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**************************************** From Eliyahu: Shalom friends,
Seek and you will find. Happily, there is a medicine that can cure the common cray-cray. Its called: the Mind of Messiah. Ahhh! What a delightful feeling as the solid sanity of Messiah surges through the synaptic pathways of your mind! It is a wonder to experience mondo bizarro misconceptions that have been mucking up your over-taxed noggin for decades, instantly banished from your beleaguered brain! Don't you love it? What a relief! A free mind makes for a free person! Even if you think you have somehow managed to dodge every twisted thought, and have avoided every cuckoo crank (which is highly unlikely) why not fortify against all forms of crazy, with a regular dose of the Mind of Messiah? Just dip into the pages of the Gospel with us every week, or at least every time you start to feel a little loopy, and get grounded once again in the perfect sanity He modeled and so eloquently explained. Reprogram your muddled mind's clogged up operating system with a Messianic Mind upgrade. It will do you good!
Join us tonight, at 8 PM CST at Tsiyon.Net, for a Mind of Messiah tune up! Shalom, Eliyahu **************************************** Eliyahu's News Commentary: Anyone who has been following Tsiyon's teachings on prophecy since 2008 knows that we have long predicted a middle east war in which Israel's Muslim adversaries war against one another (which we have been seeing through most of this decade) culminating in a major attack against Israel in which Israel will emerge as the major victor. The unexpected and sudden Trump pull-out of Syria seems to bring us closer to the end game on that war. Beyond that at a later time, we have also shown Bible prophecy predicting a coalition of nations gathered around Turkey that will become a major End Days player, conquering Egypt and posing an existential threat to Israel, bringing on the Great Tribulation. As you will see in the second article below, that Turkish coalition is now in its germ stage, and will continue to gather strength in the coming years. I found it striking that both of these articles appeared in this same week, lining up with Bible prophecy which we expect to be fulfilled during the coming decade. For more details, see our seminars on prophecy, available to all Tsiyon members. Trump orders US troop pullout from Syria. Israel left alone against Russia, Iran
US President Donald Trump has announced in a series of tweets the imminent withdrawal of US forces from northern and eastern Syria. “We have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency,” he said. Senior administration officials confirmed on Wednesday, Dec. 19, that there would be a “full and rapid withdrawal.” DEBKAfile notes that this is not the first time that President Trump has decided to pull the 2,000 US troops out of Syria. He decided this in March but was persuaded to hold off by Defense Secretary James Mattis and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. They explained that, as soon as American troops were out of the way, the Russians would move in and take control of the Syrian-Iraqi border and pro-Iranian forces would swarm across. Iran would be gifted its biggest military triumph ever by achieving a land bridge under its control up to the Mediterranean. Hizballah too would be further strengthened. Trump accepted their arguments at the time but is now reverting to his consistent belief that US troops have no business in Syria since accomplishing their mission and Syria should be left to the Russians. Whether or not Mattis and Pompeo will again succeed in postponing the US military exit from Syria cannot yet be determined. If it does go forward, Israel will face a new and disastrous military reality against an unbridled Iranian-Syrian lineup on its northern front. This situation would virtually reduce the IDF operation against Hizballah tunnels to comparative irrelevance.
Turkey Aiming to Head a Global Islamic Union
Turkey appears to be accelerating its endeavor to establish an Ottoman-style Islamic government encompassing several Muslim nations. One such effort was apparent in early November at the second "International Islamic Union Congress," in Istanbul. The conference is sponsored mainly by the Strategic Research Center for Defenders of Justice (ASSAM), headed by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's chief military advisor, Adnan Tanrıverdi, a retired Islamist lieutenant general. Other organizers of the congress -- the next one of which is to be held in December 2019 -- include the Association of Justice Defenders (ASDER), Istanbul's Üsküdar University (ÜÜ), the Union of NGOs of the Islamic World (UNIW), the International Muslim Scholars Association (UMAD) and the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS). The self-described aim of the congress is "to make determinations on an academic and political ground with regard to current problems in world politics, particularly in Islamic world geography, and to offer solutions to decision-makers." At the November event, Tanrıverdi and other prominent supporters of Erdoğan promoted the creation of a common Muslim economic market. Participants declared their aim to create an Islamic "superpower of the future on Islamic lands owned by 60 Islamic countries, inhabited by 1,6 billion Muslims, on 19 million km2," constituting "55.5% of world oil reserves and 45.6% of its production, 64.1% of natural gas reserves, and 33% of its production." Bemoaning the fact that the "Muslim world is in disarray," Turkish Deputy Finance Minister Nurettin Nebati suggested in his address to the conferences that Erdoğan -- to whom he referred as the "leading imam to the ummah [Islamic nation]" -- would preside over this planned Islamic confederation. "Is there anyone whose power would be enough to defeat the one who relies on Allah?" he asked rhetorically. The Egyptian theologian Yusuf al-Qaradawi, chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood-linked International Union of Muslim Scholars -- known for his advocacy of suicide-bombings -- expressed similar sentiments at the IUMS's general assembly in Istanbul last month:
At the first ASSAM conference in November 2017, participants endorsed the aim of "unity of Islam" through establishing the "Confederation of Islamic Countries." Its declaration was approved by ASSAM and 109 NGOs – seventy of which were from Turkey – from 29 countries. The declaration reads, in part:
In addition, a model constitution was drafted, according to which the capital of the Islamic confederation is Istanbul; sovereignty "belongs to Shariah [Islamic law]"; and four of the member states -- mainly Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo and Macedonia -- are expected to be European Muslim-majority countries. The first congress also concluded that "each Islamic country should create a 'Ministry of Islamic Union' within its Council of Ministers." ASSAM is planning to organize an "International Islamic Union Congress" every year until 2023, to address the "Islamic confederal state" it aims to establish across the Muslim world. Next year, participants will discuss "defense industry cooperation"; in 2020, they aim to determine a "common defense system"; in 2021, they will focus on a "joint foreign policy"; in 2022, the agenda is a "joint justice system"; and in 2023, the plan is to determine "common assistance and security" for the Islamic Union. Ironically, 2023 will be the centennial of the establishment of the Turkish Republic in 1923. Given Erdoğan's past statements in praise of the Ottoman Empire, it appears that the goals of the ASSAM congresses are perfectly in line with his vision of the future. At a public speech in 2016, for instance, Erdoğan made a distinction between Turkey's "physical borders" and the "borders of our [Turkish] heart":
Referring to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the withdrawal of Turkish forces from other nations, Erdoğan said:
In short, as the ASSAM congresses demonstrate, Erdoğan seems determined to bring back the Ottoman Empire and a Sharia-governed caliphate. ****************************************
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