Tsiyon Messianic Radio Newsletter - Vol 13.25 - 4/14/6018 TAM
- 06/28/18 AD
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“Arise, shine; for your light has
come, and the glory of YHWH is risen on you.
For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the peoples;
but YHWH will arise on you, and his glory shall be seen on you." Isaiah 60:1, 2
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From Eliyahu
repeats itself. Over and over again. One reason for that is that mankind
fails to learn the lessons of history, so just keeps doing the same stupid
things, causing the same stupid results. It's a lot like an episode of
Star Trek in which the Enterprise starship gets caught in a "temporal
causality loop" reliving the same events over and over again - until
somebody finally figures out its time to do things differently.
That, of course, is fiction. In real life, some may see a disastrous repeat
coming, but they are usually scorned for their unpopular insights. Usually
the people in power, who could make a difference, never seem to get the
lessons of history, and its "here we go again."
I don't remember the Star Trek story all that well, but I think it
was resolved because somebody knew what was happening and said to the
others, "when X happens do z." Now, knowing what to look for, when x
happened, they were able to identify what was going on, respond as needed,
and were able to break free of the do-loop. Problem solved for another week.
Wouldn't that be great in real
life, if someone who knew in advance what was going to happen could warn us
of signature events that would lead up to cataclysmic events, before they
happen? Surely, that would change the course of history - at least for those
people who believed the warning and acted upon it at the right time.
That is exactly what Bible prophecy is all about! Our Creator knows in
advance what will happen, and He has announced major events far in advance
on numerous occasions, and then they happened just as foretold. How is that
possible? Here, let Him explain it to you:
Remember the former things
of old: for I am Elohim, and there is none else; I am Elohim, and there
is none like me; declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient
times things that are not yet done; saying, My counsel shall stand, and
I will do all my pleasure. Isaiah 46:9-10
Here, the know-nothing
skeptics step in and say: "What about all the failed predictions based on
the Bible? Why, there's a new rapture prediction every week. That doesn't
sound very reliable to me."
To them I would say: "How much
time have you invested in knowing God? How much time have you put into
reading and understanding the Scriptures for yourself? Really, do you know
anything about Bible prophecy? Why would you let the ravings of crackpots
and fools discredit the sure Word of God?"
So, why are there so many
failed predictions?
To be concise, there are a lot
of people with a pre-conceived religious agenda, who twist the Scriptures to
try and make them fit that agenda. In fact, there seem to be far more of
those people than there are sincere believers who want to know the real
truth, whether good or bad for them.
even the devil can quote Scripture, but when he is quoting Scripture, he is
lying about it. Don't be surprised that he has a lot of friends and
followers who do the same thing. The very purpose of all those failed
predictions is to turn the simple-minded away from the only sure guide for
the future in existence today.
Unlike those fools who scorn
the Bible, I've been pursuing the truth in the Scriptures for many decades.
When I was pre-school age I already was studying the prophecies of the book
of Daniel, and I have continued that study all my life. The skeptics hate
Daniel because it foretells intricate details of history in advance
regarding the Babylonians, the Persians, Alexander the Great, the Greeks,
the Romans, all the way to our time, and into our future. They used to say
Daniel could not have been written before the fulfilled events happened.
They said Daniel must have been written later - after the events it claims
to foretell. I've lived to see all the skeptics proven wrong by the Dead Sea
scrolls, the Septuagint Greek version of Daniel, and other discoveries, that
prove Daniel is really as old as it claims. It is history written in
advance. All of those amazing prophecies are authentic!
Mark 13, Mark's version of the Olivet Sermon, Messiah gives us an extensive
prophecy of then-future events, in part based on the prophecies of Daniel.
His predictions are amazing and have been completely validated by subsequent
events of history. This is especially important for us, because certain
events of history he foretells in the Olivet Sermon are verifiably and
certainly fulfilled in our present generation, and our generation alone. The
liberation of Jerusalem in 1967 by the Jews is one such unshakable
historical marker from the Olivet Sermon separating our generation from all
others, making this prophecy especially relevant to us, in this time period.
Yes, someone has known history
in advance, and has warned us how to avoid disaster just ahead for our
world. That someone is Y'shua Messiah, the Son of God. Those who listen to
His predictions have a guidebook for survival. Those who don't are doomed to
repeat the worst lessons of history they could possibly imagine. Trust me.
That's a catastrophic time loop you can't afford to get caught in!
Mark 13. Tonight at 8 PM CST
at Tsiyon.Net.
Be there.
From Eliyahu: Opinions expressed in this article are those of the news
source, and are included as an example of how the media represents the
connection between Donald Trump, Evangelical Christians and the end of the
Trump Will Start the End of the World, Claim
Reprint: Newsweek,
Evangelical Christians overwhelmingly support
President Donald Trump because they believe he'll cause the world to end.
Many have questioned why devout evangelicals
support Trump, a man who has bragged about sexual assault, lies
perpetually and once admitted he never asks God for forgiveness. Trump’s
lack of knowledge of the Bible is also well-known.
