Tsiyon Messianic Radio Newsletter - Vol 14.09 - 12/28/6018 TAM
- 03/05/19 AD
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“Arise, shine; for your light has
come, and the glory of YHWH is risen on you.
For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the peoples;
but YHWH will arise on you, and his glory shall be seen on you." Isaiah 60:1, 2
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From Eliyahu:
Shalom friends,
A story was told 2,000 years ago, something like this:
'A very important man went on a long journey, to return much later. He
called ten top executives, and entrusted them each with a large sum of
money, and told them, ‘Conduct business until I come.’ The story goes on
to tell how each of the ten invested the funds, and how that all worked
out when the Boss returned. I have been thinking a lot about that story.
What if the ten were nations, and the nations of the world were charged
with producing something of value, and were eventually going to be called to
account? If that happened what would the modern state of Israel have
received, and what could they show for their efforts?
To begin with,
without Israel and the Jewish people, the world would be lacking intelligence it
needs to solve many of its problems. Israel has the highest percentage
of university degrees to the population of any country in the world.
Having a degree doesn't necessarily mean a person is smart, but it does
show an emphasis on education. Of course, Israel is primarily Jewish,
and Jews, on average, have the highest IQ scored of any ethnic group. A
lot of study has been done confirming this, researching why this is so.
The Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies has summarized
much of this research in an article on their website [https://ieet[dot]org/index.php/IEET2/more/pellissier20131211]. Consider these quotes:
Ashkenazi Jews are smart. Shockingly brilliant, in
general. Impressive in brain power. How did they get that way?
Ashkenazi Jews, aka Ashkenazim, are the descendants of Jews from
medieval Alsace and the Rhine Valley, and later, from throughout
Eastern Europe. Originally, of course, they were from Israel.
Genetic research from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine
suggests that the Ashkenazi bloodline branched away from other
Jewish groups .. and that 40% of them are descended from only four
Jewish mothers. ..Approximately 80% of the Jews in the world today
are Ashkenazim, with the remainder primarily Sephardic.
..A Jewish average IQ of 115 is 8 points higher than
the generally accepted IQ of their closest rivals—Northeast
Asians—and approximately 40% higher than the global average IQ of
79.1 calculated by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen in IQ and
Global Inequity.
Sephardic Jews are
smart too, but because Ashkenazim make up the
majority or the population, there is more data on them. Consequently, we
are focusing on the Ashkenazim here due to the abundance of data,
meaning no harm to their Sephardic brethren.
are known to have a higher average IQ than all other
ethnic groups, but does this matter
in terms of producing “geniuses” who make major contributions to the
world's brain power? I think we all know the answer is YES. Consider
Charles Murray notes that “the proportion of Jews
with IQs of 140 or higher is somewhere around six times the
proportion of everyone else.” Harpending, Hardy and Cochran sport
roughly the same equation; “4 out of every 1,000 Northern European
is 140+ IQ, but 23 out of every 1,000 Jew is 140+.” Murray also
relays a report from sky-high up in the genius range, when he notes
that a 1954 survey of New York public school children with 170+ IQs
revealed that 24 of the 28 were… Jewish.
That's a lot of Jewish brainpower! Going back to our
story at the top of this piece, if IQ were money (sometimes it is) it
seems that the Jewish people were given an amazing fortune to work with.
What have they done with it?
Nobel Prizes: Since 1950, 29% of the awards
have gone to Ashkenazim, even though they represent only a small
fraction of humanity. Ashkenazi achievement in this arena is 117
times greater than their population. This pace isn’t slowing down;
it is accelerating. In the 21st century, they’ve received 32% of the
total, and in 2011, five of the thirteen Nobel Prize winners were
Jewish – 38.5%.
“Significant Figures”: In “Jewish Genius” by
Charles Murray, the author tallies up important contributing
individuals in a variety of vocations, noting how immensely
over-represented Jews are compared to what could be expected due to
their small population. His conclusion in various categories is:
Biology – “significant” Jews appear 5 times greater their
population, Chemistry 6X, Physics 9X, Literature 4X, Music 5X,
Visual Arts 5X, Math 12X, Philosophy 14X.
USA (today): Ashkenazi Jews comprise 2.2% of the USA
population, but they represent 30% of faculty at elite colleges, 21%
of Ivy League students, and 25% of the Turing Award winners. Plus,
“Jews have made up 50% of the top two hundred intellectuals… 40% of
partners in the leading law firms in New York and Washington… 59% of
the directors, writers, and producers of the fifty top-grossing
motion pictures…”
How is this reflected in the modern state of Israel?
