From Eliyahu:
Shalom friends,
is a monster that is consuming the whole world. Mammon is a Bible word used
for wealth, and for the false god who personifies wealth and the greed that
often goes with it. This false god is a hoarder of wealth above all else. He
can never get enough, and those who are infected with his disease behave
just like him. Mammon knows how to control people by appealing to their
greed, and often does. Make no mistake, it is greed, not love, that makes
this world what it is.
Why? Because the super-greedy use their hoard of wealth to
tweak and mold the system to funnel the lion's share of the world's wealth
directly into their own pockets. By this time they have the world economic
system, aided by technology and corrupt politicians every where, working
like a well-oiled machine to suck the pennies out of the pockets of the
multitudes of hard-working ordinary people, and even the desperately poor,
directly into their massive coffers. The wealthy elite we are talking about
publish the idea that it is over-population, too many people, that is the
main factor for poverty and every other ill of mankind. That is a blatant
lie. There is more than enough wealth on earth for every person to have
everything they need.
The problem isn't over-population. The problem is the greedy few who are
sucking up all the wealth. Does this sound like a dramatic
overstatement? It's not. Just take a look at the graphic to the right.
The statistics on this graphic are from Oxfam, the non-profit
organization that tracks the world's wealth and publishes its statistics
each year, in concert with the Davos World Economic Forum. These are the
latest statistics, published in January of 2019. These statistics reveal
that global economic inequality is greater now than at any time in human
history. Right now, in 2019, the 26 richest people [TWENTY-SIX INDIVIDUALS]
own as much wealth as the poorest half of mankind! That's 3.5 BILLION
people! Not only that, but the bottom half's wealth is dropping by 11% per
year, while the wealthiest are gaining by 12% a year! In other words, the
loss of the poorest is the gain of the richest! At this point this looting
of the poor is systematized. The wealthy have this gain built like
clock-work, right into the economic system that they have engineered to feed
their greed. This greed is at a crisis level, eating the world alive. As the
Scripture says:
"For the
love of money is a root of all kinds of evil." 1 Timothy 6:10
Merely acknowledging this enormous economic inequality is
enough, in the minds of many, to label a person stating these facts as a
socialist. For the record, I'm no socialist. Socialism has failed everywhere
it has been tried, as it is failing right now in Venezuela. Why doesn't
socialism solve the problem? For the same reason corporatism has failed -
human greed. If you establish a socialist government then the politicians at
the helm take the money from the rich, use it to hand out token crumbs to
the population, and then hoard the rest for themselves. This is even worse
than the troubled system we have already because the socialist government
does not produce anything of value with all that money. When the system
inevitably fails the politicians must then find a scapegoat, such as the
Jews, the Christians, the immigrants, whomever, and then social unrest
ensues. While the people are left fighting each other, the truly guilty get
away scot free, with their millions safely tucked away in foreign banks,
leaving the country in flames. No, socialism is a rabbit hole that may look
good to some who desire justice, but socialism never fulfills that promise
of justice. It is not the solution, it is just another scam to fleece the
gullible public.
Meanwhile, Mammon is killing us. It is, in fact, the main
force behind the drive toward a one-world government. It is Mammon that will
put the antichrist on the throne. Flawed humanity can't stop it, because it
is humanity who are empowering this evil to satisfy the fallen nature.
That's why no ..ism can solve this. Mankind is too sinful to create a
righteous government, beyond corruption, to solve the economic inequality
that is devastating the world.
why I'm all in with Yeshua the King! He is returning soon to destroy those
who are destroying the world, and to set everything right. Here is what the
prophet has written about Him:
Spirit of YHWH will rest on him: the spirit of wisdom and understanding,
the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear
of YHWH! His delight will be in the fear of YHWH! He will not judge by
the sight of his eyes, neither decide by the hearing of his ears; but
with righteousness he will judge the poor, and decide with equity for
the humble of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of his
mouth; and with the breath of his lips he will kill the wicked.
Righteousness will be the belt of his waist, and faithfulness the belt
of his waist. Isaiah 11:2-5
Yeshua has the proven character, the right, and the power, to
remove the present corrupt system - to replace it with His Kingdom. His
Kingdom is eternal. The smart money is on advancing His Kingdom, even in the
midst of this world. Luke 16 explains this opportunity in detail. Join us
tonight for our live Tsiyon meeting as we take a closer look at Luke 16,
at 8 PM CST
at Tsiyon.Net. It
is foolish to make our main focus amassing wealth in this world - when we
can store up eternal riches for the world to come.