Nevertheless, many evangelical Christians
believe that Trump was chosen by God to usher in a new era, a part of
history called the “end times.” Beliefs about this time period differ, but
it is broadly considered the end of the world, the time when Jesus returns
to Earth and judges all people.
Jerusalem has a central role as the city of
prophecy and the place where the end of times plays out. According to the
prophecy, a 1,000-year period of peace must be followed by seven years of
tribulation, during which wars, disease, and natural disasters will lay
waste to the earth. In the book of Revelation, Israel is described as a
nation that exists during the time of tribulation, and Jerusalem's Jewish
temple is resurrected during this period. The last temple was destroyed
around 70 A.D, and today there is a mosque on the Temple Mount where the
previous two temples are believed to have stood. Evangelicals believe that a
unified Israel with control over Jerusalem will facilitate the construction
of a new Jewish temple, and set the groundwork for the end of times.
That’s where Trump comes in.
“What kick-starts the end times into motion is
Israel’s political boundaries being reestablished to what God promised the
Israelites according to the Bible,” Nate Pyle, a pastor and author of a book
about Jesus, told Newsweek.
On December 6, Trump officially recognized
Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, a controversial move that was lambasted
by U.S. allies around the world. The eastern part of Jerusalem has long been
envisioned as the future capital of a Palestinian state if and when a
two-state solution is reached between Israel and the Palestinians. By
recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, many critics say Trump
killed any chance of a negotiated peace deal in the Middle East.
But evangelical Christians threw their full
weight behind the decision. Currently, over half of all American
evangelicals support Trump’s presidency, and the announcement about
Jerusalem plays a big role in that.
“Most evangelicals subscribe to a belief in
pre-millennialism, the belief that the second coming of Christ will begin a
1,000-year period where Christ will rule over a peaceful and prosperous
earth,” Neil J. Young, a religion historian, told Newsweek. Young,
who holds a Ph.D. in history from Columbia University, writes frequently on
evangelical culture and politics.
is a key part of this story, too, as Christians believe that events there
are fundamental to bringing about the end times,” Young continued. “At this
point, Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is
the only concrete thing that his evangelical supporters can point to as part
of fulfilling biblical prophecy to bring about the second coming of
Meanwhile, the evangelical belief in the
end times also includes the eventual conversion to Christianity of the
Jewish people. The scenario begins when Christ comes to Earth to take the
living Christians who believe in him to heaven and resurrect the dead who
were true Christians, an event called the rapture. Afterward, it is believed
that the Antichrist will reign on earth during the seven-year period of
“In this period, many Jews will recognize the
Antichrist is a false God and will turn to Jesus. At the end of the
seven years, Christ will return to earth with an army of angels and defeat
the Antichrist,” Young told Newsweek.
For some, evangelicals simultaneously hold
views that are supportive of Israel and deeply anti-Semitic.
“Evangelicals view themselves as sympathetic
to Israel, but the underlying belief is motivated by a desire to see the
Jewish people ‘turn to Jesus,'” Blake Chastain, a former evangelical who
hosts a podcast on evangelicalism, told Newsweek. Chastain, who
grew up in an evangelical family, dedicates his time to explaining what he
calls the "subculture" of evangelicalism. He said the evangelical belief
that Jews will eventually accept Jesus is problematic.
"I’m not sure evangelicals see that as
offensive to the Jewish faith or dismissive of the covenants God made with
the Jewish people, but it certainly seems so to me,” Chastain added.
To be sure, Trump’s stance on Jerusalem isn’t
the only reason evangelicals support him. During his campaign for president,
Trump promised to protect religious liberties and elect anti-choice Supreme
Court Justices.
“He was so specific about protecting Christian
liberties, it wasn’t holistically religious liberties,” Pyle explains. “That
spoke to a lot of Christians, and then he also has this stance on Israel.”
Meanwhile, Young says that Trump’s unlikely
election victory also creates the impression that Trump’s victory was
ordained by God.
“For his evangelical supporters, there's a
sense that Trump's unlikely election to the presidency proves that he has
been chosen by God,” Young told Newsweek. “He shouldn't have won
the election, so the thinking goes, so the fact that he did—and that victory
came only via the Electoral College, no less—just demonstrates that only God
could make it happen.”
See: Darwinian Evolution Junk Science
- now showing as a series on YouTube. Here is the second
episode. Tell your friends to see them all!
The impression we are given when we question some "scientific" theory is
that science is beyond question, and we are stupid to question at all. Yet,
real science is about asking questions and finding answers. Much that was
once considered scientific truth has been thrown into the dust bin of
history and replaced with new theories, many of which are also defective.
Evolution is one such defective theory. You are not stupid to scrutinize and
reject evolution on the basis of observable fact. Evolution is not fact, and
it is not science. It is a doctrine of atheistic religion masquerading as
science. Its time to see it for what it is.
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