In 1922 this swamp-and-desert land had an
impoverished population of 752,000 inhabitants. Today there are
7,746,000 residents, with a large Ashkenazi population (3 million,
and 60% of the workforce) that has elevated it into a high-tech
entrepreneurial nation with the highest per capita income in the
region. Israel rates 1st in the world in graduate degrees, 1st in
museums, 1st in home computers, and 1st in publishing scientific
One major area where the modern state of Israel has
benefited the world is in the field of medicine. Consider this:
Brilliant Israeli medical research has resulted in
new drugs for Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, diabetes and
numerous other diseases. And adult stem cell research in Israel is
contributing to worldwide treatment of genetic disorders, including
autism and even some types of cancer. Medical practitioners from
countries in Europe, Asia and Africa are sending patients to Israel
today for special surgeries and treatments. [Source:
The facts are real, that Israel has been given a greater
intellectual gifting per capita than any other country. The facts also
show that many countries of the world have benefited greatly from the
many amazing contributions of Jewish people. And yet, much of the world
continues to hate them for it. This goes well beyond mere jealousy of
their accomplishments, although that is surely a major factor. Here is
the real issue:
Israel is special ... because it is the physical
embodiment of fulfilled Bible prophecies, thus verifying the truth
and accuracy of the ... Bible ..the Tanakh books of Ezekiel,
Jeremiah and Zechariah, prophesies that one day G-d would re-gather
the scattered Jewish people from the nations of the world, return
them to their own ancient homeland of Israel, and re-establish the
Israelite nation in that land. Since this amazing event took place
in 1948, it helps to verify the anticipated fulfillment of all the
other as-yet-unfulfilled prophecies the Bible makes about the future
of Israel and the world.
[Source: [https://www.jpost[dot]com/Christian-In-Israel/Features/Israel-Always-What-If-There-Were-No-Israel]
world hates God, so the world hates Israel. Yes, the majority of the
Jewish people have been blinded to the Messiah who was sent to them two
millennia ago. They have, in effect, said: ‘We don’t want this man to
reign over us’ (Luke
19:14). In fact, probably a higher than average
number of them no longer believe in God at all. Despite those facts
their very existence, their outstanding brilliance, and the existence of
the modern day state of Israel which they founded, are proof positive
that the God of Israel is real, that everything He has promised is true,
and that the Kingdom of Messiah is just around the corner. That
confirmation alone is a big return on the investment Messiah made in
them 2,000 years ago.
You may have known that the story at the top of this article
is Messiah's parable of the Ten Minas from Luke 19. that parable points
forward to Messiah's Return, and what will happen then. There will be an
accounting. Join us
at 8 PM CST at Tsiyon.Net for our Tsiyon meeting.
Know in advance what the returning Messiah's expectations will be!
Editor's NOTE:
I was shocked to learn; "Approximately 40,000 people in the United States
already have smart chips in their heads.." In the upcoming decade those who
can afford it will be upgrading their brains with technology that will give
them capabilities far beyond even the smartest people today. In other words,
the super-wealthy will become the super smart. Is that a good thing? More
like a nightmare for the rest of us. By the end of the coming decade you
won't even recognize the Sci-Fi world you will be living in! "Unless
those days had been shortened, no flesh would have been saved. But for the
sake of the chosen ones, those days will be shortened." Matthew
Brain Chips Make
People Superintelligent
Reprint: CBS Chicago - March 4, 2019
CHICAGO (CBS) — What if you could make
money, or type something, just by thinking about it? It sounds like science
fiction, but it might be close to reality.
In as little as five years, super smart people could be walking down the street;
men and women who’ve paid to increase their intelligence.
Northwestern University neuroscientist and business professor Dr. Moran Cerf
made that prediction, because he’s working on a smart chip for the brain.
“Make it so that it has an internet connection, and goes to Wikipedia, and when
I think this particular thought, it gives me the answer,” he said.
Cerf is collaborating with Silicon Valley big wigs he’d rather not name.
Facebook also has been working on building a brain-computer interface, and
SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk is backing a brain-computer interface called
“Everyone is spending a lot of time right now trying to find ways to get things
into the brain without drilling a hole in your skull,” Cerf said. “Can you eat
something that will actually get to your brain? Can you eat things in parts that
will assemble inside your head?”
It sounds mind-blowing. Relationships might be on the line.
“This is no longer a science problem. This is a social problem,” Cerf said.
Cerf worries about creating intelligence gaps in society; on top of existing
gender, racial, and financial inequalities.
“They can make money by just thinking about the right investments, and we
cannot; so they’re going to get richer, they’re going to get healthier, they’re
going to live longer,” he said.
The average IQ of an intelligent monkey is about 70, the average human IQ is
around 100, and a genius IQ is generally considered to begin around 140. People
with a smart chip in their brain could have an IQ of around 200, so would they
even want to interact with the average person?
“Are they going to say, ‘Look at this cute human, Stephen Hawking. He can do
differential equations in his mind, just like a little baby with 160 IQ points.
Isn’t it amazing? So cute. Now let’s put it back in a cage and give it
bananas,’” Cerf said.
Time will tell. Or will our minds?
Approximately 40,000 people in the United States already have smart chips in
their heads, but those brain implants are only approved for medical use for now.
Demonic Possession is Real?
- News Bytes
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