Tsiyon Messianic Radio Newsletter - Vol 14.07 - 12/14/6018 TAM
- 02/19/19 AD
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“Arise, shine; for your light has
come, and the glory of YHWH is risen on you.
For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the peoples;
but YHWH will arise on you, and his glory shall be seen on you." Isaiah 60:1, 2
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From Eliyahu:
Shalom friends,
If you
have been with Tsiyon for any length of time you know that we have long
predicted that the end of the state of Israel's 70th year would spark
prophetic expectations in the Christian world. In fact, many sincere Christians
are now arriving at that point of great prophetic expectation, due to
the 70 year anniversary of the modern day state of Israel being up this
spring. For example, the well known Christian ministry, Prophecy News
Watch, recently published an article entitled God's Numerical
Patterns: Israel’s 70th Year & Bible Prophecy. Here are excerpts:
70th year, ending spring 2019, marks the convergence of four prophetic timespans
and the drafting of the most anticipated Middle East peace plan in
half a century. If this once-in-history convergence is God's way of
declaring the season of His return,
the world may soon see the Rapture and the beginning of the
Tribulation week.
In this
scenario, the Church's redemption occurs "seven sevens" after
Jerusalem's rebuilding began, while Israel's redemption occurs after
"seventy sevens," at the end of Daniel's 70th week.
The dividing line
that separates the Church Age from the time of Jacob's Trouble is
Israel's 70th year.
...This is
why Jesus links the time of His return to the rebirth of Israel and a
definite (generation) timespan
(Matt. 24:32-34; Ps. 90:10). This is why
Scripture is brimming with typologies like the 70 years in Babylon,
which commentators agree is a picture of humanity's time of separation
or exile in the fallen world.
To be clear, I do not oppose the study of Bible prophecy by any earnest
seeking person. Further, I firmly believe that the Scripture cannot be
broken, and that every word of prophecy in Scripture either has come true,
or yet will come true, right on time. This belief has fueled my own study of
Bible prophecy for over 50 years, and I have shared a lot of what I have
discovered with you in books, audio and video teachings. For example, just a
few months ago I released a series of video teachings on the Ages of the
World, promoted at the bottom of this page. I have a lot more prophecy
material available free of charge at the
Tsiyon.Net website for
anyone who will take the time to sign up as a free member. What I have
published is not just another knock-off of popular ideas and teachings. I do
all original research and much that I have discovered and shared is unique.
Having said all that, I will now comment on the prophecy expectations
published by PNW and the many other Christian ministries who hold similar
First, here are some things I agree with:
modern day experience of Israel in the Land is a prophetic sign.
Yeshua did give us a definite timespan of one generation in which
all the signs would be fulfilled.
the end of that generation Yeshua will return in glory.
Here are some assumptions that fatally flaw the PNW
have been wrong about the starting point of the generation in the
past, and still are.
Today's Church was not started by Yeshua, but continues a heretical
group from the 2nd century.
Therefore the Church is not a replacement for Israel in the world,
and there is no "Church Age."
There will be no "pre-tribulation Rapture" of the heretical Church
in 2019 or ever.
will not be the year of the Rapture or of the Coming of Christ.
pointing out these flaws I do not mean to attack Christians. Many of them
ARE saved by the blood of Yeshua, and I recognize that. However, the
framework which they call "The Church" can be shown through historical
sources to be a man-made framework, not of God, that has survived in the
world until now. I have a detailed teaching on that at the Tsiyon website.
However, if you think about it, you already know this is true. This accounts
for the long history of atrocities, scandals, rivalries, wars and disunity
of the Church down through history. "You will know a tree by its fruit" said
Yeshua. The Church is obviously not a tree He planted. It is a fake, so
certainly not the center of the so-called "Church Age" - nor will He
immortalize that man-made monstrosity by "rapturing" it into eternity.
Basically, if you have accepted a dispensational prophetic picture that
claims some sort of "Church Age" then you have accepted an outlook not based
on the facts of history or of the Scripture. It is a prophetic picture that
is hopelessly and fatally flawed.
This is, admittedly, a hard pill for millions of Christians,
awaiting the "pre-trib rapture," to swallow. However, Yeshua Himself spoke
of these days and the upcoming end of the world, and return of Christ. His
words leave no doubt that there will be no "pre-trib rapture of the Church."
In fact, He makes it very clear that His disciples will be gathered to Him
at His Return, after the Tribulation. This, and much more will be
included in our live online study of Luke 17, which we are calling
Kingdom Come. In this study we will reveal important answers about the
coming of Messiah and His Kingdom. Join us
tonight for our live Tsiyon meeting as we consider Luke 17,
at 8 PM CST
at Tsiyon.Net. The
Kingdom is coming!
NOTE: You may or may not agree with political issues and conclusions of
the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists - but their Doomsday Clock says its almost
the end of the world.
The Doomsday Clock says it's almost the end of the
world as we know it. (And that's not fine.)
(CNN) If
you have anything left on your bucket list, do it now, because the world is
close to annihilation. That's according to the Bulletin of the Atomic
Scientists, which gave its annual presentation of the Doomsday Clock on
Reprint: CNN, January 24, 2019
The world is 2 minutes from doom.
A group of scientists and scholars, including 15 Nobel laureates,
set the clock at 11:58 p.m. -- two minutes before the symbolic
apocalyptic midnight.
The minute hand didn't move since last year. But 11:58 p.m. is the
closest the clock has ever been to symbolizing doom.
"The fact that the Doomsday Clock's hands did not change is bad
news," said Robert Rosner, chair of the Bulletin's Science and
Security Board.
So why are we so close to destruction? Nuclear weapons and
climate change, experts say.
"In the nuclear realm, the United States abandoned the Iran
nuclear deal and announced it would withdraw from the
Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), grave steps
towards a complete dismantlement of the global arms control
process," the Bulletin said.
Running the Doomsday Clock is a full-time job. Really.
"The Iran agreement is not perfect, but it serves the interest of the
international community in restraining the spread of nuclear weapons."
As for climate change, "global carbon dioxide emissions -- which seemed
to plateau earlier this decade -- resumed an upward climb in 2017 and
2018," the Bulletin said.
"To halt the worst effects of climate change, the countries of the world
must cut net worldwide carbon dioxide emissions to zero by well before
the end of the century."
The Doomsday Clock hasn't always spelled doom and gloom since it was
first introduced in the 1940s.
Back in 1991, it was set at a whopping 17 minutes before midnight.
But before the clock struck 11:58 p.m. in both 2018 and 2019, the last
time the world was considered so close to annihilation was in 1953, when
the United States and the Soviet Union were in a nuclear arms race.
See video of BattleCry 2018! - BattleCry 2018 was recorded and is
available for you to view the fabulous content, which includes testimonies,
words of encouraging, inspired teachings, and more--you will not want to
miss this!
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