before it sank. Yes, the brass may have sparkled for a moment, but to what end? Vanity!
Our focus as His disciples, our mission, is to learn, to know and to obey Him and His word - and to help others do the same. Everyone who does that will "remain forever" long after this world has "passed away."
The mission of the Remnant of Israel includes the Great Commission, in a unique and special way that will bring a great multitude of people into the Kingdom of Messiah, before the end of this world comes. I hope to explain more about this at tonight's Tsiyon meeting.
Please, join me tonight, at 8 PM CST at Tsiyon.Net for our online meeting, as we re-focus on our vital last days mission!Shalom,
Eliyahu ben David
Israel in talks with more than 10 countries over Jerusalem embassy move
Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely Getty Images
Israel is in talks with more than 10 countries — including some in Europe — about potentially moving their respective embassies to Jerusalem, according to officials.
Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely on Monday said the nations were interested in following President Trump’s footsteps and declaring the Israeli city the new capital in the wake of Guatemala’s recent decision to do so.
While she refused to name the countries, Hotovely told Israel Radio that they were from every continent on earth.
Honduras is reportedly the next in line to take Trump’s lead.
“We are in contact with at least ten countries, some of them in Europe,” Hotovely said, according to i24NEWS.
Honduras, like Guatemala, was one of the nine nations that voted in support of the US in the UN General Assembly’s resolution to oppose Trump’s Jerusalem decision.
Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales announced Sunday that he would be moving his country’s embassy to Jerusalem, despite the UN vote.
Hotovely told local media that the discussions going on with the other nations were still in the early stages. She said they were taking place “with more than 10 countries, but not many more.”
See this video! - September 23, 2017, we were told, would be the date of The Great Sign of Revelation 12. Dire end-of-the-world predictions were made. Yet, after that day of "The Great Sign" came and went, and the predictions failed to materialize, we heard little if anything explaining the failure. This was not the first time this has happened, and won't be the last. Why? Signs in the sky are foretold in Scripture for the last days. True to that prophecy, unusual heavenly signs do occur. In fact, signs in the sky often cause a clamor, with predictions of rapture and the end of the world. Yet, these signs come and go, and the predicted events fail to happen. This, of course, provides an opportunity for scoffers to gloat. Why does this keep happening? Could it be that these signs are significant, but they mean something different than YouTube preachers have guessed? There is, in fact, a unified message in these sky signs. This video, "The Heavens Speak" reveals what that message is.
Click on the title graphic below to view this full length video presentation!
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