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From Eliyahu
read this newsletter, so I assume you are probably not a child. On the other
hand, we are all called to be children of God. It seems, that in some respects, our
childhood stays with us for a lifetime. For many, what they experienced as
children formed and shaped them so thoroughly, that as adults they are still
very much who they were as a child - only bigger. This is most obvious with
those who experienced childhood trauma. Many of those folks are still
reliving the pains of the past far into their advanced years. It can be very
difficult for those folks to grow past those hurts and pains of childhood.
It takes the personal love of their Father in heaven to shepherd them
through that minefield, to that place of safety and freedom in Him that He
alone can provide.
On the other hand, a relative few of us were blessed with godly parents who raised us up in His ways, knowing Him. If that's the case, we might not have known as children what a blessing to our lives that really was. However, once we found ourselves having to deal with the world on our own, the advantage our parents gave us of knowing Him and His Word becomes strikingly obvious. That godly start in childhood gave us a "program" to run on for life that we can rely on. Even as the Scripture says;
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. -Proverbs 22:6
If you did not have that advantage of having known your Father and His Word as a child, do not despair. Your case is far from hopeless. One of the traits of children that make them ripe for the Kingdom is their wonderful ability to learn and assimilate new things. Children of God can demonstrate this same trait at any age, especially when equipped with the truth of Scripture! We are assured that, in the pages of Scripture, we have all we need to re-program our minds with life-changing truth. Notice these words:
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV
Notice that we need "all Scripture" to grow to perfection, that is, to full maturity as a believer. Clearly, that involves study, verse by verse, through the entire Scriptures. That is the only way to assure that we will take in all we need to grow into the person in Messiah each one of us is intended to become. I am talking about a personal and unique journey through Scripture with Messiah as our Teacher. If we have the heart to learn from Him as a child, then He will be there, making the Scripture alive to each of us, in a different and personal way just right for us. This can happen because the Scripture is not just words on a page - the Word is alive! Notice this:
For the word of Elohim is living, and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and is able to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12
When we come to Him as a child, and open our hearts to His Word, we are inviting Him to do life-saving surgery of the spiritual kind - surgery on our hearts. This and nothing else can remove those pains and lies from the past and set us free from our own baggage to live in the freedom and joy of a child. That is, the freedom of those who walk out the Word by the power of the Holy Spirit. These, in fact, are the children of God:
For as many as are led by the Spirit of Elohim, these are children of Elohim! Romans 8:14
We are here to help His children. That's why we offer the EBD Midrash each week, which takes you verse by verse through the Torah. Not as mere tradition, but in a living way, so you will have the foundation in Scripture that the rest of it is based upon. Likewise, we offer Tsiyon Academy at our online Sabbath meeting each week, to equip the children of Elohim for their task in the world. Right now we are focusing on the life and words of Messiah, found in the Gospels, and we are learning amazing, life-changing things! Do yourself a favor and include these two resources in your life each week. If you do, I promise you that you will be drawn closer to Messiah than ever before, and your life will be better, as you grow in the glorious freedom of the children of God! (Romans 8:21)
As a child of God, do you need some personal attention from Messiah? We all do!
Amazingly, He is able to provide that personal attention to each one, as we see in Mark 10.
Join us tonight at 8 PM CST at Tsiyon.Net for our online meeting. Come as His child and be blessed.
Eliyahu ben
From Eliyahu: Recently I came across the article below. I don't know the author, Christian apologist Jim Fletcher, nor is he connected with our ministry in any way. However, I found this article very informative regarding the road that modern evangelicalism is taking, and the effect on attitudes toward the Bible and Israel, so we are here reprinting the article for educational purposes below.
Progressive Evangelicalism Apostasy
Originally titled: Andy Stanley is Dangerous
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