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From Eliyahu
I write, the world is on fire, with a major war entirely possible. The focal
point is right next door to Israel, and portends major changes for the
region, and maybe the world. The birth pangs of the last days foretold in
Scripture are once again making themselves felt on a global scale.
How is it possible that Biblical prophecy from thousands of years ago can be coming true in our day? From one point of view, this is because of the amazing foreknowledge of our Creator. From another point of view it is because of the cosmic wrestling match between good and evil, light and darkness, a spiritual struggle emanating from heavenly places. This struggle involves weapons of truth and righteousness on the right hand and on the left, pitted against demonic deceptions of demons, who are bent on either bringing every soul under their oppressive dominion, or, if that's not possible, leading the world into a complete and utter self-annihilation scenario.
The leader of the evil and deceived rebels is, of course, that old serpent, the devil. He has been at this for a very long time, millennia, in fact. While he is no match for the Almighty, he is, nonetheless, an effective and formidable enemy of mankind. Temptation and deception form the twin backbone of his modus operandi, and he is so expert in the use of these weapons that his victims are usually struck down without ever knowing that he was the mastermind of their demise. Many die, simply lost in his virtual world fashioned from deceptions and lies, while stepping off into oblivion without ever seeing it coming, due to living in a world that does not exist in reality. So it goes for the untold masses on the broad road.
Never has his methods and madness been more effective then they are in this 21st century. Deception has been perfected and fine-tuned by studied manipulation and technology to a razor-like edge, and it is now almost all-enveloping. In fact, so much that is fake has been sold as real that the world has been turned on its head, so that the real now appears to most as being fake, and the fake is accepted as the real - it can be hard even for the righteous to tell the difference.
A cornerstone in the devil's modern mind-control matrix is the myth of evolution. By the magic of this pillar of deception the devil has managed to project the impression of a world with no morality, no justice nor judgment day, no absolute truth, no real meaning, and worst of all, no Creator. In the feeble minds of men he has transformed our unique and amazing existence in the image of God into nothing but the product of some unknown chemical reaction that occurred forgotten eons ago in some disgusting mass of pond scum. In the devil's virtual reality, powerfully aided by fully digital computer generated masterpieces of sight and sound, he has transmuted our matchless and beautiful earth into nothing more that a tiny speck of dust in a vast and dying universe. Such a world soon transforms men made in the image of God into the rude and uncaring beasts they have been so thoroughly deceived into believing they are.
can break through such a seemingly-perfect artificially induced
hallucination? Admittedly, many are so lost that it is simply too late to
reach them. We are left with no recourse but to leave those to the mercies
of God alone. However, some can still be reached with the truth. These are
the ones that can still be snatched from the fire. If only we can show them
the origins of the deception they are under. Show them the source in the
devil himself. Show the horror that the crazy projected world of evolution
has brought to so many. Then, maybe then, they will start to see the edges
of the truth, and that may be enough to open their minds to a further
investigation. We hope so. We want so much for them to break free! That is
why we have produced the video we will be sharing with you tonight at our
Tsiyon meeting.
Occult Evolution will be streamed tonight as part of our meeting. It is stunning to learn of the occult connections that brought Evolution into the mainstream. Join us tonight, at Tsiyon.Net at 8 PM CST, as we offer this special showing. This special showing is available to all Tsiyon Members, including free members. All anyone needs to do to attend is to register as a free member at - so tell your friends!
Eliyahu ben
See: Darwinian Evolution Junk Science. This
series is
excellent for every person who has, or may have, someone in their life who
has been influenced by Evolution. Evolution is a theory full of holes, yet
it is taught as a fact in schools and universities everywhere. It is
considered by many as unassailable, as an established cornerstone of
science. Yet, a growing list of scientists are complaining that evolution
cannot explain the incredible complexities of life that 21st century
scientific methods are uncovering. The truth is, Darwinian Evolution is an
archaic relic from the past which was adopted for evil ends.
This week we will be sharing our latest installment of this series: Occult Evolution. Science does not rely on the occult to study real facts of the natural world. However, Darwinian Evolution has its roots firmly in the occult, with Charles Darwin proven to have received inspiration from channeled spirits! Virtually all of the men who were influential in the origin of the modern theory of Evolution were, in fact, occultists. All of this is documented in this presentation - and much more. When your friends consider where this idea of Evolution came from, and the misery and death it has caused, they will be shocked and repulsed by it - and we hope, will want to know the truth about where we all really came from. Don't miss this! It will be available to all Tsiyon members at Tsiyon.Net, along with other special content, for a limited time. Sign-up is free, so invite your friends to view this now, during this introductory showing.
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